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Hey GulliblePratt:


In answer to your question - I'm Slobadan Slapabitch cuddle bear! :angry2:



Hey Slobadan Slapabitch:


My sponge is always available for your honey bath. Just don't forget our agreement. I'll pull your leg if you'll pull mine. :(


Hey Rapoza:


We may have accommodations in the near future. Of course, renovations will be in order since the existing decor will require demolitioned so we can do the job right. So please excuse the temporary delays. We should be open in the spring. Thank you for your inquiry. May we put you on the mailing list for the Grand Opening?


Hey Yoda:


I wouldn't be talking about Pooh if I were you. At least his head was stuck in a jar, we all know where your head is stuck! <_<

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dear slappy


We of the czech nation would like to point out that the "dominant" tank crews have been replaced with nude czech tennis women. They need no armor for the upcoming thrill ride through the countryside. Keep this in mind as they roll thru in force, that not only are they "dominant" but you are also about to be slapped by women in force.



founder of czech nude womens tennis club AND


(We Pity The Fools Whom Are About To Die)


May the bloodshed bring much fun to europe.

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I've noticed some FLAMES starting to kick up here on these boards!


It is only funny 'til someone gets hurt.


Be careful out there.


Step lively.


Carry on.






P.S. - Anyone seen my tactical bombers?? Lost sight of them headin' south... :angry2:

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To: The Most Honerable Rapoza of Iceland

From: His Most Exalted High Commander Beltira I of Saudi Arabia


As to your inquiry regarding a nice coastal location in our soon to be suburbs, there seems to have been left out discussion of remuneration for such a prime piece of land that my people will be taking such great risks to life and limb to obtain. After all, one cannot expect that my people would want to leave thier wives and children at home, to go out to conqure in the lands of the Infidels, risking greivous camel chip attacks just to give land away.


We will gladly entertain any offers.


Your Trully,

Beltira I of Saudi Arabia

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The kingdom of Saudi Arabia wishes to suggest that to Italy that perhaps more study needs to be undertaken on this zepplin theory, as zepplins are lofted not by hot air(something the Italians have been noted for throughout history), but instead by Hydrogen gas. This works because Hydrogen gas is far lighter than air, and is in fact the lightest gas, even in its natural diatomic state. This, unlike hot air, which is only slightly lighter than air, and cools, thus quickly becoming no longer bouyant in air.

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ah yes, that reminds me can austrias first lady come over....we need more methane. :D


oh,and do yourself a favor and remove yourself from ceske, my tennis women like the courts there, and arent too happy atm.


course maybe you will see them very soon :o


nice attempt to blitz into czech though ;)

sorry for the upcoming damage to come in advance :unsure:

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ahh my friend Beltira, you must think about something before replying! Hydrogen is not fuel for a Zeppelin, it is what makes it lighter then air. The fuel is of couse what allows it to move. I believe you learn more from doing it yourself, so I will let you look up how Zeppelins move.

Marklen X, my friend, you should read my posts more carefully. I said lofted, not fueled. Lofting, as in 'To rise high into the air'.


To my Czech friends...

why use methane? It is less boyant in air than hellium, and is only slightly less explosive then hydrogen.

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Happy Holidays to Europe and the United States (less Austria-Hungary :P nah just kidding, you guys deserve more than your current stockpiles of coal I suppose :D)


We are indeed on vacation!


Austria is stunning this time of year. We are currently enjoying a hassle free tour of the Vienna countryside. The city itself looks inviting indeed! For the life of us, we cannot fathom why there isn't more christmas joy within the city of Vienna. Perhaps a return of some of their POWs is in order. We have taken great care of them and raised our standard of care in treating newly captured POWs to "new heights." I'm sure they will be happy to come home.


I even had a chance to catch a glimpse of the actual Czech Nude Tennis team somewhere in the city of Bratislava on my way over! In fact, a lost Hungarian division is conveniently within striking distance...errr....viewing distance at this very moment!


Hungary - clear the dirt off your binoculars and look to the city of Bratislava for a nice surprise. Trust me - they are much more attractive from a distance so enjoy the view while you still can!


Lastly, we offer the guys and gals of the Austrian 31st Mobile (current?) the very best! Czech, German and Polish chefs are standing by to take requests for last meals.



OOC: A very happy holidays to all the Victory 71 folk. I don't know about all of you, but I'm having a great time so far. :cheers: <---to all (yes, even Austria-Hungary :thumbsup: )

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Czechoslovakia is currently under renovations courtesy of the austrian-hungry regime.


The czech nude womens tennis team is still active, minus a few cancellations of thier games.


I know you all wish to see action, so feel free to visit czech, theres plenty here.

Dont worry though, we intend on overcoming this aggression soon.


Happy holidays to all,


and a special thanks to austria and hungary for making this a nice challenging holiday.


honostly loving the action this soon, I hope to give you a nice challenge, and will not go out without a fight :D

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