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Advanced Game 71


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Welcome Coothunter

I'd suggest you start a complete old regime flushing. Yep that'll do the trick. I'd like to offer the fine printing services of Iraq if you need any playing cards printed up. Also may I suggest you scower the German countryside searching each and every rat hole. That strategy paid dividends for our search to rid the newly freed Iraqi people of their incompetant but vicious dicator. Oh I forgot, please let me introduce myself. I am Stonecrest the recently elected President of the Freed Iraq. It was a landslide victory with me getting 100% of the votes. Oh what an ego boost that was. My mommy is very proud.


Iraq's Most Humble President



To the Egyptian King,

Do you have a headache? Having your head caught inbetween the jaws of a vice has gotta smart. Incase your about to loose conciousness may I suggest you send your bombers to Libya. Not to bomb but to land. Your choice is to surrender them to the fine and noble leader of Libya whose country you so selfishly invaded, whose extrodinary citizens you have ordered murdered and tortured by the thousands, OR you can bury them in the desert sands of the wasteland you call home. All jest temporarily set aside I commend you and your Generals for the gallant efforts you have put forth. My encounters with you have been quite educational, and I have appreciated the oppurtunity you have extended to me to share the same battlefield with you and your highly trained and well disiplined Armed Forces. Our battles have been permanently etched in my memory and will afford me many stories to tell the grandchildren when they ask what I did in the great war. Getting kinda deep I know....



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Our Liberty ships loaded with Canadian beer are steaming across the Atlantic as we speak. You and the rest of your weary warriors will soon be quenching your thirst with some of finest Canadian beer ever ... err ... acquired. (Yeah, acquired... :))


Despite the lack of speed of our vessels we are sure that we will arrive before Egypt actually falls, so we were wondering if we could have any surplus war materiel from Egypt? If the Libyans are truly extraordinary, they surely don't need Egyptian aircraft, do they? While we Americans just love to tinker with stuff. Since our ships will be empty once they deliver the beer, it would be a waste to steam all the way back with nothing to show for it. (Sand fleas do not count.)


In the spirit of free enterprise,

-SK :D

USA #71

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Hmmm cold aquired beer. Damn makes my mouth water just thinking about it's arrival. If Egyptian planes will make you happy dear friend please load all you can carry. Since you enjoy tinkering so much why don't you pick up a few of their tanks too and figure out why they seem to fire rings of gas rather than tank shells. I'd be more than happy to arrange a tour of the pyramids while your in town. The Egyptian citizens are always looking for a coin or two so they can feed the young'ans. I have heard rumors they are out of camel meat and have started picking on the canine community so you might want to leave Rover on the boat when you go inland. Please let me know when the anticpated docking day is so that I can make the proper reservations at a fine restraunt. I figure your probably tired of Lobster and would apprecite a nice fire raost lamb with a smooth hard hitting beverage to wash it down with. I'll even get you a date with 68 of my extra wifes. I'll make arrangements with my secret service staff to carry you back on board your ship......doubt seriously that you'll have the capacity to walk.......atleast for several hours....... :drunk:



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To all remaining leaders of the European and African countires-


Please enjoy the fine Polish Vodka that follows this communication. It is freshly made from the finest potatoes in the Radom region.


It has been a long while since our last public communication and for good reason: the triune of brothers, known to some as a tricycle of death, has instead become a newly forged alliance between myself and coothunter.


We eagerly embrace our new German brethren yet mourn for the political scandal that eventually cost Von Doom his position of power. We assure you that his whereabouts are *cough* completely unkown to us at this time but several sources indicate that he is lounging peacefully within a fine steam room of Italian marble and Rumanian oak....and what is that...Iraqi maidservants?


Every exhausted soldier still dons a patch of blue for our fallen brothers in Czechoslovakia. The battle to our south continues to rage. American scientists have visisted us with the gift of knowledge and given our engineers several ideas from which to improve our defenses.


Our spirits remain high! To our allies, we salute you with our glasses raised high! To our sworn, lifelong enemies to the south.....prepare. There is a new force from the North that will make his acquiantance...and not a moment too soon.






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Stanislaw Mikolajczyk

It is difficult to believe that any newly freed Iraqi citizen would be involved with Von Doom in any respect much less as maidservants. I will lauch immediate investigations to determine if there is a linkage between the alledged maidservants and a recent disappearance of glow sticks. Ahh (looks down and kicks at the ground with his hands behind his back :drunk: ) the glow sticks are used strickly to lure in the Iraqi Titsee 3 wing butterfly which happens to be a delicacy of the finer echelon of Iraqi citizens. If we do not have to reorder the glow sticks from Shadowkitsune I'll make a special point to get you a shipment of these rare but tasty butterflies.


Iraq's Most Humble Presidentee


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The Italian people have spoken, and there will be no asylum for the political refugee Signor Von Doom. We are very pleased with the new regime, as the abuses of the populace have stopped we understand, and more importantly, the smear on the honor of German arms by their ingnominous retreat from the lesser life forms in Austria will now be avenged!

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Ok, ok, I'll confess. Mr Von Doom, my favourite German, came to me, cap in hand, asking for asylum. I told him we didn't have any to spare, but that he could stay if he so wished. The nude womens tennis team were very happy as they required new balls and Victor was good enough to oblige.

I have employed him as a foot stool. He's very happy with his new position.


Madam Slobadan. Domination.Discipline and a nice cup of tea.

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Lies, scandalous lies and more lies!!


The nude womens tennis team were very happy as they required new balls



Our Polish scientists might have a remedy for your 'problems.' No need to invent stories just to satisfy their needs.


Furthermore, our spies report that the imposter crew you call the Nude Womens Tennis Team need to be sheared and provided with bigger stalls.


Or are they horses?

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Sorry for the double post - just curious how many 71 gamers are headed to Game 73.


I made some newb moves in 71 but am happy to still be alive. Looking forward to applying a new level of experience to 73.


Mssrs Slobodan and Guillebrat - I would be sad to not see your presence in 73 :( (B))


PM me if you are heading over. Love to work with the allies and friends I've made here, too.

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Excerpt from "A Book of Five Rings" by Miyamoto Musashi

Squishy Fish Glue Emulsion Body


In the early hours of the morning, when the sprit is dormant, sneak into the enemy's stronghold and pour squishy fish glue emulsion into the fuel tanks of his heavy armoured shermans.


Thanks Miyamoto, it worked a treat... He was ahead of his time, you know.


Hello Eternus. If you want me in game 73, you'll have to kick me out of this one first.

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Consider it done Slobodan. You can save your energy and start preparing for game 73 now. It was nice playing against you.


Maybe in game 73, you won't be so harsh on the people who you conquer. I have received first reports from my military out of the Czech-annex portion of Germany. They tell terrible stories of abuses to women and children. Something about the women in the villages being forced to undress and play tennis. Appalling!! Lucky for the fine people of central Europe, there are some good guys in this world.


Good luck in game 73.

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To the Civilized People of Europe, the Middle East and Africa,


Due to an unprovoked act of aggression by the government of Saudi Arabia against the United States of America, namely they declared war on us, all exports to Saudi Arabia from the USA are hereby cancelled.


No Beer for You! :drunk:


Have a Nice Day. :unsure:


-SK :cheers:

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Tis nothing personal of course.


The ally's and tolal ally's of my enemy are defacto my enemy.


But we understand completly. After all, Morocco and Tunisia did need replacement cannon fodder, errr, I mean a replacement for Egypt.

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