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Advanced Game 71


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There were 2 distinct types of Italians: Italopithecus Robustus and Italopithecus Fragilis. Although recent discoveries suggest they were capable of using crude tools, both sub-species were dumb and hairy and smelled bad due to the high levels of parmesan cheese secreted in the sweat glands of their feet.


DNA testing of remains discovered in Austria reveal abnormally high levels of recessive genes and severe necrosis of the liver, possibly explained by the fossilized truckload of bourbon unearthed near the brutes' campsite.

Clothing was ragged and filthy, but indicative of a primitive social heirarchy in that it bore some resemblance to military uniform. Each of the bodies was discovered wearing a hat with a vertical, downward pointing arrow and the words: "I'm with Stipid" indicating a primitive religious cult of the Italian god of Stupidity and Downward Pointing Arrows.



A technological breakthrough by the British in 1941 saw the introduction of the papier mache tank. Notable for it's ability to blend with the soil whenever it rained, the Grant's main weapon consisted of 2 rabbits hurling flu infected penguins at the enemy...

Never let it be said that this group lacks in imagination ... :lol:

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I've really got to put those spirits down. I apologize for my absense on the boards recently but I forget where I put my keyboard instructions. Speaking of instructions----


Does anybody out there have a Pyramid building kit or at minimum a detailed set of architectural drawings? I feel the need to be constructive. :python: You know just something I can have my slaves work on in there spare time. :thumbsup:


Oh and by the way I love the fact that my camels spit! We have weekly spitting events here, and I love my camels. Oh what a ride, although I don't luv them quite as much as I do my ass SloGin. :cheers:


And as far as lacking imagination. Me........never. I lack reality most of the time. I guess that's why I'm so happy all the time. :o


Until the next chapter



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  • 2 weeks later...

Greetings to all... :cheers:


War mongers included :taz:


For such an advanced start date and huge stock piles, this seems to be the quites game of victory I have been in. :(


I mean the game after us, seems to have more interest then this game. :unsure:


Or is there a large number of countries that have dropped or been overrun??? :o


I would have figured large bloody battles and all kinds of action, but all I hear is camel dung and the sound of flies buzzing :oops:


Oh well I guess that will change soon.... :ph34r:


Looking forward to running into real players, not cpu's :angry2:


DezertCamel :robot:

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Looking forward to running into real players, not cpu's :angry2:

Being a newbie (or n00b), I'm kind of glad my first opposition was the Canadian Borg. It makes it a bit easier to figure out how to do certain things in the game without a seriously steep learning curve. :o


However, I do have to admit that I expected to see (read) a lot more killing and glorious conflict than I have so far. Are there that few real players in this game? :robot: I thought there were only a handful of Borg positions based on what I have divined from Intelligence reports, RNAs and World Events, but either I'm wrong or it's a very quiet bunch. :unsure:


I'd throw some 'tude, if I had any reason to do so. :lol: Maybe a few months down the line when us Amerikanskis decide to join the real war across the pond ...


Until then, I shall mind my own business over here in the colonial provinces of North America and watch the News Reels from Europe and Africa. :ph34r:


-SK :(


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Hello Shadow,


You are welcom to try a crossing of the big pond. There are still players over here. At least Norway is still in the game.


There should be more left... Although it seems that thing are not that hot in Europe.


Maybe I will come and visit you in the USA. I know a few nice cities I would like to add to my country.



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Hey Desert - Understand the quiteness involved. Of course, you haven't really said much of anything yourself.


I think having 1/3 of WRE being our alliance speaks for itself! :rolleyes:


So who are kickin'? Or who is kickin' you?


It is interesting how Central Europe has gotten so quite.


Slapabitch - Hey babe!! How ya doing? Need any help????

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I have been quite, but then what have I had to talk about or to whom... B)

Computers usually don't post here, or complain when they lose... :rolleyes:


It seems this game is just a collection of large alliances, looking to find an advantage.... I mean out of the forty or so that started, who is left at this point.


I have seen players dropping and that was before the first shots were fired. :drunk:


We irish like to party, and this party is way to quite for our liking. :taz:


So if I have to make nosie, too liven things up so be it.... :cheers:


Beware of the Irish, coming to a neighborhood near you soon.... :oops:



DezertCamel :blink:

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Hey Desert!


Let's party dude!! :taz:


Looks like the Italian alliance is trying to force Greece to drop. They just better be careful or John and Olivia may start to sing!! Hope they leave the bobby socks out of it! B)


It does look like a lot of players have dropped since the start of the game. It's still going to be really fun when the human wars begin. Of course, some already have and I'm not privy to discuss it. You see, if I tell ya I'd have to kill ya.


I know of quite a few players in this game that read the board but don't post. Wish they would get more involved with the board. It can be so much fun!! Just ask Yoda!!! :rolleyes:


Well, what cpu country have you been taking on - France or Lowlands?

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Guinness trucks are NOT Mechanized Divs.


No, they are actually armored divisions, capable of taking on anything. B)


No army has it better, we can fight, eat and drink. All without having to stop for supplies :blink:


The russians have vodka, beltira you have your oil (taste??), and we Irish have our Guinness.... :rolleyes:




DezertCamel :taz:

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Looks like the Italian alliance is trying to force Greece to drop. They just better be careful or John and Olivia may start to sing!! Hope they leave the bobby socks out of it! 


Just got of the phone with John and Olivia, there not going to sing away the opposition. :lol:


Maybe some panzers can take care of that.

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Oil is the sweetest taste of all, money. And as everyone knows, money is power.





And here we thought Italy and Yugoslavia were going to have a Big Fat Greek Wedding when they meet up in mid-Greece.

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