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Advanced Game 71


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GeneralismusPeter - Good thing!! I like Olivia's singing, but John's isn't music to my ear!!! Panzers on the other hand do have a rather nice hummm to them!! :rolleyes: As the Bulgarians have already noticed!! B)


DezertCamel - Don't know how many pub's you'll find in France. Guess you'll have to BI 100 Pubs! :taz:

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Just lickin my wounds from game 69. For being a dead board there sure is allot of


post lately. Algeria hasn't said much so I did see a point of giving information or


providing mis-information. A very different game this is compared to a regular set-


up. How come we started with so little gen? It's tough supporting 100 :o


divisions with what you start with and make a turn.

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Rogue - This is definately a different sort of game then a standard setup. It offers quite a different range of challenges because of what we start with.


I wouldn't know anything about mis-information. :o


It is tough supporting such large forces, but hey, a man has to do what a man has to do.

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Rogue Leader,


like every other game of victory, it's all about supplies. :o


I mean if you have a hundred divisions sitting around doing nothing, what's the point. If you build them then use them on somebody.... :taz:


Taking stuff form others is the best way to support a growing economy and the armies that go with it.




would you like to opena trade route for your Danish sake, you know how we Irish love to drink.... :cheers:


To all,


As far as being a dead board.... :o


That will happen when the Irish have taken over the world.... :nuke:


DezertCamel :robot:

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so will team PISS be taking the land route to europe via turkey

or try the Itialian naval option

they could try the longer desert route via spain

either way

We here at WHEEE will be waiting

we arn't all computer players


Stuff the general, don't forget the beer :nuke:

and the strippers, please dont forget the strippers :o

Oh! and Party hats would be nice.

I take a size 7 1/2


Gulliblepratt :o

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Marklen X - This is the picture. Our Panzer ... 2 wooden boxes with John and Olivia on top of them. 'Might be better then all the panzers in the world.' :cheers:


But to prove your worth, why don't you come and see it for your self? Please take a spin through the greece country side... And you'll know about the wooden boxes and thier powers. :P


Don't forget to bring your own.

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