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Advanced Game 71


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Dearest Egypt,

I regret to inform you that your tanks were caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. I'd be more than happy to try to explain to you that Trans Jordon was my target and not you. To do this would be a complete waste of your time and mine as we both know that that just isn't the case.

I also wish that I would have had the time to properly prepare a pyramid for you, but in the hustle and bustle of senseless maming and killing I really just didn't have the time. I hope you understand that the honeymoon is over! :rolleyes: Until we meet again I hope you don't suffer from insomnia dreaming about the massacre.


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Great Ruler of Libya

The Iraqi Liberation Army has joined your efforts to remove Egypt from the Axis of Evil permanently. Please contact me at mitpid@bellsouth.net and we will coordinate our efforts to insure Egypt's demise is relatively quick and very painful. Long Live and Prosper


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What's happened to all the beer drinking and nude tennis teams. Just because wars have begun doesn't mean we all have to just disappear. Well, then again some folks are disappearing, some quicker than others!! :rolleyes:


GeneralismusPeter - How is Olivia looking these days? Thought she was fine some years back. Wonder how she has aged? I'll pass you some money if you can get her on the tank in a bikini!! :alien2:


Rogue - What's up dude? Yoda didn't hurt your alliances feelings did he? Or are you guys upset over the lack of resources in Saudi? :taz: Nice targeting though.


Desert - How is the pub building? Let me know when it's opening day. I'll be sure to join you for a few!!


Slapabitch - Babe - Darlin' - Where have you gone? I've been preparing the candle light dinner with a walk on the beach.


Victor Von Doom - You still hanging in there or have you been developing a new brand of beer?


Stanislaw - You haven't been drinking to much of your beer have you?

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Victor Von Doom - You still hanging in there or have you been developing a new brand of beer? 


Stanislaw - You haven't been drinking to much of your beer have you?

Sounds good as long as it isn't Danish beer. :rolleyes:



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I'm alive!


The vicegrip of Austria and Hungary tightens however :cheers:


I think I may have them on the draw play though unless they lose their focus :drunk:


A great game so far, gents. Its been ten years since my last Victory campaign and I can tell you that the education has been a fast and fun one thus far.


The White Eagle still waves high (even though I'm too lazy to log that handle in :cheers:) and we look forward to the final encounter in Central Poland....errr Budapest!!!


Victor and Czech are my RL brothers! Czech fought a two front war in a brilliant fashion until he was decimated by Austria and Hungary and Victor has been quiet for a while...but not dropped (to my recent knowledge)!


As for Poland?


I will remain until I've sent my last Ranger Batallion into the fray and I've spent ever last resource possible (heck I gotta think that a box of MUN has an intrinsic Offensive Firepower Rating of like 0.0002 :cheers: )


So bring on yer clunky tanks, Hungary! SHERMAN iz vaiting vor jooz!



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BAGHDAD Journal / Constition


The Iraqi Dictator released today that International Bids were now being accepted for the following contracts:

Egyptian Waste Management and Collection - This contract will encompass 20th Century technology on a new country wide Plumbing and Sewerage System.

Egyptian Corrections Facitities - 3 New Prisons are needed to house and torture/punishment of Ex-Egyptian Government and Military Leaders

Munitions and Ordance Disposal - This contract will be awarded to the Lowest bidder to recover and detonate unexploded Tank Rounds, Artillery Shells, and 500 lb bombs.


All bid to be recieved and reviewed by 4/1. Contracts are non negociable and will be awarded subsequent of Collective Egyptian Surrender.



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Congradulations on your recent victories. I know you are anticipating crossing the pond and fighting real opponents. I wish you continued success in the future. I am writing on behalf of the remaining Egyptian Government/Military Commanders. It is my understanding that they are requesting mass quantities of Prozac. It seems they are experiencing a nationwide depression epidemic. Please make arrangements to ship the required anri-depressants directly to Cario. Please send the bill to me as I feel I am largely responsible for this serious medical outbreak. All invoices will be paid in American Travelers Chex made payable to you. Thanks for your immediate attention to this matter.


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On behalf of the American people, I would like to thank you for your heartfelt congratulations. In regards to your Prozac request for the Egyptian people, we must regretfully decline. However, we do have large quantities of Labatt's beer, which seems to mollify the Canadian people. As beer is made from grain, we know that it is against the Quran to consume, but alas, it is the only export we have available at this time. If this is acceptable to you, we shall ship it to a port of your choosing.


-SK :alien2:


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Rasputin, war is war. No reason to get mad. Great desert alliance you and Team


Piss have. Your Team should be one of the favorites to take it all. Egypt achieved


its goal. A bonus would have been nice though, say a ship full of Newcastle


beer :taz:. Egypt knows it's 4 on 1. He didn't want Saudi to feel left out, so


he invited Joey early. The only question is, how long until you kick him out of the


party? Is there a pool on who leaves first, Libya or Egypt?

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Rogue - You are right! War is War and Victory is Victory. No reason to get mad, just trying to raise a little banter on the board. It's gotten so quiet.


For some reason I think we surprised Egypt just a little. He did of course surprise us too which makes the game interesting!! :taz: Saudi doesn't feel left out anymore!! :lol:


Wonder who will surprise whom next??? :unsure:


The only pool I hang around are those that are surrounded with bikinis!! Guess we'll see which leaves first.


Haven't heard from your friend Tunsia in awhile, how is it going for him? I would imagine you are providing some assistance with all those Armies you have laying around.


I'll propose a toast. To all those brave souls who have lost their lives for their country! :taz:

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What war is going on... The only thing I see is pub construction. :cheers:


I guess in real life and the game the middle east just can't get along :blink:


I think after the irish unite all of the european countries we will try get the people of the middle east to get along. One party at a time. :cheers:


Looking forward to the spring festivals, partying, drinking and most import having fu :angry2::oops::ranting::drunk::thumbsup:


DezertCamel :taz:

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Hey Desert - See you are still pub building. I would imagine you have quite the franchise by now!!


Just because War is being raised doesn't mean we can't party. It gives us the best reason in the world - Victory!! Of course, if some need to party because of defeat that will work too!! :lol: We'll even help them!! :oops:


The Middle East wouldn't be such a dangerous place if the infidel's would stop trying to take our land filled with Black Gold & Texas Tea! One day they will learn that we will not stand for such blasphemy. We have declared Jihad against the infidel’s and will stop at nothing to gain Victory! :angry2:

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