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Advanced Game 71


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Hello boys! Its good to be back on the board after my little holiday. An update on the State Of Affairs in central Europe: Yet another wheel of the increasingly innacurately named "tricycle of destruction" has developed a flat tyre. It seems he hit a bumb in the road somewhere in the Austrian alps and the whole wheel buckled, the rider was thrown from the saddle of Complacency, over the cliffs of Hubris and was dashed upon the rocks of Despair. Then a t-34b ran over him and turned him into a kind of jelly.:)


Hello Rasputin you big evil persian you. You'll be happy to know that the nude women's tennis team are still alive and kicking.

I can send you some of them if you like. Venus and Serena, Martina (Navratilova), Mark Phillipoosis...

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Slobadan - My My, you do know how to keep a man's attention! :unsure: Although I do enjoy gazing at Martina and I'll even show a little of my age - Chris Everet. It would be much more enjoyable if you where to pick up a racket. Obviously your outfits are to die for!


It's such a shame that a tricycle becomes a bicycle like that, after all what's next - a unicycle? :) And yet you are kind enough of offer all of us a little jelly. I'll prepare the bagles.

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Rasputin my friend...I am still here and just enjoying a quiet romp through the deserts of North Africa. I sure hope that you are thoroughly enjoying your romp through the middle east.


I see team PISS is slowly leaving yellow sand all over the place. I will have to say that team PISS should look for colder climates and fresh snow to yellow. You know how bad one can dry up in the desert.


Anyway, I saw you asking about me so I wanted to just let you know I was still awake and aware.


Happy hunting :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello World:


Hey Shadowkitsune: Sorry to hear about that lack of Prozac and I appreciate the offer to send that great Candian Beer. However, please send the beer to the Persian Gulf as Egypt is not going to have anybody left to drink it. I would sure enjoy the refreshing pause though as my mighty warriors have worked up a minor sweat.


Hi Stanislaw: Have you faired any better or are you still relying on your Rangers to save the day? I'm sure you are going to be disappointed in Germany although you never know as this game is full of surprises.


My Dearest Slobadan: I trully can nut understand such interest in a rug maker. Afterall I am far more interesting and shhhhh don't tell him I said this, but I have more going for me than he could possibly have. Afterall I do pay attention to those pop up adds.




P.S. I am now accepting new applications for sponsership contracts. If you have a product needing representation you can depend on me. As an example I could represent the balls maker for the Nude Tennis team.


Just an example

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  • 3 weeks later...

So there is someone playing Lowlands, atleast for now. :cheers:


I can't think of any Belgain beers that are outstanding. :drunk:


Perhaps Dezert Camel wants a better view for his new pubs? :thumbsup:


Personally, I'd prefer the view in Brest! :cheers:


I think Russ should send a sound file with each turn result. :unsure:


When you open it, your computers plays Queen's "Another Bites the Dust" :lol:


I estimate we are down to 22 countries. :ph34r:


Quick game!! :cheers:

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I started a thread some time ago about making this an open ended game. There were 0 no votes, thought Russ said some did not reply. I suspect we have more then 22 left, but is there any reason we cannot now make this an open ended game? As we get closer to the end of the game, those who are not doing well will begin to feel they are better off not playing an open ended game, so I would like to get this resolved.

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Email me your votes on making Victory Game # 71 an open-ended game (i.e. the game would run beyond Turn 73 until one nation (or alliance) is left standing or until all remaining nations agree to bring the game to a close).


We had considered this topic earlier but things have changed a bit since them so lets revisit it and get it decided with the current players.


Thanks much,



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Can we vote to extend the game 25 turns with the understanding those remaining later could vote to either extend it set number of turns, or open ended?


Also, if extended, would the number of orders available expand after turn 73 or turn 75? As we take on more territory, the logistical issues increase, not to meantion MCR's being limited to 34 locations, and are double orders at that point.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A new day has dawned across Germany :cheers: The people are dancing in the streets as a new Prime Minister was recently announced. The following are quotes from his inaugural speech: "The German people will no longer cower at the prospect of being invaded!" "We are a proud people and will stand up for our rights, for our history, and our future." :alien: "We will not sit idle as our friends and neighbors fight the oppressive regimes which disrupt the European landscape." :alien: "For the good of Germany and the rest of the world, we will fight, and eliminate the Austrian and Hungarian regimes!"


And cheers were once again heard throughout the land. I believe the repressed people living in Prague, Ternitz, and Budapest were also secretly cheering.

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It appears as though Mr. Von Doom was not acting in the best interest of the people of Germany while he was here. In addition to numerous human rights violations, investigators are uncovering proof of massive embezzlement schemes carried out by his administration. All of this is coupled with his mishandling of the military. Military leaders (Rommel, Goring, von Bock, and Rundstedt) lost his trust and insisted that he step down.


Somehow, Von Doom evaded authorities and escaped into the night. He is hiding out somewhere, and government officials are eager to find him. Warrants have been issued for his arrest and those in his cabinet. Unfortunately, all leads have proved fruitless up until now.


The German government requests any information leading to his arrest. Any country which is found to be intentionally harboring any of these individuals will be considered enemies of the state. Granting exile to these criminals will be viewed as an act of war and dealt with accordingly.


Authorities are investigating reports that Von Doom has slipped across the border into Austria. Isn't that interesting? We believe that he still has family living in Pollau.

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