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Advanced Game 71


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Ahh, so maybe you will last longer.


If for no other reason, it will take longer to get over to you. ;)


Of course if it weren't for you coming along with Portugal....


They could be Team T. E. M. P.


So you all will have to be satisfied being A. T. E. M. P. :D


Perhaps you could bring us over some of those Queen Mary's.....


See, we have started this reef building project in the Med. B)

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Typical Western Imperialistic country thinking if you drink enough of that fluid which is like sex in a canoe***, that you can just float on over.


You need a Navy for that.


Which as I've said, we will glady welcome your Navy as a contribution for our recently begun Great Meditarian Reef program.


*** See Monty Python Live at the Hollywood Bowl

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Everybody mocks our Pilsner. <sigh>


If you doubt the power of our Navy, pick an Atlantic Sea Zone and we'll meet you there, assuming you have a deep sea Navy to challenge us. ;)


If you think we're going to sail our ships within range of your air bases without sufficient air cover you must have mistaken us for someone else. <_<


We'll be visiting soon enough ...


-SK :oops:

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The only asylum I ever needed was one for insane people.


Having been disposed in real life and deposed in game life, it is up to the new Germany and my old allies in Poland to avenge...the Czechs!


My government in exile has been moved to game #73.


In other words, people will not have to travel too far to wish me ill. :lol:


Central Europe was fun, although I think I left the game zero-for-four trying to break with Austia. Better luck next time or see some of you on the other side in #73. <_<

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If you doubt the power of our Navy, pick an Atlantic Sea Zone and we'll meet you there, assuming you have a deep sea Navy to challenge us. 


ShadowKitsune, you forget that Beltria's shipyard and ship points were destroyed


by the "cannon fodder" your replacing. Besides, those Russsian ships are no match


for the worse you could send out. Maybe it would be fair if you only used LCs and


DDs agianst his Marats and Kirovs. Let me know when and where. I'll bring the


popcorn and you bring the "Bud". :P

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The 'cannon fodder' must be doing pretty well, since I haven't seen a whole lot of conquering of Egypt in the World News. <shrug> Egypt's enemies may just be taking the small regions unlike Italy who takes big (read reported) targets. I'm not that familiar with the more subtle aspects of the game. :D


Besides, Saudi Arabia could have rebuilt his Shipyard(s) by now, if he'd wanted to. :D


-SK :D



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ship points destroyed in xJiddascale2.gif armor and mech div's destroyed in Trans-Jordan :blink:


I'd say we got the better end of that deal. Not to mention...just how many ship points were there is a real puzzler :blink:


Of course...there is the issue...wondring where all the supplies, resources etc that should have been there were? Somewhere else safe and sound. :ph34r:

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Sorry about all those H A shermans, Marklen, but they had to be eliminated, they were obstructing my view of Venice.

As for the rest of you bullying, misogynistic bullies and misogynists, you should be ashamed of yourselves, ganging up on a poor helpless, sensuous, beautiful woman like me. It seems I am to leave this veil of tears, due to a distinct lack of an army but only because I have been out numbered, not out played. Never send men to do the work of a ruthless dictator.

Good luck Rasputin, it would be nice to see another blood thirsty megalomaniac conquering and killing in a kaleidoscope of cruelty.

Now it is time for me to pack up my nude tennis players, my collection of used balls, a lot of pretty, pretty boys that I call friends, and bid you farewell.

I can't really blame you for the massed joint attack. I always knew I was irressistable :oops:

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Slobadan - Sorry you hear you are leaving so soon! You better believe I'll be watching as you pickup all those used balls!! I really was hoping for an invitation to the Austrian Alps. I can only imagine the view of those peaks.


Good luck and may our paths meet on friendly terms!!

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Funny, I guess you only can fight those who don't fight back, like the Czechs. It is very impressive that you attacked 40 US tech divisions with only 75 or so T-34s (a few mechs were mixed in) and in only 10 turns you have already taken a city! What a genius, if you only fought like you talked, you would of been in Rome. Now none of those tankers will ever see Austria again, and you have led your country to ruin, by chasing all over looking for a set of balls.

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