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Advanced Game 71


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Wow, the Persians are awfully ambitious aren't they? Be ware. Don't bring your little toy tanks into King Tiger country. You may be biting off much more than you can chew. Germans tanks don't surrender like Central Russian LDBs.

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Wow, the Persians are awfully ambitious aren't they?  Be ware.  Don't bring your little toy tanks into King Tiger country.  You may be biting off much more than you can chew.  Germans tanks don't surrender like Central Russian LDBs.

CoolThunder — Russia faced my wrath with the defeat. Send your kitten tanks my way and I'll enjoy another celebration with wine and women!



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Baltic States, Austria, and Hungary made the mistake of underestimating the Germans. Rommel and his kitty tanks like to keep opponents alive just so he can play with them. Unfortunately, most of our opponents see the inevitable and flee their governments.


I hope you can get just a little closer. Rommel and von Bock are sharpening their claws hoping for some live toys.

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Rumors are rampant that the people of syria have risen up and overthrown their despotic leader. Their are also conspiracy buffs who see the hidden hand of his former allies in his fall from power. As of this time these are all unconfirmed reports.

What is known is that Marshall Jedid and General Haddad both meekly surrendered their armies effectivly ending the syrian presence in western turkey.

Other reports indicate marines have made contact with persian t-34s. I wonder if they have grown some backbone since our last encounter

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  • 2 weeks later...

The board has sure gone quiet. I know from reading my battle reports that the opposition is still active. Their indiscriminate use of mines and submarines may in fact be their best defense. considering their habit of fleeing the field of battle. Their scarcity of resistance to the proud yugoslavian army has inspired rumors of a great defensive fortification network in the hills and mountains of eastern turkey, and southern russia. Far away from the terror that the yugoslavian marines and spitfires have instilled in their soldiers and airmen. We will soon see if this legendary defensive scheme is fact,or myth designed to prop up their demoralized citizenry. The decisive day approaches.

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This is why the vote to extend the game needed to come a while back. Now that team SIP has met some stout opposition, their war machines are advancing back towards their capitals. They would not vote to extend a game that they know they can't win. Their only hope is and always has been to delay our advance long enough for the game to run out.

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We're down to the last few turns it seems, as I haven't heard anything to the effect that it will last past Turn 72.


Good Luck All!   :cheers:

I proposed a 24 turn extension about 10 turns ago, and got no response from anybody other then the USA. If you are interested, lets vote.


Doesn't Russ need to initiate that? Russ?

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  • 4 weeks later...

News reached Belgrade today of a massive air battle over eastern turkey and southern russia between the yugoslavian air force and the persian air force. Initial reports indicate over 6000 persian air losses to a little over 800 yugoslavian losses. Obviously the persian pilots led once again by air marshall norai are still terrified by the sight of yugoslavian spitfires. They wouldn't even take to the air to resist half of my airstrikes.

The last time the persian air force took to the air against my spitfires they quit the field of battle and retreated diverting their attention towards those unable to defend themselves thinking they could re-discover their confidence. What will they do now? retreat to tehran? Or maybe attack their former ally syria in an attempt to fool their people that all is well. For it does appear that team P.I.S.S. has turned its attention towards it wounded member like a pack of jackels turning upon itself

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The talking of the Eastern European smack, most excellent!  :thumbsup:  I haven't heard much out of the Middle Eastern Coalition formerly known as PISS.  Are they still around?

Well, you can always come join the fun and see if we are still around!! :D


Yes, Yugo did some damage. We will soon find out how much damage he can withstand!! Yugo may find himself in the same position as Italy..........Licking his wounds! :cheers:



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I knew that at least one of your number was still around - as a nifty collection of Minesweepers (some assembly required) currently sit at the bottom of MED20 - ouch! :D


Being new, I got caught by an apparently old strategy - fill a SeaZone with a gobload of mines then continuously bombard it with land-based bombers (with a solid maritime rating). Any fleets that get 'caught' by the minefield, get pasted by the bombers. OOC: Kudos to youdos! :P IC: Honorless dogs! :ranting:


Anyhow, if the game lasts long enough, I shall accept your challenge! If it ends on Turn 72 (73?), it probably won't happen.


Cheers! :cheers:


-SK :ninja:

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I knew that at least one of your number was still around - as a nifty collection of Minesweepers (some assembly required) currently sit at the bottom of MED20 - ouch!  :ranting: 


Being new, I got caught by an apparently old strategy - fill a SeaZone with a gobload of mines then continuously bombard it with land-based bombers (with a solid maritime rating).  Any fleets that get 'caught' by the minefield, get pasted by the bombers.  OOC: Kudos to youdos!  :cheers:  IC:  Honorless dogs!  :ranting:


Anyhow, if the game lasts long enough, I shall accept your challenge!  If it ends on Turn 72 (73?), it probably won't happen.


Cheers!  :cheers:


-SK  :ninja:

Our armories where robbed of 100,000 mines. We have been franticly looking for them. Glad you've found them for us!! :D


Although American Priates in the Med aren't welcome. Just ask Italy what we think of invading Priates!! :ranting: Oh, do you have any QM's you would like to add to the reef. Italy has helped us with our reef building project and we'd like to see if you would also like to be of assistance. :P


Cheers to ya too! :cheers:



One of the Honorless Dogs.......I just love being called a backward God!!

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