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Stan "The Man",

Readings of your luxuriuos accomodations for the European countries leaves me, well feeling slightly shunned. We Muslims need love too! :cheers: And lord knows we could probably use the bath as well. Could it be possible for me to come pick up one of those hot tubs for my private use? My newly arrived 60 virgins and I would throughly enjoy such hospitality. Who knows maybe I could throw a little love your way as well. :beer:


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We are an equal opportunity provider of oppulance - regardless of all race, religion and creed not Austria-Hungary :beer:


Our shipment of 55 luxurious sauna pool systems, complete with the latest in non-copper jetstream tubing has been sent to you! Our supply of porcelin and marble was cut short due to security reasons. Please accept the remaining shipment in a week.


Austria continued with underhanded maneuvers against my brother in Czechoslovakia and Hungary has advanced a feigned peace toward our nation to assist Austria. Alas, our hands are full. However, there are several quaries in Austria which may improve our luxury good markets tremendously.


Perhaps you will accept a more top of the line model in a few short months as a replacement for the remainder of your gift?

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Attention Poland

thanks for the alliance.:beer:

you sure make it easy

what else would we do but form an alliance against your hegemony from the north

Where else has your total ally czechoslovakia to go, but through us

It is only the latent agression shown by your group that has forced this war upon us

But then, isnt that what this game is all about.

the Austria-Hungarian Empire lasted 300 years

This one will last 300 turns

Long live the empire and all who sail in her :cheers:


Gulliblepratt :ph34r:


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czechoslovakia smiles as the gullible one seems content with his alliance.

We shall mow austria to a pulp before satisfying our mowing of the hungarian swine(or will it be the swine 1st? hmmm) :lol: . soon you will find that what is now your friend next door will be your enemy. :ph34r:

the central european pact is awaiting action from such feeble nations, and look foward to ransacking your capitals. :beer:

Fun awaits and my men are thrilled to see it.

enjoy the onslaught to come :cheers:

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Swine are we

Dont have a bovine Dude! :blink:

Talk is cheap but Poland is cheaper

Whoreing about trying to make allies with everyone.

Worried? :D

What of Germany, your third wheel on the bicycle of destruction

Surely you wish to threaten as well :D


Gulliblepratt :ph34r:


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Mssr Gulliblepratt-


We are happy to hear from our 'ally' on these unsecure channels.


We implore you, as your ally, to cease any intentions against Czechoslovakia.









Thought so :D


Very well. Then may the best hegemony win out! :ph34r:


The Polish are beyond threatening you directly because we have no intentions against your people at the present time. We are allies after all :D Perhaps you will experience a change of policy in light of pending actions against vital Austrian targets.


Talk is cheap but Poland is cheaper


The 'value' of our nation will surely rise as a result of action. Therefore, I expect our 'price' to appreciate nicely. Thus, I would advise a speculator to 'buy low' in Poland while you still can. Sadly, we are not offering shares to the Hungarian people at this time.

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To: His Most Honorable Excellency, Stanislaw Mikolajczyk of Poland

From: His Most Exalted High Commander Beltira I of Saudi Arabia


Subject: Hungarian Emissaries


It has come to my attention that certain enmities may exist between yourself and (the perhaps future colony of) Hungary.


Never wishing to overstep the bounds of international diplomacy, I would offer a friendly suggestion. As I understand it, your great country has certain facilities in the suburbs of the city of Oswiecim that, I believe, would serve as an excellent location for a Hungarian Embassy as barracks are already provided along with an ample supply of Zyclon B 'air freshener' and plenty of fires to keep warm by.



His Most Exalted High Commander,


Fariq Awwal

Saudi Arabia

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What of Germany, your third wheel on the bicycle of destruction


Wouldn't that be the vaunted tri-cycle of destruction :lol:


Just checking, would like to keep up on the newest military items in europe these days. You never know when the Irish might show up. It would be bad to have a beer in each hand and run into one of these tri-cycle things. I mean they might knocok a beer out of ones hand.... :D


That could cause all kind of problems :ph34r:


Oh well, back to the bar and another round of beer.... :blink:


DezertCamel :D

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What you have a new bell, :D replaced the seat :D and installed a pack rack?

Hey I'm scared of Austria's British units, (some of them have scooters)


Yes poland we are allies :ph34r:



If you could point out some more, how you say sceanic features of Poland, it would be appreciated


Gulliblepratt :blink:


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Ahh the good old USA (Used Skateboard Asssociation)

glad you appreciate the effort some of us put into diplomatic negotiations :thumbsup:


Mother Russia is yet to make an appearance!


Who would dare poke the bear:- Poland perhaps :alien2:


Gulliblepratt ;)


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Hey gulliblepratt


Go right ahead and poke the bear. Don't think it will be a pretty sight so I'll look away. All I ask is that you please don't hurt my ears when he pokes you back! I'll see about poking the Czech nude womens tennis club!!! :lol:


Hey ShadowKitsune


Used Slinky Association, that is funny, you been visiting Czech lately? Although personally, I thought it stood for the Unarmed Suicide Association!!


Hey DezertCamel


Keep a firm grasp on the beer man, don't drop it even if the tri-cycle makes you laugh when trying to attack your Tanks!! :D

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