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Where we live

Marklen X

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Hohenems, Austria.

Near the Swiss, German and Liechtenstein borders.

Born in Doetinchen, the Netherlands, also near the German border. Live in Austria for 18 years now.



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On 9/5/2019 at 11:41 PM, dageraad said:

Hengelo, The Netherlands, near the German border


Hallo Dageraad, woon je in Hengelo (Ov) of Hengelo (Gld)?

Heb gezien dat ik mijn geboortestad verkeerd geschreven heb....ben denk ik al te lang weg...moet Doetinchem zijn.

Groetjes uit Oostenrijk.

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Frank Webster. Dallas Texas

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  • 5 months later...


How is everybody doing?

For me personally I am at home, home officeing, since last week tuesday. Did leave my home in this time only twice for a short walk.

No contact with other people, Cannot see my grandchild...or just by video calling.

But I guess we will manage that all...but the big question when and how will the world look like?

Take care.

Greetings Rednas from Austria.

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I am staying home bound except for the rare trip to the dump, I am getting a lot done that I could not do while I was working so much. This would be kind of nice if it was not so serious.

All of you stay home and stay safe. I will be hunting you or getting my behind kicked. At least we can still play.

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Raven Zachary in Portland, Oregon, USA. I play two empires in the SuperNova Draco Galaxy, led by Honored One Grey Raven of The Seekers of the All- Seeing Eye & First Citizen 00110001 of 01001001.

I am also the author of:

I've been playing SuperNova since mid-2018, so I am still learning a lot.

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Frank Eisenman,  Sioux Falls SD currently.  Originally from Portland OR and started playing when introduced to the game by some fool (can't remember the shipmates name) on the USS Kamehameha in Pearl Harbor HI in 93-94.


I was also the first person who put the Victory Maps available to everyone in electronic form.


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  • 9 months later...

Quick! Before the last post is a year old!

I'm (former enlisted, not general officer) Mike Flynn, making my home in Lakewood, Washington.

I retired at the end of 2020(!), after which I plan to spend much time camping, bird watching, stargazing and studying geology.

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