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I just don’t understand the German thought process. We agree to surrender Trieste to allow access to the Yugo front and avoid war with his group. Germany then pushes down into the boot in Italy to block us.

What was the point in contacting us and asking for trieste if your intention all along was to force a war with us!?

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What? I've been fighting Italy for far longer than you. Why would I be condemned for attacking south but you feel you can attack north with impunity? Your comment makes no sense. Am I supposed to stop fighting the alliance I've been fighting since turn 3 just because you want to go further north? Besides, you completely ignored my email, not giving me negative or positive feedback, and it's more then a month ago. If you'd bothered to respond other than to laugh, and negotiated a peace line, we could have easily worked it out. Explain how your thought process works, I start fighting that TA group on turn 3, you start roughly turn 20, but even though we've had zero communication about any sort of lines of demarcation, you think I should stop fighting them but you should be able to fight as much as you want? Where do you want me to draw the line, the German border? 

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56 minutes ago, Marklen X said:

What? I've been fighting Italy for far longer than you. Why would I be condemned for attacking south but you feel you can attack north with impunity? Your comment makes no sense. Am I supposed to stop fighting the alliance I've been fighting since turn 3 just because you want to go further north? Besides, you completely ignored my email, not giving me negative or positive feedback, and it's more then a month ago. If you'd bothered to respond other than to laugh, and negotiated a peace line, we could have easily worked it out. Explain how your thought process works, I start fighting that TA group on turn 3, you start roughly turn 20, but even though we've had zero communication about any sort of lines of demarcation, you think I should stop fighting them but you should be able to fight as much as you want? Where do you want me to draw the line, the German border? 

I guess we assumed allowing you Trieste into yugo that you would expand that direction and allow us to access Spain and Portugal and France through Italy. It’s not like you are fighting Italian troops as it is a dropped position. Your moves are calculated only to cut us off from moving north.

It’s all good it is your right to expand however you want I’m not condemning anything. My alliance was just under the assumption you wanted to fight the Schmitter alliance especially as you were trying to rally other countries to do so as well. 

Your not blocking me so…

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I am fighting the Balkan alliance, and wish that was all I was fighting, but I'm also fighting Italy, and though he dropped, his entire army is still facing me. I didn't even realize you were at war with France until the past couple of days, I suspect it's not relevant, with the Balkan-Russian group and our killing troops at an epic level, I suspect all of Europe will soon belong to Africa anyway. 

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3 hours ago, Marklen X said:

I am fighting the Balkan alliance, and wish that was all I was fighting, but I'm also fighting Italy, and though he dropped, his entire army is still facing me. I didn't even realize you were at war with France until the past couple of days, I suspect it's not relevant, with the Balkan-Russian group and our killing troops at an epic level, I suspect all of Europe will soon belong to Africa anyway. 

I’m down for that outcome. DW France as he came into Italy and blocked me.

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4 hours ago, dageraad said:

Maybe it would be an idea to send all battle reports to all players. 
It should technically be possible to do it and it would make the game far more interesting. 


Well, that would be a lot of battle reports !  Maybe better if everybody would receive their own battle reports when they happen e.g. by e-mail or that you would have on-line access and get a notification in case there is an addition. No need to wait for TA's to send their feedback and it would make the annoying attempts of adversaries to put you in the blind useless.

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On 8/26/2021 at 7:39 PM, Predator said:

I’m down for that outcome. DW France as he came into Italy and blocked me.

Blocked you in what way ? Your access to France ? or to your "enemies"  Spain and Portugal who threw Italy under a bus ?

If I remember correctly you wanted to fight the Balkan alliance ? It all sounds very dubious.

Anyway, the Spanish beaches are as empty as the Italian ones so who is stopping you ? See you in Madrid !

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12 hours ago, Sun Tzu said:

Well, that would be a lot of battle reports !  Maybe better if everybody would receive their own battle reports when they happen e.g. by e-mail or that you would have on-line access and get a notification in case there is an addition. No need to wait for TA's to send their feedback and it would make the annoying attempts of adversaries to put you in the blind useless.

That would certainly be a lot of battle reports, but I think it can be done.  Battle reports are stored somewhere already to add them to the battle reports of the future enemy and TA turns, so the only thing needed would be for the computer to consider all other positions as a TA -for this only-. 

Ypur suggestion is the superior option, but it practically would require generating mail reports automatically, and I fear that this is beyond the capability of the current program. It is, after all, stil a play by mail program.  If it could work, it would be a nice setup for a Victory II. If we ever get to that. 

And Madrid is a nice place to visit, but not now. Far too hot this time of year. We were trying to get to Venice, but there are some angry looking Germans in between. I understand their anger, as they took a wrong turn south somewhere. It happens to to the best of us too, after all, TP 27 tech does not have GPS yet. 


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On 8/28/2021 at 6:45 PM, Sun Tzu said:

Blocked you in what way ? Your access to France ? or to your "enemies"  Spain and Portugal who threw Italy under a bus ?

If I remember correctly you wanted to fight the Balkan alliance ? It all sounds very dubious.

Anyway, the Spanish beaches are as empty as the Italian ones so who is stopping you ? See you in Madrid !

Ya I am not privy to the inner workings of the Italians TA alliance. I just know I’ ve had my eyes on Turin for awhile so when I say you blocked me that is what I meant

Not sure I ever mentioned fighting any alliance in Europe specifically. I have been non committal to all parties that have approached me from Europe in this game. 

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I am impressed from myself...out of the game and still an opponent to reckon with 😁.

Greetings Rednas. 

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6 minutes ago, Rednas said:

I am impressed from myself...out of the game and still an opponent to reckon with 😁.

Greetings Rednas. 

Superior Strategy

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