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Saint Michael

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Aside from logical developments like those in Northern Italy and Greece,
with a heavy emphasis on air power and dedication to the "lets all gang up against one location and whipe it from the earth" tactic. 
Southern Russia seems to have made some progress against Persia.  
And on the western Island someone is having a good time. 

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It is an effective tactic and an inevitable one under the current rules. 
Neverless, we are in the endgame now and that is not the stage of the game that I prefer. 
Airforces grow and grow untill they become the dominating force, and all the nerfing and limitations of the rules only pushed the moment back to later on in the game. 
A lot of the power of air forces is in its ability to concentrate on one single target. If you do that with 6 nations at the same time the results are devastating. 


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... there was a time when the world was far more easy to understand. 
Now its all very fuzzy. 

Also in the news: 

The Tunisian gouvernment is looking for brave young men to speed up the training for
                      *** Fighter pilot ***

Being an equal opportunity institution brave young women are invited to join the 
                     ***  Anti-Aircraft Battallions ***
in Northern Italy. 




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  • 4 weeks later...
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  • 3 weeks later...

I could repeat the last map for turn 58 as there are no spectacular changes in the RWE. 
And to look ahead: the same is true for 59. 

But there are still a lot of things happening. On land, in the air and on sea level. Or beneath. 

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  • 3 weeks later...



Some movement in Persia, where the red team has hit xBaghad
But with only 13 turns left to go it is not clear if this makes any difference for Persia, which stands to lose its central AIC
Glacial progress in Northern Italy with xGeneva falling to the North/eastern team. 
And of course there is fighting around xThessalonici, as usual. 
The islands seem to eye the territory of Portuga, which at the moment I am not certain it is still active


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  • 4 weeks later...

For those of you that want to see the next map,

well, there are things happening all over the place: DW's OMA's FP's, OMG's, OMN's et cetera, but they do not change the map that much. 

Blue/grey is pushing southwest and concentrating on the remaining fortresses, fighting with red over Greece and pushing in France and Northern Italy, 
Persia is fighting against Southern Russia and slowly losing, but Red is mopping up Iraq
And Violet is doing nothing. 

There will be some changes on the map for turn 63. 

And BTW, best wishes for everyone. 

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  • 1 month later...

The map for turn 65


Though there are still some developments possible, 
this game is essentially over. The north-eastern alliance has won. 
What's left of Greece has been cannibalised and there is a wall of German and Russian armor tech blocking any real southern path to the north. 
I think that at this moment there are a lot of positions that are not longer actively played.
But that does not show on the map

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  • 1 month later...

The last few turns were a continuation  of existing trends: 
- Slate grey pushing red from the continent
- Slate grey  devouring vacant positions
- Red advancing into Iraq and Persia. 

I have simplified the map by making Southern Russia port of the Slate team, as it has DW'd on Turkey. 
And Portugal, Spain and Persia are probably no longer played. 
I have my doubts about Iceland, Canada and the UK.

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  • 1 month later...

Not sure if anyone is interested, but like I did in Game 101, if all the active players are interested, we can all share our final T73 turn results with each other. I can then log and calculate everyone's achievements in each category like I did in Game 101. This would include calculating each nations army, air force and naval strengths (with current health factored in). I'll then share it with everyone ASAP. I know Russ has been pretty slow in the past to get the final results for games to players so this might be a way to get some idea of how things played out and also see how our adversaries faired. 


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