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Massive battle with both sides containing a huge number of ships is running now - and will likely continue deep into the night. I expect turns to still make it out tomorrow, but not until evening.


Hi Guys,


Followed up with Pete - in the final stages with results being generated, etc. so things are moving along but still some hours to go so it'll most likely be late tonight on this cycle.


Best wishes,



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Followed up with Pete - in the final stages with results being generated, etc. so things are moving along but still some hours to go so it'll most likely be late tonight on this cycle.


Thanks for the update Russ...I may just have forty winks/a good nights sleep while I wait :blink:


Somebody send a message to my home system when we're ready...it can be found at yawn zzzzz zzzz zzzzz <end transmission>

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One thing on the new flag bridge.

My allies and myself find it hard to justify the cost of the orders to tear down screens now that they are a disadvantage EVEN if they are good screens with good weapons. Not every empire can build a 10 billion ton ship and screens were the one way to make the attacking empire have to build MORE items to get thru the defenses. Like fire control. AN empire that was simply out powered had a CHANCE to stop a larger empire thru screens and the 9 times PDS advantage by extending the battle. The battle at the White Cloud HW should of lasted 100 turns, not 13 and because the screens had fire power they would of been doing damage even after the PDS was gone.


Now with the NEW mk 6 flag bridge, if you have all those screens at your HW, you are screwed. I for one am looking at my HW's and asking, how long and how many orders will it take to get rid of the screens at my HW. For us it is both too long and too expensive, and we can no longer even hope to slow down an attack. I would like the feeling that there is MORE than one strategy available to players, but there is only one build the biggest ship. Kinda boring really.


Maybe I am wrong it will be interesting to see the comments, as I wait for the last turn.




Kinda curious what you consider to be good screens and good weapons. Your largest quantity of screens were the 36902 Igloo class surface outposts. They mounted a single Mk7 Standoff missile. They do 256 damage per ton, hardly top of the line weapons which do 512, or in the case of the Type D Spinal Starbores, 666/ton. Then consider that the Death Star and it's two tankers had a 50% missile defense rating... so right from the start your not top-of-the-line weapons were reduced by 50% of their effectiveness. All in all, not such good screens.


The 9x defense bonus of ground bases seem nice on paper but are practically useless. The 9x is only given for armor, not shields. Once a ship gets taken down into armor, the offensive systems become less effective as damage piles on.


So, all in all while your defenses looked formidible on paper, in reality they were a paper tiger.



You also complain about lack of strategy, complaining that larger wins, boring. But consider your agression vs colin glanville (RTG forum handle was coling). He ran the Aakkrn and Unity empires a couple years ago. You took both of his positions out with larger forces than he could muster. You surely did not complain that it was too one dimensional at that time.


Also, what kind of strategy would not be boring? Do you advocate that a significantly smaller fleet SHOULD defeat a much larger force? How does that make any sense? If that could happen with great frequency, can you imagine the complaints that Pete would get? I could see a relatively evenly matched battle, perhaps the slightly smaller fleet could win but as was pointed out, we had a tonnage ratio of what 10 or 20 to 1? That battle should not be close, if it were then something would REALLY be screwed up.


It all depends on what side of the battle you are on. It fundamentally comes down to bigger fish eats smaller fish (if it was any other way, what would be the point of building more and larger ships). This was your day to get gulped (unless you can fight off the Death Star and tankers this cycle, it would be kind of cool if you could). Our time may come some day or perhaps we'll leave of our own volition before that happens. Its the nature of a wargame which this essentially is.


Were these the interesting comments you had hoped for?

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Its been awhile since we have had some good battle reports. Would the sides inviolved be willing to post an end result? Its fun looking at some of the huge battles.




You only need to go back two weeks to see a real cool battle between White Shadow and Blend Me Another. Apparently the Death Star made an appearance



The battle Might be at the White Cloud HW again. I did have a huge number of ships in the yards, or was it a huge ship? Win or lose the second battle I am still outta here.




Well, you did have 126,500 shipyards which would be good for a single 1,265,000,000 ship. Somehow I do not think a 1,265,000,000 ton ship could defeat the Death Star. We definitely know that a swarm of screens can't do it. But good luck, it would be kind of cool to see the Death Star get destroyed. It's obsolete anyway.


Numero Uno Coconut


I am not Dan.

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One thing on the new flag bridge.

My allies and myself find it hard to justify the cost of the orders to tear down screens now that they are a disadvantage EVEN if they are good screens with good weapons. Not every empire can build a 10 billion ton ship and screens were the one way to make the attacking empire have to build MORE items to get thru the defenses. Like fire control. AN empire that was simply out powered had a CHANCE to stop a larger empire thru screens and the 9 times PDS advantage by extending the battle. The battle at the White Cloud HW should of lasted 100 turns, not 13 and because the screens had fire power they would of been doing damage even after the PDS was gone.


Now with the NEW mk 6 flag bridge, if you have all those screens at your HW, you are screwed. I for one am looking at my HW's and asking, how long and how many orders will it take to get rid of the screens at my HW. For us it is both too long and too expensive, and we can no longer even hope to slow down an attack. I would like the feeling that there is MORE than one strategy available to players, but there is only one build the biggest ship. Kinda boring really.


Maybe I am wrong it will be interesting to see the comments, as I wait for the last turn.




Kinda curious what you consider to be good screens and good weapons. Your largest quantity of screens were the 36902 Igloo class surface outposts. They mounted a single Mk7 Standoff missile. They do 256 damage per ton, hardly top of the line weapons which do 512, or in the case of the Type D Spinal Starbores, 666/ton. Then consider that the Death Star and it's two tankers had a 50% missile defense rating... so right from the start your not top-of-the-line weapons were reduced by 50% of their effectiveness. All in all, not such good screens.


The 9x defense bonus of ground bases seem nice on paper but are practically useless. The 9x is only given for armor, not shields. Once a ship gets taken down into armor, the offensive systems become less effective as damage piles on.


So, all in all while your defenses looked formidible on paper, in reality they were a paper tiger.



You also complain about lack of strategy, complaining that larger wins, boring. But consider your agression vs colin glanville (RTG forum handle was coling). He ran the Aakkrn and Unity empires a couple years ago. You took both of his positions out with larger forces than he could muster. You surely did not complain that it was too one dimensional at that time.


Also, what kind of strategy would not be boring? Do you advocate that a significantly smaller fleet SHOULD defeat a much larger force? How does that make any sense? If that could happen with great frequency, can you imagine the complaints that Pete would get? I could see a relatively evenly matched battle, perhaps the slightly smaller fleet could win but as was pointed out, we had a tonnage ratio of what 10 or 20 to 1? That battle should not be close, if it were then something would REALLY be screwed up.


It all depends on what side of the battle you are on. It fundamentally comes down to bigger fish eats smaller fish (if it was any other way, what would be the point of building more and larger ships). This was your day to get gulped (unless you can fight off the Death Star and tankers this cycle, it would be kind of cool if you could). Our time may come some day or perhaps we'll leave of our own volition before that happens. Its the nature of a wargame which this essentially is.


Were these the interesting comments you had hoped for?


MK vii Standoff missile is 9th gen, and is the BEST weapon you can put on a 1000 ton ship. I was commenting on DISmantling screens and the effect of the MK 6 Flag bridge, in light of the White Cloud battle, NOT suggesting I should of won, talking about how the new flag bridge changes the game. My fleet had just reached the point where I could hold off twice what you sent after the Black Cloud HW. And yes I am saying that a smaller fleet could win, as there is the 9 times factor for t 68 involved. 300 spartans is an example of small winning. Screens are no longer a viable strategy, that is what I would like to see comments on, not BUT mine is bigger.

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One thing on the new flag bridge.

My allies and myself find it hard to justify the cost of the orders to tear down screens now that they are a disadvantage EVEN if they are good screens with good weapons. Not every empire can build a 10 billion ton ship and screens were the one way to make the attacking empire have to build MORE items to get thru the defenses. Like fire control. AN empire that was simply out powered had a CHANCE to stop a larger empire thru screens and the 9 times PDS advantage by extending the battle. The battle at the White Cloud HW should of lasted 100 turns, not 13 and because the screens had fire power they would of been doing damage even after the PDS was gone.


Now with the NEW mk 6 flag bridge, if you have all those screens at your HW, you are screwed. I for one am looking at my HW's and asking, how long and how many orders will it take to get rid of the screens at my HW. For us it is both too long and too expensive, and we can no longer even hope to slow down an attack. I would like the feeling that there is MORE than one strategy available to players, but there is only one build the biggest ship. Kinda boring really.


Maybe I am wrong it will be interesting to see the comments, as I wait for the last turn.




Kinda curious what you consider to be good screens and good weapons. Your largest quantity of screens were the 36902 Igloo class surface outposts. They mounted a single Mk7 Standoff missile. They do 256 damage per ton, hardly top of the line weapons which do 512, or in the case of the Type D Spinal Starbores, 666/ton. Then consider that the Death Star and it's two tankers had a 50% missile defense rating... so right from the start your not top-of-the-line weapons were reduced by 50% of their effectiveness. All in all, not such good screens.


The 9x defense bonus of ground bases seem nice on paper but are practically useless. The 9x is only given for armor, not shields. Once a ship gets taken down into armor, the offensive systems become less effective as damage piles on.


So, all in all while your defenses looked formidible on paper, in reality they were a paper tiger.



You also complain about lack of strategy, complaining that larger wins, boring. But consider your agression vs colin glanville (RTG forum handle was coling). He ran the Aakkrn and Unity empires a couple years ago. You took both of his positions out with larger forces than he could muster. You surely did not complain that it was too one dimensional at that time.


Also, what kind of strategy would not be boring? Do you advocate that a significantly smaller fleet SHOULD defeat a much larger force? How does that make any sense? If that could happen with great frequency, can you imagine the complaints that Pete would get? I could see a relatively evenly matched battle, perhaps the slightly smaller fleet could win but as was pointed out, we had a tonnage ratio of what 10 or 20 to 1? That battle should not be close, if it were then something would REALLY be screwed up.


It all depends on what side of the battle you are on. It fundamentally comes down to bigger fish eats smaller fish (if it was any other way, what would be the point of building more and larger ships). This was your day to get gulped (unless you can fight off the Death Star and tankers this cycle, it would be kind of cool if you could). Our time may come some day or perhaps we'll leave of our own volition before that happens. Its the nature of a wargame which this essentially is.


Were these the interesting comments you had hoped for?


MK vii Standoff missile is 9th gen, and is the BEST weapon you can put on a 1000 ton ship. I was commenting on DISmantling screens and the effect of the MK 6 Flag bridge, in light of the White Cloud battle, NOT suggesting I should of won, talking about how the new flag bridge changes the game. My fleet had just reached the point where I could hold off twice what you sent after the Black Cloud HW. And yes I am saying that a smaller fleet could win, as there is the 9 times factor for t 68 involved. 300 spartans is an example of small winning. Screens are no longer a viable strategy, that is what I would like to see comments on, not BUT mine is bigger.




On paper, the Mk7 Standoff missile is the BEST weapon you could shoehorn in a 1000 ton hull. But again, that's only on paper. A majority of modern ships will get the innate 50% missile defense bonus due to engines. I believe all you need is 8AP and you get that 50% bonus, so except for the very early, low tech ships this is practically a given. So, your weapon system's effectiveness is cut in half. It was a good strategy early on but in the modern era, and especially with the development of Flag Bridges, not so much. And it's not as if Flag Bridges were just introduced. They've been around for a couple years if memory serves. Several battles have been posted demonstrating their effectiveness. AND, Pete has pretty much always held that large quantites of 'junk' ships are a poor tactic.


Sure, DISmantling over 36000 ships is order intensive. But let's ask this question. Did you have all these screens lying about for more than 2 years? Or had you just simply continued to build more and more screens each order on the mistaken belief that this was still a viable option? Perhaps you did not build many or any 1000 tonners in the last two years, but I think that's unlikely. Only you know the answer to that question.


I agree a smaller fleet (relatively speaking of course) COULD have won. But in a fight against 10 or 20 to 1 odds... only if the game is broken. The 9x bonus sounds good, but that's only on paper. I don't have proof but I suspect that Pete's game system degrades offensive weapons performance once damage begins to accumulate against armor. He probably has it set up such that for the first 10% or 20% armor damage, offensive weapon degradation is low but accelerates as the armor damage increases. That means that by the time your ship has lost 50% of its original armor value, most likely your weapons offensive capabilities have degraded by maybe 50%... speculation on my part.


300 Spartans an example of small winning??? Hehe, you have watched too many movies. I'm no history expert, but if I understand correctly, the 300 Spartans held off the Persians for a time, but they did not WIN (unless you count death as winning in which case, all hail White Shadow). They fought a delaying battle but ultimately lost.


Funny I heard no comments about AAKKRN and UNITY positions held by Colin Glanville. Do you not remember him??? YOU had no compunction or complaints when YOUR superior forces took both of his positions out. It was because you won. Finding yourself on the receiving side, you are not so appreciative of game mechanics. Care to comment on Colin? I'd be interested in your point of view against him.


Oh, where is your partner, Black Cloud in all of this? I thought he was still lurking about. Not a peep from him.

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One thing on the new flag bridge.

My allies and myself find it hard to justify the cost of the orders to tear down screens now that they are a disadvantage EVEN if they are good screens with good weapons. Not every empire can build a 10 billion ton ship and screens were the one way to make the attacking empire have to build MORE items to get thru the defenses. Like fire control. AN empire that was simply out powered had a CHANCE to stop a larger empire thru screens and the 9 times PDS advantage by extending the battle. The battle at the White Cloud HW should of lasted 100 turns, not 13 and because the screens had fire power they would of been doing damage even after the PDS was gone.


Now with the NEW mk 6 flag bridge, if you have all those screens at your HW, you are screwed. I for one am looking at my HW's and asking, how long and how many orders will it take to get rid of the screens at my HW. For us it is both too long and too expensive, and we can no longer even hope to slow down an attack. I would like the feeling that there is MORE than one strategy available to players, but there is only one build the biggest ship. Kinda boring really.


Maybe I am wrong it will be interesting to see the comments, as I wait for the last turn.




Kinda curious what you consider to be good screens and good weapons. Your largest quantity of screens were the 36902 Igloo class surface outposts. They mounted a single Mk7 Standoff missile. They do 256 damage per ton, hardly top of the line weapons which do 512, or in the case of the Type D Spinal Starbores, 666/ton. Then consider that the Death Star and it's two tankers had a 50% missile defense rating... so right from the start your not top-of-the-line weapons were reduced by 50% of their effectiveness. All in all, not such good screens.


The 9x defense bonus of ground bases seem nice on paper but are practically useless. The 9x is only given for armor, not shields. Once a ship gets taken down into armor, the offensive systems become less effective as damage piles on.


So, all in all while your defenses looked formidible on paper, in reality they were a paper tiger.



You also complain about lack of strategy, complaining that larger wins, boring. But consider your agression vs colin glanville (RTG forum handle was coling). He ran the Aakkrn and Unity empires a couple years ago. You took both of his positions out with larger forces than he could muster. You surely did not complain that it was too one dimensional at that time.


Also, what kind of strategy would not be boring? Do you advocate that a significantly smaller fleet SHOULD defeat a much larger force? How does that make any sense? If that could happen with great frequency, can you imagine the complaints that Pete would get? I could see a relatively evenly matched battle, perhaps the slightly smaller fleet could win but as was pointed out, we had a tonnage ratio of what 10 or 20 to 1? That battle should not be close, if it were then something would REALLY be screwed up.


It all depends on what side of the battle you are on. It fundamentally comes down to bigger fish eats smaller fish (if it was any other way, what would be the point of building more and larger ships). This was your day to get gulped (unless you can fight off the Death Star and tankers this cycle, it would be kind of cool if you could). Our time may come some day or perhaps we'll leave of our own volition before that happens. Its the nature of a wargame which this essentially is.


Were these the interesting comments you had hoped for?


MK vii Standoff missile is 9th gen, and is the BEST weapon you can put on a 1000 ton ship. I was commenting on DISmantling screens and the effect of the MK 6 Flag bridge, in light of the White Cloud battle, NOT suggesting I should of won, talking about how the new flag bridge changes the game. My fleet had just reached the point where I could hold off twice what you sent after the Black Cloud HW. And yes I am saying that a smaller fleet could win, as there is the 9 times factor for t 68 involved. 300 spartans is an example of small winning. Screens are no longer a viable strategy, that is what I would like to see comments on, not BUT mine is bigger.




On paper, the Mk7 Standoff missile is the BEST weapon you could shoehorn in a 1000 ton hull. But again, that's only on paper. A majority of modern ships will get the innate 50% missile defense bonus due to engines. I believe all you need is 8AP and you get that 50% bonus, so except for the very early, low tech ships this is practically a given. So, your weapon system's effectiveness is cut in half. It was a good strategy early on but in the modern era, and especially with the development of Flag Bridges, not so much. And it's not as if Flag Bridges were just introduced. They've been around for a couple years if memory serves. Several battles have been posted demonstrating their effectiveness. AND, Pete has pretty much always held that large quantites of 'junk' ships are a poor tactic.


Sure, DISmantling over 36000 ships is order intensive. But let's ask this question. Did you have all these screens lying about for more than 2 years? Or had you just simply continued to build more and more screens each order on the mistaken belief that this was still a viable option? Perhaps you did not build many or any 1000 tonners in the last two years, but I think that's unlikely. Only you know the answer to that question.


I agree a smaller fleet (relatively speaking of course) COULD have won. But in a fight against 10 or 20 to 1 odds... only if the game is broken. The 9x bonus sounds good, but that's only on paper. I don't have proof but I suspect that Pete's game system degrades offensive weapons performance once damage begins to accumulate against armor. He probably has it set up such that for the first 10% or 20% armor damage, offensive weapon degradation is low but accelerates as the armor damage increases. That means that by the time your ship has lost 50% of its original armor value, most likely your weapons offensive capabilities have degraded by maybe 50%... speculation on my part.


300 Spartans an example of small winning??? Hehe, you have watched too many movies. I'm no history expert, but if I understand correctly, the 300 Spartans held off the Persians for a time, but they did not WIN (unless you count death as winning in which case, all hail White Shadow). They fought a delaying battle but ultimately lost.


Funny I heard no comments about AAKKRN and UNITY positions held by Colin Glanville. Do you not remember him??? YOU had no compunction or complaints when YOUR superior forces took both of his positions out. It was because you won. Finding yourself on the receiving side, you are not so appreciative of game mechanics. Care to comment on Colin? I'd be interested in your point of view against him.


Oh, where is your partner, Black Cloud in all of this? I thought he was still lurking about. Not a peep from him.



Not sure what you are talking about. I am not complaining about the battle, I am not complaining about losing I was asking something else. SHEESH.


HERE IS the final battle, I have not calculated how this ship would have changed the battle last turn if Blend me another had arrived one turn later, but it would be interesting to know.




----- HOUARVIAN [ K (Orange) 8 V ] [single Star] - 7 -----

Blend Me Another # 4416 (+11 [Leaders * Lifeform])Coconutheads # 105 (No Naval Commanders)

Total tonnage: 13,590,100,000.....Base Fire Control: 441 [6,003,900,000,000 bridge]

White Shadow Imperium # 3520 (No Naval Commanders)

Total tonnage: 1,254,351,000.....Base Fire Control: 42 [53,419,700,000 bridge]

Pestilence Blend Me Another #4416 Legendary Explorer Mick

Pestilence Blend Me Another #4416 Ranger

Pestilence Blend Me Another #4416 Grand Admiral Blood

------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** ------------------------------------------

Coconutheads # 105 [Palm Tree On Field Of Blue]

Fleet 1019 [ROE: R] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 900,000)

[Deploy Location 7] 1 MF Rambo (Medium Freighter - 900,000 tons [each])

<9 Colony Beacon>--<3,500 Construction Materials>--<68,932 Fuel>

------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** ------------------------------------------

White Shadow Imperium # 3520 [There Be Dragons Here]

Homeworld PDC [ROE: X] *Englobe* (Fleet Tonnage: 1,254,351,000)

[Deploy Location 2] 1 CTX Ice Dome 2 (Planetary Citadel - 1,252,501,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 7] 1850 SOX Igloo (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons [each])

------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** ------------------------------------------

Blend Me Another # 4416 [Hammock Between Palm Trees]

Pestilence [ROE: Y] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 13,589,200,000)

[Deploy Location 1] 1 NDNF Death Star (Flag Nova Dreadnaught - 10,000,000,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 12] 2 NDNF Marathon (Flag Nova Dreadnaught - 1,794,600,000 tons [each])

<10 Colonists>--<2,000,000,000 Fuel>--<1 Imperial Army Infantry>--<2 System Probe>

** Battle Damage Assessment Report **

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 1 ------------------------------------------------------------

NDNF Death Star (Flag Nova Dreadnaught - 10,000,000,000 tons) [integrity: 8,003,253,000 / 8,003,253,000] [shields:

13,603,494,712,846 / 13,808,275,000,000] (Green, Timid)

500,000,000 Fuel Tankage, 3,400 Mk IV Holographic Cybernetic Battle Director, 1 Mk IV Jump Survey Sensor

55,233,100 Mk IX Force Shield, 1 Mk VI Flag Bridge, 3,586,600 Mk VI Total Conversion Engine

1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive, 750 Type D Spinal Starbore

Fusion: 1,650,000,035,763

Maneuverability: 128.40, Missile Defense: 50.00 %

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 7 ------------------------------------------------------------

**DESTROYED** [453rd] MF Rambo (Medium Freighter - 900,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 272,000] (Green, Timid)

300,000 Cargo Bay, 5 Colonial Berthing, 200,000 Fuel Tankage, 2,700 Mk I Antimatter Engine

1 Mk IV Jump Survey Sensor, 1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive, 5 Troop Berthing

Maneuverability: 24.00, Missile Defense: 50.00 %

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 12 ------------------------------------------------------------

NDNF Marathon (Flag Nova Dreadnaught - 1,794,600,000 tons) [integrity: 975,446,000 / 975,446,000] [shields:

1,747,115,548,155 / 1,875,000,000,000] (Green, Reliable)

1,000,000 Cargo Bay, 10 Colonial Berthing, 5 Drone Rack, 156,000 Fuel Shuttle, 750,000,000 Fuel Tankage

1 Mk IV Jump Survey Sensor, 7,500,000 Mk IX Force Shield, 1 Mk VI Flag Bridge, 717,200 Mk VI Total Conversion Engine

1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive, 10 Troop Berthing, 40 Type D Spinal Starbore

Fusion: 88,000,001,907

Maneuverability: 143.07, Missile Defense: 50.00 %

NDNF Marathon (Flag Nova Dreadnaught - 1,794,600,000 tons) [integrity: 975,446,000 / 975,446,000] [shields:

1,782,331,667,301 / 1,875,000,000,000] (Green, Reliable)

1,000,000 Cargo Bay, 10 Colonial Berthing, 5 Drone Rack, 156,000 Fuel Shuttle, 750,000,000 Fuel Tankage

1 Mk IV Jump Survey Sensor, 7,500,000 Mk IX Force Shield, 1 Mk VI Flag Bridge, 717,200 Mk VI Total Conversion Engine

1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive, 10 Troop Berthing, 40 Type D Spinal Starbore

Fusion: 88,000,001,907

Maneuverability: 143.07, Missile Defense: 50.00 %

** Battle Damage Assessment Report **

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 2 ------------------------------------------------------------

**DESTROYED** [22nd] CTX Ice Dome 2 (Planetary Citadel - 1,252,501,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 9,002,180,709,000] (Green,


1 Mk I Flag Bridge, 10 Mk II Long Range Sensor, 30 Mk IV Holographic Cybernetic Battle Director

10,000 Negative Nova Cannon, 1,000,000,000 Tckon 68

Cold: 135,168,002,930

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 7 ------------------------------------------------------------

**DESTROYED** [1524th] SOX Igloo (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 9,000] (Green, Timid)

2 Holographic Neural-Feed Battle Grid, 1 Mk VII Standoff Missile

Missile: 204,800

----- Post-Battle Damage Assessment Report-----

Side 1

[1] 1 {Flagship} Death Star class NDNF

[7] 1 Rambo class MF..................................................1 Destroyed

[12] 2 {Flagship} Marathon class NDNF

Side 2

[2] 1 {Flagship} Ice Dome 2 class CTX..................................................1 Destroyed

[7] 1,850 Igloo class SOX..................................................1850 Destroyed

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Even with 100 turns it would have been not enough damage to deplete the shields of the Death Star, but you might have killed off the two "tankers", or "Heavy Auxillaries".


You seem have prevailed for about four turns this time around.

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I managed to get 1,969,301 of the 2,376,995 pop off the planet, all my ship parts, all the CM and ADV CM, and around 100 billion other other stuff. All gated safely to a third party that shall remain nameless. I am out of here now, good luck all.


I would have arrived a turn earlier if it wasn't for those stupid typo's



That is the great thing about gate's. Get out quick. Was hoping that you would re-establish to fight another day.



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