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Official: Turns Are In Thread


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There were some late turns in this cycle and I decided to hold things up to make sure those turns made it in on time. I know, I know, be mean and get the turn started and say too bad to the late-comers......but sometimes I just can't bring myself to be mean :blink:


Definitely Saturday morning unless a miracle strikes and nobody fights with a bazillion junk ships (hey, even GM's can dream...... :robot:

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There were some late turns in this cycle and I decided to hold things up to make sure those turns made it in on time. I know, I know, be mean and get the turn started and say too bad to the late-comers......but sometimes I just can't bring myself to be mean :robot:


Definitely Saturday morning unless a miracle strikes and nobody fights with a bazillion junk ships (hey, even GM's can dream...... :drunk:



And that, gentle lifeforms, is exactly what being early earns you... :blink:



(Doctor, he just lays there on his cot, in a fetal position, muttering, "...turns...turns...turns...")

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There were some late turns in this cycle and I decided to hold things up to make sure those turns made it in on time. I know, I know, be mean and get the turn started and say too bad to the late-comers......but sometimes I just can't bring myself to be mean :robot:


Definitely Saturday morning unless a miracle strikes and nobody fights with a bazillion junk ships (hey, even GM's can dream...... :drunk:



And that, gentle lifeforms, is exactly what being early earns you... :blink:



(Doctor, he just lays there on his cot, in a fetal position, muttering, "...turns...turns...turns...")


Oh the humanity!!!


Can't you see this guy is suffering...

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There were some late turns in this cycle and I decided to hold things up to make sure those turns made it in on time. I know, I know, be mean and get the turn started and say too bad to the late-comers......but sometimes I just can't bring myself to be mean :drunk:


Definitely Saturday morning unless a miracle strikes and nobody fights with a bazillion junk ships (hey, even GM's can dream...... :blink:


And that, gentle lifeforms, is exactly what being early earns you... :robot:



(Doctor, he just lays there on his cot, in a fetal position, muttering, "...turns...turns...turns...")


Oh the humanity!!!


Can't you see this guy is suffering...


Something humanoid in shape draped in what appears to be a 50's trenchcoat shambles out of the gloom. It's head, hidden under a oversized fedora, moves back and forth as if looking for something. The creature turns to the lapel on the coat and utters something unintelligible. Moments later a bright light appears nearby on the ground. As the light fades, a wooden crate or box is left behind. Stepping up on the box, the creature begins to yell rant and rave...


"What goes up, must come down. Spinning wheels have to go round. That is the nature of the universe my friends. For every Yin, there is a Yang, for every positive, there is a negative. For every action there is a reaction.


What you see before you is the wreck of a man brought about by his own hands. If this GM were to have ripped his own beating heart from his brest and stepped on it, he would likely be far, far better off then his current state. For it is HIS creation, carved from a tortured mind and soul, from which was created the game called SuperNova. It is by HIS choices and design that there is no ability to target other capital ships. And thus it is by HIS actions that he must live with the consequences. HE must bear the pain and suffering that results from having to sit through battles where thousands and thousands of gnat like ships spit death slowly upon each other. It his HIS burdern to bear in having to watch the turns slowly churn out, reviewing the results to check for errors in a herculian processing effort. Yes, it is his own damn fault.


And so good and gentle beings, we may pity the poor wretched thing he has become. For how can we not pity something which like scrooge is tightly chained to his owns foibles. For one chained to the constant hum and whine of electronics, deep in the darkest night, beholden to the slow process of date, where each pulse of energy robs them of another tiny sliver of soul, so that bit by bit, it is eroded until nothing is left .. pity, some say, is all we can offer.


Well I say we can offer more. We can point and laugh and make fun of him, perhaps even toss in some rotted fruit from time to time. We do not do this out of cruelty. Oh no, we offer these existential stimuli merely to remind the fallen that they do still exist, that what they are experiencing is real and not merely some demented nightmare from which they can't escape. We parade him off in front of our childern, as seeing the younglings kindles within his tortured reality a small spark of hope of redemption (while also offering a lesson on what not to do to the younglings, which turns his wretched state into at least a small positive). Yes what we do may appear to be torture or kicking on a being when they are down. But we do so only out of the kindness of our hearts, in order to help."


Stepping off of the wooden box, the creature bows to the assebmled audience, turns around, and shuffles off into the dark. As the being moves off into the gloom, a few folks swear they heard the creature muttering something about "told you so" or something to that effect.



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There were some late turns in this cycle and I decided to hold things up to make sure those turns made it in on time. I know, I know, be mean and get the turn started and say too bad to the late-comers......but sometimes I just can't bring myself to be mean :robot:


Definitely Saturday morning unless a miracle strikes and nobody fights with a bazillion junk ships (hey, even GM's can dream...... :drunk:

What we want to know, is it the same alien who was late AND has battles with a bazillion junk ships? If so, all we want is a name...... We have special cloaked ships for such. :blink::blink:

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There were some late turns in this cycle and I decided to hold things up to make sure those turns made it in on time. I know, I know, be mean and get the turn started and say too bad to the late-comers......but sometimes I just can't bring myself to be mean :blink:


Definitely Saturday morning unless a miracle strikes and nobody fights with a bazillion junk ships (hey, even GM's can dream...... ;)


And that, gentle lifeforms, is exactly what being early earns you... :drunk:



(Doctor, he just lays there on his cot, in a fetal position, muttering, "...turns...turns...turns...")


Oh the humanity!!!


Can't you see this guy is suffering...


Something humanoid in shape draped in what appears to be a 50's trenchcoat shambles out of the gloom. It's head, hidden under a oversized fedora, moves back and forth as if looking for something. The creature turns to the lapel on the coat and utters something unintelligible. Moments later a bright light appears nearby on the ground. As the light fades, a wooden crate or box is left behind. Stepping up on the box, the creature begins to yell rant and rave...


"What goes up, must come down. Spinning wheels have to go round. That is the nature of the universe my friends. For every Yin, there is a Yang, for every positive, there is a negative. For every action there is a reaction.


What you see before you is the wreck of a man brought about by his own hands. If this GM were to have ripped his own beating heart from his brest and stepped on it, he would likely be far, far better off then his current state. For it is HIS creation, carved from a tortured mind and soul, from which was created the game called SuperNova. It is by HIS choices and design that there is no ability to target other capital ships. And thus it is by HIS actions that he must live with the consequences. HE must bear the pain and suffering that results from having to sit through battles where thousands and thousands of gnat like ships spit death slowly upon each other. It his HIS burdern to bear in having to watch the turns slowly churn out, reviewing the results to check for errors in a herculian processing effort. Yes, it is his own damn fault.


And so good and gentle beings, we may pity the poor wretched thing he has become. For how can we not pity something which like scrooge is tightly chained to his owns foibles. For one chained to the constant hum and whine of electronics, deep in the darkest night, beholden to the slow process of date, where each pulse of energy robs them of another tiny sliver of soul, so that bit by bit, it is eroded until nothing is left .. pity, some say, is all we can offer.


Well I say we can offer more. We can point and laugh and make fun of him, perhaps even toss in some rotted fruit from time to time. We do not do this out of cruelty. Oh no, we offer these existential stimuli merely to remind the fallen that they do still exist, that what they are experiencing is real and not merely some demented nightmare from which they can't escape. We parade him off in front of our childern, as seeing the younglings kindles within his tortured reality a small spark of hope of redemption (while also offering a lesson on what not to do to the younglings, which turns his wretched state into at least a small positive). Yes what we do may appear to be torture or kicking on a being when they are down. But we do so only out of the kindness of our hearts, in order to help."


Stepping off of the wooden box, the creature bows to the assebmled audience, turns around, and shuffles off into the dark. As the being moves off into the gloom, a few folks swear they heard the creature muttering something about "told you so" or something to that effect.





Well stated! And now, off to mow the yard instead of reviewing turns. Now THAT's painful....




There were some late turns in this cycle and I decided to hold things up to make sure those turns made it in on time. I know, I know, be mean and get the turn started and say too bad to the late-comers......but sometimes I just can't bring myself to be mean ;)


Definitely Saturday morning unless a miracle strikes and nobody fights with a bazillion junk ships (hey, even GM's can dream...... ;)

What we want to know, is it the same alien who was late AND has battles with a bazillion junk ships? If so, all we want is a name...... We have special cloaked ships for such. :cheers::robot:


If so, there is no yard-arm high enough or keel low enough. Draw and quartering would be too good for the likes of they, i say. argh!



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Ahemm, In our Honored leader's recent missive he has referenced such mythical ships as the 'cloaked' ships. As the Minister of Information, I need to inform all that no such ships exist. Please excuse our esteemed leader, he is not feeling well. There are no cloaked ships. They are after all only a myth.

Thank you!


-Asshur-Bel-nisheshu, Chief Administrator of Information



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Hi Guys,


There is no problem associated with getting the database files first this cycle :blink: Pete is finishing up the PDF file creation now - the database files were sent out just to get them going out the door. The PDF files will follow this cycle - probably in an hour or so.



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