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Official: Turns Are In Thread


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Yeah, and I get the feeling that the mob is starting to push and shove a bit. I want my turns as soon as possible, just like the next guy, but I also realize that Pete surely doesn't enjoy spending a full three days just on processing turns. And because of this, he, more than anyone, is aware of how long it takes to get turns out. Therefore, I'll leave it to him to decide when and what changes are necessary.

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I'm one of those "Let RTG get on with it and we should just live with it" kinda guys (as my posts might have indicated, had anyone bothered to read them). What I am trying to figure out is whether or not I can reasonably look for the turns tonight (Central Time - one hour ahead of RTG time), or if I would be wasting my time waiting. This decision, if given by RTG, would be subject to illness, or anything else that is affecting game processing. No answer means "No Comment". "No Comment", or no answer, means that I'm heading for my bedroom.


I really can't be more clear than that.

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I need my turns today (its already Sunday morning 9:54 am) to do all my 5 empires, as I am away for two weeks.

It gets more and more difficult the later the turns show up.

On normal I have only the two weekends. And now it is reduced to half a day or less :jawdrop:

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Here's a simple solution. We'll borrow from the other Rolling Thunder Game: Victory. Fourteen days between turn processing. This way, everybody gets to build 1,000,000 screens until we figure out the solution, which won't be a solution. Pete can allow the server to process combats as long as he wants, and we as players still have 14 days to asses or turns and submit our orders.

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Here's my $0.02 (yes, I know you've ALL been waiting for that but at least this is not about sensors).


I know there is a 'deadline' for turn submission, but has RTG ever promised a deadline to get the turn results back to us? Perhaps someone with a longer memory or with more time-in-game can tell me, but my recollection is that there never has been a stated 'return' date. If that is true, then while it's nice to receive our turns on Friday, RTG has not made a commitment to getting them back in that timeframe (god I hate saying that as I too REALLY REALLY want my turn back said in a wailing and gnashing of teeth type of voice). Until a firm return date has been provided, there's not a whole lot a whole lot to do but post and fret and cry here (which I do with the best of them).


That having been said, RTG has to know that dissatisfied customers cause the business to suffer. Perhaps a solution (not necessarily THE solution) IS to employ hard submission dates/times... Any turn not in the RTG inbox by start-of-business on Thursday morning is ignored, no exceptions. The converse of that solution is then you'll have habitually tardy customers who are dissatisfied because 'I was just a few minutes late...." who will become dissatisfied and cause the business to suffer. It's gotta be a fine line to walk with hazards to both sides.


Anyway, I hope Pete feels better and I also hope we get our turns back by midday. Back to bed after a 4 hour 'nap'.

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1 pm sunday my time and still no word on turns. Likely it will come sunday evening and that means I lost the weekend chance to do turns. While I understand that Pete is under the weather this turnround it has become a trend of late with late turn results and for those of us with a lot of and complex empires this drastically reduces the amount of time we have for getting our turns done. So I hope something will be done to reduce processing time and get some consistency back into the times when we get turns. I reckon Pete would also like the scenario where he gets the rest of the weekend off when turns are processed by friday afternoon. Anyways feel better Pete





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Wow, the mobs are getting frustrated and upset. Now they're running around asking for hard deadlines, immediate processing starting on Thursday, committing to a Friday turn around, and other comments about slowness and a ridiculous time frame. And here the guy is, running things while sick.


You just ignore these folks Pete. Take your time, make sure things are run correctly, and don't push yourself. Health and family will always be more important than the game. Right folks?



Being sick sucks, we all understand that. I think the responses above are looking beyond that and commenting on an apparent trend that has been developing over the past several turns. Waking up to an empty inbox is tempting me to slowly sidestep towards the growing mob while looking for my own pitchfork.


In regards to turn processing, in all likelyhood Pete can not start processing until he gets the snailmail turns that were mailed on Monday morning, thereby giving those players still stuck in the stone age the same two weekends that we all (usually) enjoy for contemplating turns. Since this is an international playerbase I don't see that starting before the Thursday mail delivery.

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The Empire is ill, every pop, ship or army is infected by an

unknown virus. Healthsystems around the empire got

bugged and are down. Despite the well organized health system

we are powerless since all trained staff is ill as well.


The governement advices to stay at home, eating

hot chicken soup and fresh orange juice.













Lord Q2.

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Wow, the mobs are getting frustrated and upset. Now they're running around asking for hard deadlines, immediate processing starting on Thursday, committing to a Friday turn around, and other comments about slowness and a ridiculous time frame. And here the guy is, running things while sick.


You just ignore these folks Pete. Take your time, make sure things are run correctly, and don't push yourself. Health and family will always be more important than the game. Right folks?



Being sick sucks, we all understand that. I think the responses above are looking beyond that and commenting on an apparent trend that has been developing over the past several turns. Waking up to an empty inbox is tempting me to slowly sidestep towards the growing mob while looking for my own pitchfork.


In regards to turn processing, in all likelyhood Pete can not start processing until he gets the snailmail turns that were mailed on Monday morning, thereby giving those players still stuck in the stone age the same two weekends that we all (usually) enjoy for contemplating turns. Since this is an international playerbase I don't see that starting before the Thursday mail delivery.


Are you telling me that people still use ... s-mail?! For anything?!!! The horror, the unending horror!!! :jawdrop:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Early Tuesday morning EST. That's my guess. Why? Well, last turns didn't come out until Sunday, which means the snail mail player's turns weren't mailed until the following day. I figure some of those orders are still in transit and won't be in until tomorrow. Joy.


Lord Uriel

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