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Official: Turns Are In Thread


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Never mind the map, I will help you move the hardcopy text with all the ANZ details for the tech tree... Might need a couple of other players to help me move that, it's probably as big as an encyclopaedia set. B)


You do have a photocopier, right?

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Ah, music to my ears... as it were.. B)

We don't have external ears. We sense aerial vibrations through sensitive spots on our hind-most legs. We have developed something similar to your music, though. mostly telepathic in nature, but with some vibrational components.


Oh, and to keep on subject:

Turns already? SWEET!

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Bummer! Stuck in St. Louis due to weather and missed connections after a week on the road. Wanted to decompress with a pdf file tonight, but so far no such luck. Given a 7 AM flight home tomorrow, wondering how long to wait up for the file <g>. After all this, would REALLY be bummed if I missed that ^@*$%! flight! B)


Ah, the glamorous life of business travel..... :(



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Bummer! Stuck in St. Louis due to weather and missed connections after a week on the road. Wanted to decompress with a pdf file tonight, but so far no such luck. Given a 7 AM flight home tomorrow, wondering how long to wait up for the file <g>. After all this, would REALLY be bummed if I missed that ^@*$%! flight! B)


Ah, the glamorous life of business travel..... :(



I wonder if something went wrong with the PDFs being sent out. I have not received my turn yet.

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I got some new techs as well, but that ever elusive electric fence has yet to be mine. :(


Is there an order to fire everyone working in a particular research center? Maybe I can send them over to the naval gunnery range to hold targets or something. B)



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  • 2 weeks later...

Not really a bump, but it serves as a bump....


Sent in turn yesterday morning and have not yet received a reply as to it being received. Resent it a little while ago. Anyone else missing a received message? Or (as is likely), my first email went into Internet never-never land. This happened once before and I am now paranoid. (HATE missing a turn!)


Octus Imperium

<What? Me worry?!?>



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Same problem, mine went out Saturday (personal best don't you know :P "

yet no acknowledgement from the high place (Denver not God)


I resent them at 5pm mountain time with a test note to me, when the test came back, I called Russ and he was just receiving them.


He had no record of getting the originals, when in doubt resend.


l :cheers::thumbsup: ker

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yet no acknowledgement from the high place (Denver not God)



Ahhhh, I actually live in the High Place. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to help when turn results are being sent. I wish it did. I would even be willing to pull free intern work. Will work for turns.


Sakarissa :P

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Also just got my acknowledgement. Seems like the high place had better things to do until tonight. (Can't say I blame them, living in a high place and all.)


Hmmm, living high, getting high....is there a theme here?


Not that we'd like to start any rumors or anything.


Psychadelic spreadsheets anyone?







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Finishing up my move tomorrow and Friday (most of the big stuff is done, whew). I think I left a trail of adrenalin on the stairs after one particularly heavy bookcase put up a fight worthy of a Promethian Porcubear :thumbsup: Took a beer to settle down after that one :cheers:


Will be working on turns Friday, might be late going out. I might have a way to send the results out really fast, though. Crossing my tentacles that it will work :cheers:


I'll get back to the combat reporting stuff after this turn cycle. Much is done already but I want more, more, more :thumbsup:


The 303 452 7700 line is still active here, but the phone company is delaying the official activation at the new place until Tuesday. That means I won't be able to hear it ringing until then :P Internet connection will be live at both sites, so you should be able to reach me by email. Testing the new connection tomorrow night.

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