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Ok - now this is just a wild guess.... Just short of 2 am and nothing yet. It ain't gonna happen tonight, is it! (And no - I wasn't waiting up for it, but I WAS keeping an eye open while the muse was doing its thing....)

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Same observation here. Some shipyards inside the same empire worked, others did not. It seems not to be related to the specs of the Robotic Shipyards (which did not complete anyway) as ships with less than 25.000 tons did complete, while ships with 25.000.000 did not.

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Here is the text of the ANZ for Robotic Shipyards


Advances in cybernetics and related fields have resulted in the development of advanced

robotic workers capable of reasonably sophisticated manufacturing tasks. Aside from

substantial social unrest caused by living workers being replaced by machines, limiting

their current use to the shipyard sector, they are extremely efficient and require

minimal time off for maintenance, but are somewhat inflexible in their job roles. Once

designed to install a section of hull plating, thread wires through hull structures or

perform a myriad of other tasks, the machines are left alone to do their jobs. As a

result, and to maximize their efficiency in working with a wide variety of starship

components, starships of less than 25,000 tons in total mass are ignored by the robotics

in favor of larger vessels. This means that once this technology is developed, any

design placed in a shipyard anywhere in the empire must be at least 25,000 tons in size

or it will not ever be completed. Ships placed in a shipyard to be scrapped are excluded

from this restriction, as the robots simply tear apart anything they can get their

disassembling appendages on, regardless of tonnage. The benefit of using robotic workers

in empire shipyards, however, is substantial: ship construction output is doubled to

20,000 tons of assembly per shipyard over the normal 10,000 tons. As another benefit,

existing shipyards are refitted with robots and do not need to be reconstructed.

WARNING: Once this technology is developed, ships of less than 25,000 tons can no longer

be constructed. Smaller units can be scrapped, but all new construction must be for

25,000+ ton units.

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Not only did the production not run on some of my positions, but on nearly all, no resource production happened at all. Some started with

Precious Metals only.


This turn was really riddles with a lot of bugs. Check your turns.

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I identified the problem (it was indeed related to the new Robotic Shipyards, all of three incorrect characters in one spot in the code).


The good news is that this should correct all of the shipyard and production problems. The bad is that since it could conceivably have affected a lot of empires in an unpredictable fashion, I will need to re-run the convoy route and production phase. As a result, you might see slightly different battle results in the convoy route section and your scientist hits will certainly be different (you might get less, you might get more).


I'm running that now, and will recreate results and send them out when they are finished - that will likely be later on tonight as convoy routes/industries/printouts take a long time to process.


My apologies for the trouble <_<



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