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Official: Turns Are In Thread


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Turns about to go out, whew. A couple of notes: in the new battle reports, the names of the fleets that leaders are in are off - that has been corrected in the code for next time. Also, newly built ships that just appeared in fleets may show up as having a zero quantity (ie "0 Pathfinder class Fleet Scout" instead of "1 Pathfinder class Fleet Scout"). It only affected newly built ships, and they are in their fleets - it's just that the Fleet Report will show up with 0 for their quantities (or otherwise not count them properly if ships of that class already existed in that fleet). I could fix it and reprint all of the turns but it takes many hours to do so, and I wanted to just get them out without further delay.


I hope you enjoy the new battle reports. My first project for the upcoming cycle will be to get the FOB's to duplicate the display of defensive system #'s and so forth from the battle reports; that will alllow you to FOB a fleet instead of being required to run an actual battle to get those values.


edit: some oddities in the ship quantities in the Fleet Report - if you RN'd ships into or out of a fleet, the quantities displayed might be off. The fleet tonnage, fleet summary, ship design listings of ship quantities are all correct, and the ships that should be in each fleet are correct in the database. It's kind of annoying because you might have to figure out some ship quantities for fleets involved in ship transfers, but the ship quantities are correct in the database itself. If you need to verify a ship total in any particular fleet, feel free to email me and I can help out. Sorry about that!

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Turns about to go out, whew.  A couple of notes:  in the new battle reports, the names of the fleets that leaders are in are off - that has been corrected in the code for next time.  Also, newly built ships that just appeared in fleets may show up as having a zero quantity (ie "0 Pathfinder class Fleet Scout" instead of "1 Pathfinder class Fleet Scout").  It only affected newly built ships, and they are in their fleets - it's just that the Fleet Report will show up with 0 for their quantities (or otherwise not count them properly if ships of that class already existed in that fleet).  I could fix it and reprint all of the turns but it takes many hours to do so, and I wanted to just get them out without further delay.


I hope you enjoy the new battle reports.  My first project for the upcoming cycle will be to get the FOB's to duplicate the display of defensive system #'s and so forth from the battle reports; that will alllow you to FOB a fleet instead of being required to run an actual battle to get those values.



WOW!!. I cant wait to test out the new reports :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alrighty then,

I have to get on a plane early tomorrow morning (and I hate flying), so I'm going for optimism and say turns should be out around 11:47PM EST.





I know, I'm a dreamer. But I'm not the only one!




Maybe we can live as one!




Lord Uriel

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Alrighty then,

I have to get on a plane early tomorrow morning (and I hate flying), so I'm going for optimism and say turns should be out around 11:47PM EST.


:beer:  :P  :thumbsup:  :drunk:  :cheers:



I know, I'm a dreamer.  But I'm not the only one!


:nuke:  :D  :laugh:


Maybe we can live as one!


:laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:


Lord Uriel


LU, it would be great if you were on the money but....


the track record has been early Saturday morning lately. Maybe things are heating up and there are more battles or more players. Anyway I hope you get to see your turn before you have to leave. :thumbsup:

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I predict that the turns will arrive before midnight EST. It's the beginning of the holiday weekend. I am guessing that Pete/Russ don't prefer to be stuck at work under normal circumstances on the weekend. They really won't want to be stuck at the beginning of a holiday weekend with all those pretty fireworks going off....



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I predict that the turns will arrive before midnight EST.  It's the beginning of the holiday weekend.  I am guessing that Pete/Russ don't prefer to be stuck at work under normal circumstances on the weekend.  They really won't want to be stuck at the beginning of a holiday weekend with all those pretty fireworks going off....





Some one needs a reality check, RussNPete are AI's that live in the RTG comptuer.

They do not have a real life like normal people they play games on other compuers to relax.


Just kidding Pete, boy I'm glad we don't have hockey games in July (outside anyway). Nine or ten your time would be swell! :beer:

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Turns are rolling in. Mine was sent at 10:03 MDT.  :P


Have a good holiday Pete and Russ. :beer:


One of my empires showed up, the other one didn't. Pete said he had the same problem with his empires. Anyone else missing their turn?

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