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game 71

Marklen X

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Goodness fella. You really expect to get the truth by asking Men to brag? Didn't you know it's always, bigger, better, faster, etc, etc, etc then the next guy.....ROTFLMAOPNMP


Plus, you failed to start it off!


I'll answer you this way. I've won every PBM game except for two games that I've started and I've started over 10. I'll also add that I haven't played but 1 PBM game since 1987 and used the alias of Rasputin back in 80's. I've played 4 PBM systems including Victory!.


So, how do I measure up?

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Winning, being in the hall of fame, number of games.... :cheers:


The only real way to find out is to play the game and see what happens too you :robot:


Survival of the fittest, or in some cases, LUCKIEST...... :cheers:


Oh well, I will see you sometime, somewhere on part of the map. :ranting:


Good Luck, but not too much... WE Irish would like to keep that for ourselves... :drunk:



DezertCamel :alien:

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Hey Marklen,


You will have to figure that out for yourself... No point in giving you that info for free.


Look at the boards and forums and you can already find out a lot of info about active players in the different games. There is also the HOV. All the names of players are in there.


Good luck in finding out.



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Desert Camel,

Only cowards use car bombs to kill innocent women and children. There's only one word in my vocabulary to describe someone who fits this description: Terrorist :drunk: You may wish to detract your previous statement as there is a vast network of world communities involved in a War on Terror. Do you trully wish to take on the world? :angry2:


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Either you are too PC or you do not have a social life, it refers too a drink, which we irish love. Not the violent act you seem too think. We fight fair, large number of guns and bombs, as long as we remeber where we left them after last night's party??? :drunk:


DezertCamel :angry2:

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If I have in some way misjudged you then I sincerely apologize. It's just that my favorite camel was killed by a carbomb coupled with the fact that I'm ignorant when it comes to Irish drinks. Losing LongIsland Ice Tea (then name of my Camel) was heart wrenching, and then to add insult to injury that rug maker Raspuckin stealing my only sheep. I realize that I'm still probably to sensative over my loses, and I hope in time I can put them behind me and move on. Please accept this apology and try to understand the foundation of my sensativities.



I'll look forward to a sit down where we can exchange our war stories and drink a few bombs. :angry2:

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Sorry to hear about your loss, :angry2:


I will drink a toast to your camel, and I look forward to having many amusing drinks and smooth tasting stories, :drunk:


Now where did I park again, oh that's right I own the place, I don't have to go home. :blink:


Looking at the world through blood shot eyes, and it's only 11:30 am :P


DezertCamel :drunk:

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I appreciate your forgiveness, and toasting my camel is a wonderful gesture. Unfortunately I lost my social life when Raspuckin stole my sheep, and I haven't been able to drown my misery with drink as I lost LongIsland. He was my desiginated driver.

I am however getting over my losses and have decided I need to get out more. So I will soon be seeing more of the world. :angry2:


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