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Dreaming of a Mindsphere destroyer


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Read the battle report. I am in a world of hurt when it comes to ground. I will have to send in a recon force at his homewolrd to see what he has...


Very interesting.


As too taking his homeworld...I can BOMB it if I have to.

I'll be watching with great interest to see if that works.


It would be a shame if someone could invest a lot of effort, expense, and time into a homeworld garrison only to be helpless to space assault.


I suspect that if this guy built any kind of garrison before dropping that you will have to dig him out, which could be a very interesting issue for a weak, decrepit, sorry race. (with a really nasty space fleet of course. LOL)


Hrm... sounds like the space pirates might have to hire some ground pounder mercs to do their final dirty work.

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Wonder if the game code realises that a homeworld has been conquered and lowers stability accordingly so armed insurrection occurs?





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It would be really interesting to actually KNOW since Installations mention affecting Stability and Pete has mentioned it but noone has ever explained the rules for governing it or how you measure it ingame.





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Stability has to do with encouraging civilians to move to a world from the countryside (or another planet). I think you'll find it hard enough to conquer a planet against defending divisions without adding in countless civilian almost-divisional forces. Operation Olypmic would be realistic in the case of attacking some alien critter's homeworld, but it would make invasion almost impossible in practical game terms.

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Ah, So there ís no actual threat of my population rising in revolt because I use them shamelessly to further my own mad power hunger? Good...


How then does it work with neutrals being subjugated with force, can they form guerrilla forces as the rules talk about?




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Ah, So there ís no actual threat of my population rising in revolt because I use them shamelessly to further my own mad power hunger? Good...


How then does it work with neutrals being subjugated with force, can they form guerrilla forces as the rules talk about?




Yes, of course they form units. That's the whole idea, and it works like a dream...well, a nightmare if you don't bring in enough decent invading units. ;) They don't create them out of thin air, naturally. Once you conquer a little neutral, it's unlikely that they can do much to take back their world, but a neutral full-fledged empire might be able to form enough troops to be threatening.

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Yes..Where is that Captain Morgan when you need him to make anti-pirate comments....Thread Hijack!


Arghhh matie!

I am here.


I am enjoying the humour of your bumbling exploits against a defenseless dropped position, and eagerly awaiting the day that you find your tail to become a worthy foe.


However, I shan't hold my breath.


Carry on, young lad.


Governor Henry Morgan

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Oooohhh I tremble in fear. Oh no. <hand to the head>. Actually the Mindsphere drooped about three turns ago (best I can guess since all of a sudden their was some weird movement). At that point he had lost about 400 berthings and some other stuff.


I can't help it if he decides to drop when things get tough.

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Oooohhh I tremble in fear. Oh no. <hand to the head>.

Nay, no need to fear me, young lad.


The Royal Admiralty has just decided that your role as a drunk, braggart pirate is most entertaining and your empire shall be spared to serve as Royal Court Jester. It appears that the Lords have given up on you ever becoming a worthy foe and have thusly focused upon Eeyore's value as our harmless stooge.


Jolly good news for your donkey empire. clap. clap. :thumbsup:


Carry on,


Governor Henry Morgan

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