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Game 72


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:woohoo: The last several turns I too have been building the maximum number of SS King Tigers. To bad they will only be used for parades past the Reich's Arches in xBerlin. Just enough fuel to counterattack and no one to fight. But you are right-----they sure are pretty. (They count towards the total units in the army as a victory condition) :wub:



Rommel trying to fight LDB's in Tunsia----I have returned to my roots----the Africa Corps

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:wub: The last several turns I too have been building the maximum number of SS King Tigers. To bad they will only be used for parades past the Reich's Arches in xBerlin. Just enough fuel to counterattack and no one to fight. But you are right-----they sure are pretty. (They count towards the total units in the army as a victory condition) :pirate2:



Rommel trying to fight LDB's in Tunsia----I have returned to my roots----the Africa Corps


I got the fuel.. I got the supplies... and also those panzers...

just no time enough to get them to your capital :woohoo:


who knows in the next game I can relax in your hide out.....


I rule.... now it is time to kill some ruskies in RedOrchesta...

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:D I did a little SIM TC in Rumania and according to my count there are 7 countries represented. At least 5 of them are active. This has got to be some kind of record for this late in the game. I think I'll stay out of there. By the way who is winning in Rumania? :beer:


Rommel getting a suntan in Tunsia

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:cannon: I did a little SIM TC in Rumania and according to my count there are 7 countries represented. At least 5 of them are active. This has got to be some kind of record for this late in the game. I think I'll stay out of there. By the way who is winning in Rumania? :python:


Rommel getting a suntan in Tunsia


Good question. Haven't finished sorting through the dead on both sides so ti is too close to call.

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....I'm dreaming of a white christmas...





It's snowing!!!

So dreams CAN come true..



THE SHeikh




That must have hurt our friend, somebody's having a not so nice x-mas I'm afraid...






NB It does makes me wonder when he decides to make serious business of reconquering his own country... It's amazing how he copied the same style of the Great Syrian Leader...



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NB It does makes me wonder when he decides to make serious business of reconquering his own country... It's amazing how he copied the same style of the Great Syrian Leader...


still my tactic works better at the START of the game and not at the END...


now did I notice a decline in SA payments into the Liberation Fund... is the SA economy not potent enough to keep up with my demands.. tsskkk woosy workers....

then again that is what you asked for when sending every man to the front to build your road to Moscow...

your countyr is ruled by women.... oh well... if that is what you like.. being dominated by them.. well have fun... I will for now rtreat myself into my Villa and enjoy the Harem.. the new Russian Women and to admire the GOLDEN bathromm and doorknobs.. which have recently been installed.. with COMPLIMENTS of the UEA.. who do seem to be able to donate more.. and therefore are waaayyy better..

that is till your next gift surpasses them....

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I do think Algeria was winning as an individual before he dropped. His income was over $35,000 per turn. Very Very impressive.


In my opinion not very impressive at all. After the initial double team of tunisia he never really fought a live player in this game. you could argue he fought the bulgaria player but it was really germany and central russia that defeated bulgaria. When he finally did come up against a live active player it was the northern alliance and we (Sweden & N. Russia) stopped him in his tracks when he was at his most powerful.



Just thought that I would pop in to see what’s up. To say hi and that I wish I was still in the game.


I see Predator AKA Baghdad Bob still having delusions of what really happened.


Yes Tunisia poor player got raped. But he was killed very fast. Real player


Italy quit as soon as Libya and I jumped on him. He quit.


But Grease not Bulgaria is whom I fought and he put up a fight and lost. Real player


Then we come to the N. Alliance I see you only include yourself and N. Russia. I do recall C. Russia, and Finland in that alliance as well. I do recall that C. Russia ran from me after I kicked his butt. To fight in the south.

Then N. Russia came in and I kicked his butt as well, a few times at that. He lost a lot of div's. Oh yes and Finland came in and shoot that’s right he lost his troop as well.


Oh that’s right I do recall that I was holding your N. Alliance so my team could come up from the South. Because I could not leave my right side open to attack. I was by myself against 4 Nations and Kicking the crap out of you guys. Not only on the ground but in the air as well. The only way to fight me was to have all four of your team attack me. Yes you guys hurt my airbases but I was able to rebuild and keep fighting. You did not kill off my planes you damaged them. I said it before to count a kill you have to kill it all the way to 0/80.


Yes I will admit by the time I started fighting you I was missing turns because of real life problems. But we hit each other and did good hits on each other. But the fight between you and me never was able to come to a head because of my RL problems. That sucks for me because I would of loved to of kept fighting you. I hated having to leave the game it was a great game. Then again we would of never been able to go head to head because I would have had to turn and fight Germany and France. So you where always safe from really fighting me. You knew you where always safe hiding behind the N. Alliance team and the Germany and France's skirts. You knew you would never have to fully fight me on your own. If you did you would of lost. Down deep that just eats you up.


But when you have no money to pay you can't play. That’s life. But now that I have my life straight again I will be getting into a new game. I hope you are in one of the games in the future Predator. Because I would love to fight you again. One day we will meet on the field of battle and we will see how well you stand then. I say One on One you don’t stand a chance.


This was my first game in over 10 years and I was very rusty. Now I know what I can do again and it will be even more fun to fight you the next time we meet on the field. All in all as the game went Predator I think you’re a good player and I do hope we can fight again. My hat is off to you. Even if we fight in the future I will be looking forward to seeing if you can teach me a thing or two.


Again I hope to either ally or fight anyone of you guys in a future game. I enjoyed the time we had with each other good job to all of you guys.


P.S. When I left the game my Treasury was in the hundreds of thousands. My Taxation was $35,000+ a turn. The ldbs I was putting down would help stop a lot of troops.

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This was my first game in over 10 years and I was very rusty. Now I know what I can do again and it will be even more fun to fight you the next time we meet on the field. All in all as the game went Predator I think you’re a good player and I do hope we can fight again. My hat is off to you. Even if we fight in the future I will be looking forward to seeing if you can teach me a thing or two.


Again I hope to either ally or fight anyone of you guys in a future game. I enjoyed the time we had with each other good job to all of you guys.


P.S. When I left the game my Treasury was in the hundreds of thousands. My Taxation was $35,000+ a turn. The ldbs I was putting down would help stop a lot of troops.


Shuckszzz..... :joker:



Well next game I hope to fight some serious enemies instead of chasing them all across the map picking of some lousy units and supporting this Black Financial Hole that's your partner...


But then again, the fight for Moscow is making up even though it's the very latest stages of the game! :jawdrop:

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Wots this?




Since when does sh#t come falling out of the air?


Oh I see, it's coming out of those remaining Finish and North Russian planes, man you gotta love the fireworks display they put up for everybody to enjoy these last few rounds... Keep sending them, the Me-262A-2 fighter jocks are enjoying it too...





Our friends are really desperate to keep the Saudi Highway Dudes from connecting xMoscow... hmmm.... Time for another round of air drops I guess....



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  • 2 weeks later...

I am back ........ My hard drive fried out a month ago and I feel like I had been relegated back to the stone age. It seriously has hampered my victory intel I can tell you that. Any way to USMC Pointman: RL life took central russia from us as same as it took you from NADS. If you both had stayed in the game I think it would have turned out alot different, especially as central was our link to northern russia and was coordinating everyting. On tech 67 northern once again cut me off from advancing south and I have been unable to get by him since he put his army in a province where he didn't own the city and promply ran out of gas.


I look forward to seeing your group in the next game(80). Finland and I will be playing with some old friends that we work well together with so we will not be hampered by inconsiderate and greedy play of our allies. Hint: we will be coming east to pay a visit.


I have enjoyed playing with you guys and hope you have not taken anything I have said too seriously......................good luck in 80! :huh:

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