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Game 72


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I must say it has been one of the most enjoyable




I second that, it's been fun, even though having to plough your way through endless and endless mostly barren provinces is not what I am looking for next time.


The Saudi Highway Construction dudes did what they promised, not that we expected to come even near we when proclaimed to end the road to xmoscow before the end of this game.


And yes at a very costly price in the very last turn(s?), what a mistake-a to make-a... Ah well, no better way to learn from your mistakes.


Ah well... Northern Russia has been invaded deeply, xMurmansk was just out of reach, over to Vic80!

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Well the tech period ends today, so I guess that officially means the end of victory72.

My congratulations to all the other survivors. bloody well done!! :cheers:


I've seen some pretty miraculous turns in the wars. I admit having cursed more than a few times seriously as each time I thought the central alliance/link entente was in the ropes they made a recovery and I eventually had to pull off a Dunkirk manouver in Ireland to save my airforce and navy.. respect... deep respect, especially for your chief diplomat.


I think the large amount of survivors are mainly because the alliances that survived the war were forged almost at the start of the game and managed to stick together.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hi Guys,


I haven't forgotten but I just haven't gotten the chance to compile the Game 72 end results and update the Hall of Victory! I'll try to get a block of time to work on it soon and will announce here in the forums when the winner(s) is determined and the updated Hall of Victory! is ready to be viewed/downloaded.


Take care,



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  • 2 weeks later...

All I can say is WOW.


I could not have done it without my TA's Libya, and Egypt. My Allies from the middle east, and the whole NADS group. This was a very fun game. I am looking forword to game 80.

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What a game! :joker::blink::cheers::cheers::D:D


No points for building a road to Moscow but it's there, can't wait for Vic80, zhe Doc has gone, time for the Wolf to step in.


For fun the final map to the best of my knowledge, I never anticipated early in the game that this digital map would grow out into a 150+ layered, 200+ Mb, 10.000 x 8.000 pixels Photoshop file that would actually hit the limits of Photoshop itself.


The Road to Moscow (and beyond)


Let's turn vic80 into just as great as this one was!



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:alien: I take my hat off to Algeria, number one in arms kills and number 3 in air kills and over all winner. Just think if he had been active the entire time.

I also salute all the players who finished. 14 must be a new VICTORY! record.

AS I mentioned previously I think this has been the most enjoyable game of VICTORY! I have been in.


Now to blow my own horn.


55 Finished as individual

58 Won as Coalition

64 Finished as coalition

68 Won as coalition

72 Finished as coalition


Five started and five finished. However for a while I wonder how I could finish with Germany in the center on the wars. Attached by 8 different countries!!!!!! Thanks Allies!!!!!!





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