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Game 72


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No wonder you are ready....

I wouldalso beready but I am not just

building only defences and statictroops to hide away...


Although I would have done the same if I where in your shoes.. who would dare to attack with those puny E-100 bugged tank... which you got way too much of...



:lol: :lol:

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Ahhh jaaah!


Zhings are getting better und better fur zhe Doc, all zhe countries with manly leaders have been contacted und zhe wussies vith zhe privacy options on are about zu get swept of zhe face of zhe earth....


I suggest everybody has a good look in zhe mirror and ask yourself: am I a man oder ein wussy? Do you lead or follow?


Time is ticking....

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If you have contacted all players around you, why do you not answer your mail???

Or is your friendship with Syria and UAE enough...


I will be prepared before turn3 to fight the battle on foreign soil.

All in the defence of mother and child. I will start looking for the expansion of my personal harem.



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why does he get mail.. and not me...??


hmmm.... rally the troops rally the troops...


sent the cap in the air....


u-boats .. dive dive dive.....



we are ready....


difference only that it will be on your land not mine :rolleyes:

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Or is your friendship with Syria and UAE enough...


I will start looking for the expansion of my personal harem.

Dear NfBeerse,


It's true We have contacted the Saudi's for negotiations. Two reasons for that:


1. We don't have the names and addresses of other Middle East Countries. Neither have we been contacted by one. We don't negotiate with anonymous leaders. As you''ll undoubdly know this is a sacred believe of ours. This doesn't mean We're not open to proposals / other options.


2. It's part of the Middle East Road Map to Peace the UAE people have adopted. And that's part of our future plan for the installation of a United Nations Council which in it's turn will undoubly lead to world peace. Negotiations with the Norwegian Government are on their way. The UAE people wish to express their strong support for a first UN Chairmanship by the president of Central Russia. With his recent actions agains terrorist groups in the far south of that great country he has proven to be a very capable leader in which We trust.


The UAE people last but not least would like to make it clear that they've sent all UAE women to the different countries in the world as peace ambassadors for the above mentioned nobel goal and huge effort.

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At this current stage in life I rather much like the 2 week interval :o



For those interested....my wife gave birth to a very beautiful daughter yesterday....!!!


A special date for a special girl...we call her Evy and she is our first borne....


so atm, all OMA TAS and BPA's cant be bothered with me :nuke:


See you all at the front very soon again!

From Team P.I.S.S. in game 71, congrats on the new addition to the family!


May you all be well and healthy!

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Or vill he keep talking to the end, vords but no actions?

The UAE people are well known for their motto:


"I'll say what I do.

And I'll think what I say"


So let that be your answer.


Besides that, the People of the UAE are mustering all their Flower Power at the moment. So don't be afraid. Or Be!

If needed we'll be ready to enforce World Peace.

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