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perhaps.. but you just sorta unofficially declared war on sweden, so whats to keep him from attacking you now? :rolleyes:

Maybe I want Sweden to attack me...


A good defense is better than a bad offense. :taz:

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At last I have some peace and quiet for a new posting on the forum.

I had to relocate. The intel people got a little too close for comfort.


You make it look like you already are at the center of the known world. Perhaps UAE is the whole world for you. As you seem to believe that, your statement about UAE Law being Universal Law is true. Let me tell you a little secret: UAE is but a small!!! part of the world. And the power of your militairy will not reach far.


I have now set up a new camp. You could call the camp 'Little Vegas', as you can participate in all sorts of gambling games and much more...

Besides the cams there is a training camp for my loyal followers. They will all be trained in the art of destruction. The first 4 classes have already finished their training.

These classes have trained for blowing up aircraft, bombing supplies and killing enemy commanders... and last but not least, they are all experts in gambling!


And they are good. I have already seen them at work. I bet that they will kill at least 2 Syrian commanders, before their presence in known...


It seems that enemy intel people are closing in on all sides, but they have not found me yet. I will keep hiding and evade the searchers.





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This man is obviously paying too much attention to matters of War & Destruction and too little time to matters of Joy, Fun and Relaxation :drunk:

After I have annihilated my enemies there will be time for R&R. Until then there is work to be done. Planning my offense takes time, lots of time!


Joy, Fun and Relaxation have no place in Vic! Do you see an order called BP (Build Playground), DB (Drink Beer) or HSWG (Have Sex With Girlfriend)??? :cheers:



Should I have BEEPED the S word??

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or.. or .. or... yeah you could invade england by sea..... yesssss



hmmm you need a pr man.. someone with a yell....

something like... ** within 5 turns we will be in Damascus ***



Invade England... Yes, I could. Someday.


But I don't need a yell like 'I'll be in ... by turn ...'. Plans usually don't survive contact with the enemy. I'll just say I'll revenge the swedish occupation of my beautifull country long long time ago. How and when is up to you to guess.



So I'll plan and improvise. Works much better than making a plan, sticking to it and get defeated.



Mijn voorstel voor het boekenweekgeschenk: Achtung Panzer! by Heinz Guderian.

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You make it look like you already are at the center of the known world. Perhaps UAE is the whole world for you. As you seem to believe that, your statement about UAE Law being Universal Law is true. Let me tell you a little secret: UAE is but a small!!! part of the world. And the power of your militairy will not reach far.

Press statement. oslo, 11th March 2004:


Today the norwegian president announced that Norway recognises the UAE 'High Court of Mortal Sins and worse' for all legal matters in the Middel East including Turkey, excluding southern Russia. Norway firmly believes only this legal institute can bing law and order to this region of the world. This statement was issued after the norwegian president flew to the UAE on a Norwegian air force B29 and had a personal meeting with the UAE high court. The promised shipment of large quantities of oil helped to influence the president.


Norway will support any actions the UAE finds necessary to enforce the law in the Middle East. Norwegian special forces have been placed under the command of the UAE High Court and funds have been made available for covert actions.


Norway does not think of this as an agressive action, but more as a last step to ensure peace in the Middle East. Only a strong nation can bring peace to this lawless region of the world.

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Hmmmm.... Some commanders don't survive zhe first contact vith the enemy either....

You mean your army (and attached commander) gets destroyed? That's reason to drink a few bottles of very, very expensive wine.


When you loose a commander because of a ranger raid and the absence of security battallions you need a good spanking! Only if you're not into SM. :drunk:


f you refer to the player, well... We'll see how long the defeated countries stay in the game. I'll set up a poll. BRB.



Or should I have BEEPED the Spanking and SM?



Commanders should not be wasted! Love 'm and protect 'm.

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f you refer to the player, well... We'll see how long the defeated countries stay in the game


I vas refering to zhis 'I'll be in xDamascus in 5 turns' statement. Zhat's all nice und well but vhat good does it do if you're country is a smouldering mess???


Und vhere are my results ?!?!??!!

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I vas refering to zhis 'I'll be in xDamascus in 5 turns' statement. Zhat's all nice und well but vhat good does it do if you're country is a smouldering mess???

I welcome Sweden to visit xOslo. While he's in Oslo I lay waste to his entire country. That's perfectly fine with me.


Best of luck with finding criminal B!


Where's my turn???... :drunk:

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Und he has more of these statements, of course 'ze Doc has a certain person in mind vhen reading zhese statements....


Don't be buffaloed by experts and elites.  Experts often

possess more data than judgment.  Elites can become so

inbred that they produce hemophiliacs who bleed to death

as soon as they are nicked by the real world


Zhe Real World is about zu catch a few of zhese hiding experts....

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What is your problem with players who don't want to reveil the country they are playing?

I am certainly not the only one in this game who does not want to give away this information.


It seems to me that you are frustrated by this. Especially because you suspect I play somewhere in the Middle East.



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