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Game 72


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Just putting some tension in zhe game! Vhere there is tension zhere is fun!


I'm not driven by frustration, just trying to separate zhe weazels from zhe men, its vhat I do, analyzing und more analyzing. Of people.


'ze Doc too is looking for tzargets und weazels are zhe first to get rid of so zhe men stay behind to fight zhe grand mothzer of all zhe battles....


Replying or not on zhis bulletin board doesn't matter. Every country vhich has zhe privacy option on on is as far as zhe Doc is concerned a weazel. Und right now zhere are vay too many. It is like an infestation, a plague!!

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'ze Doc too is looking for tzargets und weazels are zhe first to get rid of so zhe men stay behind to fight zhe grand mothzer of all zhe battles....


Replying or not on zhis bulletin board doesn't matter. Every country vhich has zhe privacy option on on is as far as zhe Doc is concerned a weazel. Und right now zhere are vay too many. It is like an infestation, a plague!!



zhe grand mothzer of all zhe battles...



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:taz: Norbert, I assume you are in the middle east based on your comments but I tend to agree with the other leaders. A leader who hides is hard to trust. Either that or he has no confidence in his abilities or his armies. See you on the battlefield. I await the results of my production orders and my field commanders reports as they train the legends of the famous Riech. Rommel :taz:
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My diplomats just informed my Sweden and Finland are friends.


This is most interesting.


The finnish leader is also a 'privacy option' weasel. :angry2:


As a member of the Anti Weasel League I think I should attack Finland first.



Choices choices. :oops:

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I have compleet confidence in my army and airforce. All my beautiful tank divisions are ready for the attack.


This is not the reason that I choose to remain in secret on the forum. I laready have made contact and agreements with other countries. My borders are secure and my army can attack in force the next turn.


I have thought about reveiling the country I play, but since some players are poised against countries with the privacy option, I will reconsider...



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it is soo simple in politics....


what people cannot see means danger...


but one wants to feel safe and not threatened...


and as there are more people trying to feel safe..


they have found a common enemy to hit first upon...


as they are a minority...


happends in every game





*** in 5 turns in Damascus *** can it be done *** the bet is still on ***

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So some one make a list of the ppl who live where and post it lets see if you are right.

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Are you refering to the one on your head? :oops:

Or the grubby index finger your pointing around the message board? :ranting:

Which country are you? :taz:

or does someone have to prepare a list so that you can work it out for yourself! :angry

A bit harsh, well freedom of speach. Old man :angry2:


Sorry but I have insomnia and looking at the message board

You were hogging it

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Hi Smedly,


I meant to say where ppl are playing not living and I have a list of some ppl that posted. I have posted my country. But since you did not read that post I am Algers.

I am not sure if this list is right but this is some of my list.


Norway: Chinco

Germany: ? Don ( Not sure)

Low Lands: HeavyB

Trans-Jordan: Cd-ernst/Donald

Morocco: Jester

Portugal: Meatball

Syria: Grimor

C.Russia: Slicer

Hungary: Smedley

U.S.A.: Hamish

Canada: Ronald

Bulgaria: Commander Azuth

France: Panzer General


There are more and I am not sure if this list is right but that is close maybe.

So no I dont need someone to make a list for me smedley. :P


And again this is not a for sure list just what I have seen on the board.

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It almost makes you want to do 40 EM POL missions. It's a shame I don't have 40 orders left but I'm sure it would reveal some interesting TA's...


But let's not get distracted. Turn three is almost here! Killing time!!! :thumbsup:

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interesting TA's..? hmm


you mean something like the Turkey connection or the Persian Followers....



the pressure is almost to heavy to bear.. still a few more days towards the first deadline... who wil go first... who will go last... what will the time bring us....

Will we be invaded and do a counter or do we invade and crush the counter...


this is a nerve breaking time............



NOW where THE F*** are my fingernails........

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:) The time for talk is nearly past. My panzers are nearly finished with their training. Who are the leaders on my southern flank? Do they not think Rommel is worthy to set with? I have some of the best lager beer in the world and I am willing to share it. Rommel :unsure:
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