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Game 72


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Everyone is sitting around with maps and pencils and spreadsheets...


"If I do this and he does that and they do this...GAH!" :)

Nah I stopped planning and worrying.


It cost me too much sleep. My planning was done before turn one. All that 'If he does that than...' stuff leads to nothing. Only nightmare scenarios and missed sleep. My advice: Stop worrying, get a lot of sleep and just roll those panzers forward.


But turn three takes more time than usual. More variables to take into account. BPA went ok, went wrong, or you got attacked. And only 60 orders...


Did I mention I make great lasagna? :unsure:

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The storm is on...


The gates of xDamascus will be smashed!

Preparations are finished, deception complete, surprise total.



Mommy..... Help... the bad man is coming.... :lol:


only a few hours before the first assault and a few days before the last....

great times are ahead.......


let's have all a good time and lots of fun :)

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Choices choices...


Send in turn 3 now? Wait a few days? What do my allies do? What do my enemies do?


Will the BPA work? Where are those battle reports? Where did my money go?



I can't stand this. My turn is in the mail. BPA's and DW's everywhere!!! Achtung Panzer!

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Looking at my handy dandy international date/time website.


Isn't it Saturday in the O'l US of A.


Russ don't work weekends(that's why you'll never compete with the Japanese)


Does that mean we will have to wait another 2 days before we hear anything.


It's a conspiicy between RTG and the Brewing Industry


Russ we need more sales. OK I will hold up everyones results for the weekend that should boost profits.


Or are they floating round in the ether out there,


Clogging phone lines, Making strange noises whem the Mrs is trying to ring Aunty Mable,Changing the alert status to DEFCON 3.


I love this game!



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