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Game 72


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:lol: :lol: :lol:


I cannot even smell you from my Palace in xDamascus... that means that your rabble is not even close to the city of milk and honey....


Oh well my militaty advisors told me that you do not exist in game 72 as you can never prove your true identity as a small time dictator ... anyway accoording to my ministers of fortune tellers your country is allready at war with some other warmongers...


now let me get back to my huge Kingsize Bed and enjoy a few of my wives...

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Search no longer... as I have taken Damascus!




Uhhhh.... I zhink it is clear now, Herr Norbert, look at your zurn sheets und read zhe part zhat says "game#..." und tell us, vhat does it say?!? It can't be 72 because zhat is zhe game we are in.


I don't know vhat you are but you are full of it, zhat much is certain!

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Dear Peace Loving Fellow Victorians,


These are confusing times.


Today Criminal B. announced he's from another dimension. I always thought him alien, but this really is upsetting. If he thinks he can avoid his rightfull punishment by this shameful act, he's nuts....


And this is not all.


Today the ruler from TransJordan made himself known as Sheikh. There is and can be only one Sheikh. And that Sheikh is Sheikh Makum bin Sultan Al Rashi from the UAE.

The TJ ruler thinks he's a master diplomat. By forging alliances, he's tried to secure his eastern boundaries so he can turn his attention westward. He thinks he did succeed. But did he? Or did he overlook some minor detail? A major mideastern Power for example?


THE (one and only) Sheikh has ordered his Intelligence agency to find the real title of the TJ Leader. They reported back after digging up some rather nasty stuff. Amongs others they found out that the TJ ruler is not really a Sheikh. In his own country he has the title of lp_bobbie. In the rest of the world now also known as The Imposter.


Lucratori te salutant!


THE (one and only) Sheikh

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:D Great leaders do not hide the country they are from. Napolean and Alexander did not hide their idenities. Could Norbert be afraid in his own country? Mafia of the night so to speak. Show your colors and be deposed. Grimer and Sheikh we are with you. May the flies of the desert feast on the bones of the true Norbert. Could there be a doudle idenity? In The Sure And Certain Knowledge Of Victory! Rommel ,currently riding with the first SS Panzer Division. :thumbsup:
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I was indeed talking about a different game of Victory...


Herr Norbert... pleeeeeeeeeeeease tell me you are in zhis game somewhere.... Otherwise tell me vhich game I should join as well, we've established somezhing of a relationship und need to work on zhat, I'm sure you understand....



Vhere oh vhere are you?!?!?

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:cheers: atleast it is not in my Palace....


my guess is he is still building up the nerve to start playing in a game :D



hmmmm.... what ..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


** messages rolling in.. ***


Syrian border patrols .sniff Turkish Tobacco in the air... ?? WTF...


hmmmmm... I am getting :thumbsup:


send in the scouts....

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Hey Grimor,


I will take those ARM factories of yours in xDamascus and xAbyad first.


Just letting you know where you can dig in... Perhaps this is a good place for those 'useless' frontiers, or so you claim them to be.





Just browsing zhe archives....


Eizher Herr Norbert does not exist in game #72 oder he ist Turkey. Turkey can save his precious ass in zhe near future by announcing right now zhat he is NOT Herr Norbert.


A complete silence vill of course mean zhat we have anozher coward amongst our midst..

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"Excuse me sir"

"Don't disturb my breakfast, you lowlife"

"But sir......."

"I'm not in the fking mood for your jokes and tricks jester. Go and pester your mother".

"But, but...auch"

....The Diamond Ring on the left hand of the King smacked the face of the little courjester, leaving a bright red wound on his cheek.....


The royal misfit wiped the blood of his face, reached within his cloak and trusted the footlong knife deep between the ribs of his King.


"You weak fool. Now it's time for WAR.


xMadrid's supposed to be nice this time of year"

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My dear Sheep lover from the UAE,


:lol: :thumbsup::D:cheers:

That was very funny! Naïve, but very funny!


Although I can only imagine the difficulties you had to overcome to step out of your tent, you do have to remember that the world is bigger now than it was 8 weeks ago. So to help you on your way with your first steps into the real world I will offer you my support and will help you to find your way; since your are obviously a very misguided man...

The first step would be to reconignisze as the one and only sheikh. Once you have absorbed that piece of reality everything else will be easy!


Yours truly,


Sheikh Mohammed ibn Weizmann :cheers:

Trans Jordan

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Cairo, Egypt -- King Tutman B was in good spirits today at a rally near the Pyramids. The King has kicked off a multi-province tour of the country to continue to win the people's support for the war. With a national job approval rating of 80% most analysts question the need for such a tour. The King's Press Secretary, Ali bin Achman, told reporters that His Majesty "wants the people to see that he is still a man of the people and not afraid of the aggressive Trans-Jordanian government." When questioned on the number of casualties the Egyptian forces have taken and given, Achman said he did not have solid numbers and would respond at a later briefing.


When asked the same question, His Majesty responded "I have not seen the numbers from the Ministry of Defense yet but they should be released soon." When asked about the Trans-Jordanian Leader's claim that he was the "THE (one and only) Sheikh", His Majesty had this to say:


"There is only one true Sheikh and that is Sheikh Makum bin Sultan Al Rashi of the UAE. His claim to the title of Sheikh has been backed up by thousands of years of history and countless Arabic scholars. For Mohammed ibn Weizmann to claim that HE is the 'One and Only' Sheikh is an insult to Arabs everywhere and down right confusing. He will be made to pay for his transgressions against our allie, the UAE, and the Egyptian people. We can not have false Sheikhs running around threatening peaceful nations or calling their leaders lovers of sheep."


The King also announced today, as a respectful recognition of Egypt’s history, he would change his official title to Pharaoh Tutman B. This gesture is largely symbolic because Pharaoh means King.

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All quiet on the arctic front.


No news from the finnish and swedish armies. Have they quit before the real battles begin? Did they both screw up their orders? Are they waiting for the norwegian spring offensive?


C'mon boys! I'm waiting!!

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:P Central Europe is becoming a dangerous place for the Dutch. I am getting a chance to train my panzers on the poorly trained Dutch army. The only problem is running over them is guming up the tracks on the panzers. Oh well ! The first city to fall is xLux. Germans are a peace loving people. The Dutch struck first. Chico my friend , what do you know of the Dutch in Denmark? Are they friendly with the leader of the Lowlands or you. Rommel, from the front line attached to the first panzer army. :alien:
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No news from the danish kingdom. But with all the scandinavian armies fighting me I expect Denmark to join them. Bring it on!! It will just make me fight harder and longer. :P


Seriously, I think you should invade Denmark as soon as possible. He can't really threaten me and where else can he go but into Germany? And it's not hard to guess where the big german cities are. May I suggest a preventive strike? :alien:

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