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May I suggest a preventive strike?


Or even a preemptive one!

might I suggest,to be so bold, if you dont mind

Only a thought

You know one of those things that occasionally bounce around that vast void where your brain should be.


Kill Kill Kill ( If it's all right with you ,that is)



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Interesting news from the front. :ph34r:


My spies inform me that a few finnish divisions have taken the norwegian city of Kautokeino. Such a terrible loss of those fanatical rangers who were stationed there. Fortunately they have joined the norwegian resistance there to disrupt industrial production. No my dear finnish friend. That city will not be of any value soon. :alien:


Meanwhile you may have found out that fortifications are a tough nut to crack. Especially when tou put some trained footsoliers and a Marshall on Deliberate Defense behind all that concrete. And the good news is that those arm factories keep producing and that that harbour there keeps the supplies coming.


Hope you had fun. I know I did! :cheers::thumbsup::P


Maybe I'll frame those battle reports and put 'm on the wall in my game room. Next to the well filled bookshelf.


Well I guess it's time to turn my attention to your swedish friend. You will be stuck in northern Norway for a long, long time while I'm off to liberate Stockholm. After that I will come visit Helsinki.



Achtung Panzer!

Schnelle Heinz

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Hello my German and French friends...and ofcourse not forgetting the islandic part of the family... :cheers:


I hope you are enjoying your betrayel...perhaps taking xLux was not as important as you had planned. I have seen through your lies all along and as soon as the french will stick their noosses out of the gates of x lux I will blast them to hell and damnation. :P

And ofcourse you will have other worries when the Danish Swiss and Italian armies will march into your precious back yards. There will come a day that you had hoped to actually accept the TA proposal i put forward... :alien:


Oh by the way loosing Paris will probebly hurt a bit more than loosing xLux did for me... :thumbsup:



heavy B

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:) heavyB ,I never received an offer of Total Alliance. Possibly there are untrustworthy personnel among my staff. However I doubt it. Betrayal???? You declared war!!!!!. We Germans are a peace loving peoples ,but when attacked we can be like flies. They are everywhere and hard to get rid of. We have no quarrel with the peace loving Swiss peoples or the hot loving Latins. Nearly 1600 arms points lost in one battle will be hard to replace, will it not? Rommel, attached to the second panzer army somewhere in the Fatherland. :thumbsup:
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Let the truth be known. World events clearly indicate Dutch Total Ally Denmark declared war on France first. Only, after the fact did France declare war on Lowlands.


I am a representative of the Grand Duchess Charlotte of Luxembourg. The Lowlands Tri-Pact alliance consisting of the Netherlands, Belgium and ourselves Luxembourg needed to be disbanded as there are intolerable differences of opinion with the Dutch dictator heavy B. As such, I approached the former leaders of France demanding action be taken to protect our sovereign nation from the Dutch. Additionally, the Belgian government has requested similar protection status. To my surprise the French surrendered, placing full control of their nation under the leadership of her Majesty.


We promptly set forth operation Luxembourg Freedom, which was to only begin if the Dutch or their Total Allies became aggressive. Further proof of these disagreements can be found in the fact that Rommel of Germany has not indicated any involvement by Belgian nor Luxembourg forces in the Dutch-German war. I have moved former French governmental operations to xLux, the capital of the Luxembourg Empire. I here by decree any Dutch forces operating outside of the Netherlands shall be promptly destroyed.


- Representative of the Grand Duchess Charlotte of Luxembourg

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Additionally, the Belgian government has requested similar protection status. To my surprise the French surrendered, placing full control of their nation under the leadership of her Majesty.




Und wo ist our French leader? Any comments on his side about zhis hostile takeover of territories vaguely under his control???

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hmmm we in Syria have no problem with a different ruler...


just give us South Holland and I will make sure that the oil will pour outta your nose...


Got some fond memories of that place.. besides it is green which will bring a welcome chance in the dessert scenery...


hmmmm there I smell it again.. Turkish Tobacco... search my palace capture the infidel... it almost becomes scary.. the smell is getting closer every day....

the nerves of the border patrols are stretched to there limits... when will they come... where will the come... and will de cul de sac work... or will we just keep smelling the smoke.... and is it just the wind blowing in our directions but are the gun barrels pointed at someone else... we are not sure... but we can only asume that they like our way of living as they never contacted me in my beautifull palace.. and they have themselves hide behind the new privacy rules signed by the Vienna peace accoords....

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Agh! your not a computer

Oh well just more fun


I am in your country not the other way around


Allying with Germany

Been there done that


How about

OH great leader of Poland will you take me under your wing together we shall dominate Europe If you so desire.


Grand Pooh Bah of Hungary :cheers:


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Ha haaaa! Smedleythebarbarian, you zhought you could silently conquer zome valuable resources vithout a serious fight?


Vell, I believe zhat most of zhe non communicative countries are players und maybe one of zhem is Herr Norbert. I'm afraid zhat I vill have zo conquer all of zhem. I even signed up in all zhe other victory games! He can hide, but not forever.


But you are right, it's alvays better zo fight in zhe other person's country!!

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