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Game 72


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Well I know who one of them is. But I am not telling. :rolleyes:


Now the ? of the day is who is Tunisia? :D


It mite be Norbert! :thumbsup:


But then again it may not be. :cheers:


I would love to know where Norbert is. :cheers:


I hope to play with him like a cat does a mouse. :D


But to all great gaming and I hope you all have fun.


Good Luck All.

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Grimor, You will be surprised about the truth in my postings.




Vell... Read all his postings to date:


Hello Trans-Jordan,


Count me in as your ally. I would like to try a desert war. I will be on my way to Turkey soon... First I will have to cut through Iraq and Syria.


No, I will not reveil what country I am playing; Use those RNA orders to find out. Besides GreatBritain70 and Norway71, I am also playing a country in the middle east.


Diplomatic mail, forum messages etc. are part of the game... So game72 is already underway. Making contact with other nations and forming allieances is done for a small part even before the first turn is processed.


....support my desertwars.


Perhaps I could have been more specific in placing the bet. How about Syria than? xDamascus. Within the time span of 5 more turns.



Let's face it, vith all but one Middle East players known he can only be in Persia but reaching xDamascus in 5 turns is impossible. Herr Norbert is one Big Fake....


Bugger, I zhink he might even be a chatterbot vhich comes vith zhis bulletinboard program!

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Vic72 player overview:


Slicer - Central Russia

NRussia72 - Northern Russia

HeavyB - Lowlands

Don - Germany

PanzerGeneral - France

Keith: keithbrow@aol.com - Poland

Koen: k.dijker@xs4all.nl - Denmark

Ham - Yugoslavia

Vavoom - Czechoslovakia

Chico - Norway

LSSAH - Sweden

Meatball - Portugal

Michael: MStaacke@aol.com - Spain

Smedley - Hungary

Commander Azuth - Bulgaria

Jester - Morocco

USMC - Algeria

Sheik - UAE

Persia_072@hotmail.com - Persia

Tiberiusuhl - Egypt

Gneiss - Libya

CD Ernst - Trans Jordan

Grimor - Syria

Dr Freud - Saudi Arabia

Ronald - Canada

Doug: Linkdoug@hotmail.com - Iceland

Ari: akogut@houston.rr.com - Ireland

Paul: rocknk@mwt.net - Great Britain

Hamish - United States


Just in:


Kurassier - South Russia

Isemann - Turkey (Isemann claims not)


Pig Skin ???


Persia is uncertain. Rumor has it he's from Barcelona...

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Headline News, brought to you by the LBC (Luxembourg Broadcasting Corporation).


- Operation Belgium Freedom is well underway!! Belgian freedom fighters have come out en masse to join Her Majesty of Luxembourg’s Liberation Army to proclaim freedom and liberty throughout Belgium.


- Her Majesty is open and righteous, thus has nothing to hide. Therefore Her Majesty offers the following list of additional members of the United Nations:


Iceland: Doug: Linkdoug@hotmail.com

Poland: Keith: keithbrow@aol.com

Denmark: Koen: k.dijker@xs4all.nl

Ireland: Ari: akogut@houston.rr.com

Great Britain: Paul: rocknk@mwt.net

United States: Hamish

Bulgaria: Commander Azuth

Spain: Michael: MStaacke@aol.com

Brazil: Kurassier


- Her Majesty of Luxembourg knowing there are a number of national leaders with Dutch heritage, wishes to offer the following question up for debate to the United Nations. Should Her Majesty send armed forces to free the Dutch people from their oppressing tyrant Dictator Heavy B?


With the greatest respect,


- Representative of the Grand Duchess Charlotte of Luxembourg

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Dictator Heavy B states:

For those not formiliar with the Dutch language I just said that the low lands are already in capable Dutch hands. No need for rescue operations therefor...


I hope you are enjoying your betrayel...


Rommel states:

Central Europe is becoming a dangerous place for the Dutch. I am getting a chance to train my panzers on the poorly trained Dutch army. The only problem is running over them is guming up the tracks on the panzers. Oh well ! The first city to fall is xLux. Germans are a peace loving people. The Dutch struck first.


- Clearly the evidence shows that Dictator Heavy B has betrayed the Dutch people and has led thousands of Dutch people to their massacre each day in the Dutch-German War. Obviously there exists a more capable Dutch Leader, one who can lead the Dutch people to peace and freedom. Her Majesty offers the service of Luxembourg Liberation army in order to ensure a smooth transition, once a new leader is chosen.


-Representative of the Grand Duchess Charlotte of Luxembourg

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zhey are all wussies, only true men make zhemselves known.



True Men know how to spell correctly and maintain their silence when it suits their purpose.


As for who I am, a few does know but I guess you should use those RNA to find out who I am playing. You are not in a position to act on me, there for of no concern at the moment. :thumbsup:


I have other fish to fry :D


Lets party :rolleyes::cheers:

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talking 'bout knowing vhen to be silent: vhat happened to zhe Sheik?!?!?

THE Sheikh signing in.


I've been very busy prepping my peaceloving peacekeepers for their peacekeeping missions.

That, and the fact that I could not find the zipper of my tent caused me to neglect some of my diplomatic duties.

My sheep having their periods all at the same time didn't help either.


But enough of that. Criminal B. still has not been found by UAE intelligence.

But they did do their mathematics. And they DID find out that it is with a very high probability that the Turkish leader is nobody less than Sultan Isemann!! Which means that his Brother in Arms Czar Kurassier must be Southern Russia...


THE Sheikh, signing out.



Murphies Law of combat:

If you are short of everything but the enemy, you are in a combat zone.

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Does Persia have enough armies to conquer Iraq vhile fending of zhe Southern Russian hordes....??


Oder is zhe war declaration by Southern Russia a fake one...???


Und tell me ruler of Poland, are you offering NAPs to everybody?!?!


All interesting news from zhe Middle East!

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