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Game 72


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As I inspected the row upon row of burning and destroyed panzers in xTelaviv, I could not help but wonder where The False Sheik was hiding. The captured Marshall Galili confirmed that he was not in xTelaviv and had not been for some time. Such a shame, I would have liked to have a talk with him. Maybe he is hiding in a hole in some little shed. Oh well, I guess I will have to search the rest of his country and find him.


My men did tell me a funny story though. It was about these cute little bombers the Trans-Jordanian air force has. My men called them "Popcorn Bombers" because they fly so low and slow that our guns ate them up like the movie house confectionary.


Sorry about breaking your toys, False Sheik. I hope you don't leave the sand box over it. :)



Yours Truly,


Pharaoh Tutman B

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Norbert? Who cares about Norbert!?


I've just lost my precious seaport xTelaviv to some no good sheikh! :ph34r: There goes the neighbourhood...

Just when I was thinking we were getting along so well; bang a sneak attack on my sweet little tanks...

Whát am I going to tell to all those widows? :)


But no worries, a famous governor once said:

"I'll be back!"


Sheikh Mohammed ibn Weizmann

Trans Jordan

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:alien: The peace loving people of Germany , having been forced into a war with the Lowlands that they did not want or start, wish to thank the Luxemburg Princality for helping to liberate another 6 divisions from their missguided leaders. With your help I am now ready to plan the defense of the Fatherland with well trained panzers. I wonder who is next ? Rommel :alien:
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a bit late ...




yeah right...


my new email is:


Germanyvic72@hotmail.com and I play Germany..




also Egyptvic72@hotmail.com yeah I play that too...


rofl... :)


a privacy option ingame and a hotmail acount.... chuckle


hello Norbert.. or atleast a follower of his path..... :beer:

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It looks like I've got a security leak somewhere.... :ph34r:




The Egyptian dictator seems to know exactly where to strike first.... <_<




What to do now? :angry:




I think I will follow the russian doctrine.... :D




Or not....


One thing is sure; if I have to leave, I'll leave a ruin!

If it's not mine than it will be nobody's! :ranting:



Sheikh Mohammed ibn Weizmann

Trans Jordan

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