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Game 72


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Ahah... I vill be vatching my back then... Hmmm I have to anyvay, zhere's zhis Sheik in my backgarden... Come to speak of it, zhere's anozher sheik to my left, it is like in infestation!


Back to business. Golden rule of war and business (zhe two are remarkably similar): alvays keep zhe initiative....

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:) Where is everyone? Busy planning their invasions or busy plannig the defense of their homeland I suspect. If anyone gets new world news I would appreciate it on the forum. In Central Eurupe the battle lines are drawn. France and I have crushed the Lowlands and are facing the Danish and others? They shall lose. Rommel :D
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it is easy.. to see where we all are :drunk:


in the Middle East Iraq is divided among some countries who want to reform .. or better said..who want to impose their culture on those nomads..


russian planes and troops are amassing on our borders to help the expansion of Turkish tobacco fields... Persian troops are waiting on the order to show their true colours.... and the Turs.. well they have obly 1 goal... to enter my Syria...

but will they stay.. :ph34r:


so with portugal and morocco in spain... africa in a civil war ...

one can speak of a full blown war in the world.. hmm except japan/asia as that might be in the expansion... although that release will be in a year of 10 .. chuckle

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Hey Lowlands you still in the game or are you on the way out? Do you still have any fight in you? Make them pay for every inch.


Denmark looks like they are coming for you nexted! I do hope you can give them a run for there money, or sould I say your land. :unsure:


What about Trans. How much longer can you hold out? :ph34r: (Thats the way to fight with your SS Div's) ;)


Norway are you going to take anything big? Or are you just letting them think they have the upper hand? And then give them some thing big of your own? :blink:


I see Germany will be fighting Denmark, What about France? :blink: Maybe Italy looks good. That is the only one you are not TA'ed or Allied to. Some thing to think about.


Spain is in a fight for his life it looks like as well. Portugal and Morocco maybe getting the upper hand there as well. Will Fance come to your aid? :lol: Well maybe not. :ph34r:


Persia is kicking Iraq a new dirt hoe. Not to hard against a computer. :thumbsup:


Turks and Syria well I think they are playing in the mud holes to much. I told you 2 not to drink the mud it will slow you down. I see some time in the nexted 50 turns you will be able to brake your non-pack with each other. So hold your heads high with the mud in your hair. :woohoo:


Yugoslavia has a great way of winning. I see just gives his capital city over. His big secret is make you feel at home then crush you. :P


So guys I hope you are all having a great game lets have fun out there. :cheers:

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:ph34r: It is my sad duty to inform you of the demise of Trans-Jordan.

The barbaric hordes of the west have overrun my lovely SS-tanks and thaught me a valuable lesson: Never, ever, build expensive units at the beginning of the game when you're living in a hornet's nest!


Having said this: I wish egypt all the best and I hope to meet you in another game!


By the way, I'm Sorry to have left you this mess!



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CD Ernst, you fought well. My hat is off to you. I wish you the best as well and also hope to meet you in a future game. Maybe we can be allies instead of enemies. Don't worry about the mess. That's the price of war.


Thank you and your warning is well heeded, Don.





B. :ph34r:

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CD_ERNST sorry that you are leaving the game. Good try wish you all the luck in your nexted game. :woohoo:


Great Job Tiberiusuhl ! :P


Don how is it going up in Low lands and Denmark? Are your victorys short lived or are they going to be marked in stone? :ph34r:

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:ph34r: The German army is known around the world for it's abilty. I would offer the Danish leader a word of advice , "only fools rush in" . There will be a surprise. As far as the Lowlands, I take my hat off to him but he does not have much left. My panzers overran his airbase last turn and his attempt at breaking out of his capitol was replused. How goes the North African campaign. My true love has always been the desert but I don't see how I'll get there. The Desert Fox Rommel. :woohoo:
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Norway are you going to take anything big? Or are you just letting them think they have the upper hand? And then give them some thing big of your own? :woohoo:

Fighting against two enemies is not so easy. But as long as the swedish armies don't attack where they should :ph34r: my country is in good shape.


Soon, very soon....

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Don only time will tell.


Norway thats good you have something big to give them! :ph34r:

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