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if Norbert is Turkey and reaches Damascus.. I WILL EAT MY OWN HAT...




indeed I heard it also The Turkish Horde finaly invaded my country.. tssk I tried three times and planned three times an invasion and no go...


now I need to plan my counter vs the Turkish Horde and it's Evil Alliance


The dessert will be turned red wit blood from both sides.. I only pray that we can shift the battle zone towards the mountains in Turkey...


for now lets see what his evil master plan has done with the beautifull and peace loving Syria :alien:

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Can we pleaze quit talking about zhis wussy called Norbert? Persia isn't Norbert even though his tactics are zhe same, cowering away behind privacy options und executing an attempt at childish deception by making zheir partner zhe Southern Russian declaring war on Persia.


Let's face it, zhey are all veterans und still are cowards enough zu hide behind facades, in zhat respect zhey are a lot like Norbert und deserve zhe same punishment, get zheir asses kicked by not so veteran Vic players!




'zhe Evil Doc :rolleyes:

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Due to the recent hostile actions of The Turks in The Northern part of our beloved country production of panzers and supplies have dropped. In order to compensate the loss of production the Government of Syria has ordered everyone from the age of 12 towards 70 to report at the WorkDistributingDepartments, which are now setup throughout our beloved country.


They wanted War they will get it.. We will bring the War into there own country and show them the real way of enlightment and bless... Division upon Division is rushed towards the Front in order to stop the Hordes from pouring in...


Mothers of Syria pray everyday for there sons and husbands, because the Final battle is near.. a fight against Titans... a fight from which only 1 survives... We feel the pressence of Allah who is ofcourse on our side and against the EvilHorde of Turks...



Clash between armies in Iraq

there are rumours floating around about some Panzer Battles in the Iraqi dessert between the forces of Saudi-A and S-Russia. The fights are intensifying around the once blossoming capital of Iraq. But due to the recent invasion of the Evil and omnious S-Russians the iraqi economy has collapsed. But the people of Iraq did not gave up and asked to be liberated and helped by it's neighbour Saudi-A.


next in the Daily Syrian: will The people of Allah defeat the Invading Communist forces

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News from the front is slowly dripping in...


The tension in the Syrian HQ is rising with the minute... Russian bombers have been spotted above our beloved country... included a once proud mountainDivision .... :thumbsup: euhmmm yes a mountaindivision which the Syrian democratic republic hat intend to lendlease to the Turks when the would have entered a War with some of it's other neighbours... I mean Syria has only dessert :P


Our proud fighterforce could not stop this flow of Russion scrapheap bombers as they where no where near to be seen.. seems they have other missions to do :cheers:


Will Russian Troops help with the Turkish agression or are they used to counter the oncoming troops of our beloved friend a man blessed by Allah ze Doc of Saudi Arabia... or are the Russian troops needed as a reserve for the invasion of Peria.. by The always hungry Sheik of UAE who has a big desire to enlarge it's harem...

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:beer: The last of the troops in the Lowlands have been destroyed. LDB mop up operations in remote areas remain. The peace loving people of Germany must now counter a new threat. I warn those who distrub a sleeping giant will find the same fate as the Dutch: 20 divisions destroyed to none. Rommel :cheers:
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Yea you better listen to Don. Don't you mess with a sleeping Giant. So don't mess with the USA. :lol: :beer:

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:alien: The last of the troops in the Lowlands have been destroyed. LDB mop up operations in remote areas remain. The peace loving people of Germany must now counter a new threat. I warn those who distrub a sleeping giant will find the same fate as the Dutch: 20 divisions destroyed to none. Rommel :alien:

May I suggest you pay Sweden a vistit? Soon, very soon please.



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B) I have restricted the leaves of all of my army commanders so they will not be able to pay a visit to Sweden for a while. Donitz has told me that he might be interested in paying visits to Baltic coastal communities. He does so like rubble. Rommel :D
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Excusez-moi mein little bunny rabbits for a lack of postings on my behalf over zhe past 2 montzhs, I vas kinda busy.


Was ist das?!?! I have been attacked by zhe Persian dude! Vhat is it with you people? Can't we live zugether in peace!??!!?


Grrrrr..... Go back to your own sandbox, Iraq belongs to zhe Doc!!

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We the Syrians would love to bring out a new Syrian Daily...


but as it happends our ministery of information and it's printing presses where taken by The Turkish Horde...


Also it is now very difficult to get news out as our grand army is encircled by Russian troops in khatuniye... fortunate for the Syrian government the Russians are understaffed and will break against the Syrian Troops...

after which they will be moped up by the Saudi's coming from behind..


it are troublesome times for all the people in this world due to the agrassive Horde's of the Turk, Pers and Russian.. but the allied troops will prevail... and the wait is still for the first big clash of troops which will mark a path of the future...

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