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Game 72


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:D The Politcal leaders are silient while the generals issue orders and the boys die. The panzers of Germany have been busy putting out fires. The Lowlands no longer exists :unsure: . While this aggression was deposed of the Danish proved their word means nothing. The panzers have now completely destroyed a Danish Corps with no losses and have contained the Danes. What will you do now against your enemies on all sides. Hoping to take advantage of this war the Austrians move north. Where will they meet a similar fate? What is happening in the middle east?There was so much boasting and now none. Rommel
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In all fairness to the parties now engaged in the struggle in the Middle East, the greater distances means that these fights will play out over greater time than in a realtivley small country like the Lowlands.


Also, the most frequent posters to this forum ended up allied togher.


The Egyptians appear to have knocked out Trans-Jordan and have joined the Syria-Saudi-UAE cabal. Turkey and Syria are slugging it out in north central Syria. Suadi invaded Iraq (computer player) followed closely by UAE, Persia and Southern Russia. Big rumble going on down there between Saudi and Persia, with UAE recently attacking into Persia in a flanking attack....


Not Norbert

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The Syrian Daily

has been postponed till further notice....

The printing presses in xkhatuniye have ben confiscated by the communist Horde of South Russia... and now only communist propaganda is rolling from the presses.


The battle in the Middle East has allready seen many battles. but due to the Syrian Imperial guard the Battle for Damascus has been delayed.... This time has been used by the Allied forces of SaudiArabia and the UAE to bring there troops to the front...


Now awaits an epic struggle in the mids of an occupied Iraq where now the troops of every nation who participate in this war are digging in and waiting for their chance to break out and strike the enemy with a defeating blow...


But it seems the rest of the African front has become silent.... too silent.... :rolleyes:

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What ever you here THe evil Horde is nowhere my beloved capital....

they are just lying.....


watch out for the new Daily Underground Syrian... now coming from a printing press from some love feeling neighbours who want to help out in this hour of need....


Foreign news: xNarvik is still holding it's own against the invaders... The Norwegian troops are awaiting a relief force from over sea... this boosted there morale due to which they again defeteated an army with 13 divisions in it and so bought them peace for two turns.... will that be enough time for the relief forces to arrive..? stay tuned on the Scandinavian war as we will hear more from our newly arrived correspondent in that region....

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:rolleyes: The war in Europe rages between the Central coalition of 5 countries ( One dead; Lowlands) and the island countries supporting France and Germany. The Danes have been isolated and their ports bombed and the country is slipping into oblivion. The armies of France and Germany await the coming battle with the Swiss, Italians and Austrians. The German panzer armies are well trained and battle hardened while the enemy force have never seen battle. Who would you pick to win? Rommel :blink:
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:rolleyes: hmmm if your enemy has no other border conflicts... then my dear Germany and France it has been fun knowing you and I have read your stories with a lot of pleasure on these boards....


seeing how the borders go... you have no propekt in surviving.. unless you get in some extra help from the islands... start ceding ports and routes into the mainland.. that would be your only option.....


also defend the italian/ French line with cheap troops in DD then use all the force you have to knock out Swiss... do recons on the swiiss even recon tas... find a weak spot and go for it.... that is if you got the right troops to take a fight into the mountains....


otherwise bypass italy and swiss and go straight for the austrian capital... Italy has to sent in the troops otherwise you could end up in his soft underbelly... use static in your provinces to halt the invasion of swiss in france and get the British to join in.... and ofcourse try and get iceland to pay a visit to denmark.....


but also it would now be easy for the island countries to launch an invasion of europe... granted the means to do it are small.. but how tempting it is when a large portion of the continental troops have been lost in the large battles :blink:



oh well I cannot wait for the real outcome... now back to the middle east and the ever growing smell of Turkish Tobacco.. although it seems there offensive has stopped for now.. we shall not rest before I can hold my military parade in Ankara

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I LOVE this game!


I'm being attacked by both Sweden and Finland. Sure, they conquered some small cities. But until now the really important cities xOslo, xTrondheim and xNarvik are still under norwegian control. Thanks to some divisions and a LOT of concrete fortifications. Did it hurt??? :rolleyes:


And guess what? Those cities will remain under my control for a long, long time. Sorry guys... :lol:


Now what were those orders again? BRG, DR. I guess the siege will last long, very long. ROFL!

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Rommel is Goebles,

the thruth on causes and progress of war in Europe



Fellow gamers/country leaders,


On behalf of the Dannish people, a short correction on the thruth of causes

and progress on the war in Europe.


After long negotiations with the Germans it seemed they had treachery plans

all from the start. Germany was not telling anything of TA's he had. While France

was trying to convince lowlands to attack Switzerland, Germany tried to convince

Denmark to attack Poland over the water.


Our intelligence has been busy analysing the German leader, Herr Rommel some

while. We have come to the conclusion that herr Rommel in fact is Herr Goebels.

And the Goebels familly, so history learns, can not be trusted by the word.


While the treacherous assault of France and Germany on lowlands has succeeded,

grabbing an easy target on unsuspected moment, the German 'boys' are

crying for their 'mutti' on German soil. Not daring to stand ground they ceded

at least 5 of their provinces to TA's while having lost already 8 provinces

to the Dannish.


Cutting of a Dannish recon force of 2 divisions, Goebles is seeking desperatly for

successes for his PR engine. But the truth is the German's ran after this minor

success, with their tail between their legs and off they go. But were can they

run to one might ask? The Swiss? The Austrians? Their 'mutti'? No, it's all

under pressure, it's all in danger. So maybe some other relative is there

to protect them? Yes, France, the son of herr Goebles, he might be the place to go.


I did feel the need of some correction and counter the Goebles familly with their

treacherous lies. No offense, the Dannish generals seek but one goal in this

game: Goebles..... :D


Yours sincerly,


in the name of King Christian X of Denmark,

on behalf of the Danish people,


Sir Thorvald Stauning

Prime Minister

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So why is no one poop talking? :lol:


It must be because of the summer. :D


so lets get crazy :cheers: and have fun out there.


And Don tell us its not true what is said about you. Are you Goebles :o are you getting your butt handed to you up there?

I see Italy owns some good land in France :unsure:


Can you hold your own. Or are you going to let Denmark teach you some thing? :thumbsup:

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:cheers: Liers lose!!! The Lowlands attacked the German peoples NOT the other way around!!!! The Danish attacked the German peoples NOT the other way around. The Austrians attacked the German peoples NOT the other way around. With so many unfriendly nieghbors is it any wonder that I needed to call upon a little help? It is true the French leader is related however as you know historically Europe was led by many leaders all related so is that surprising? The British leader is not a relative however I find that he is a fine general and I trust the Danish will soon find out the same :thumbsup: Rommel
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This summer the temperture is rising in Syria

not only the sun is being an enemy of the Syrian food programm, but also The Evil Turks as they still hold the North of our beloved Syria.


As the War is raging across our country all the beaches have been closed due to the danger of floating loose mines and the increasing Turkish trained Shark attacks on our citisens.


Breaking News... The Imperial Syrian Army who thought would meet there Stalingrad coudld escape.. de cul du sack and in the process destroy three Evil Turkish Divisions... Now all options are open as the First Army will be merged with our second Imperial Army to meet the onslaught of the 13 Turkish Divisions in raqqa.


For all the Syrian people the State will now also call on all sons and daughters from the age of 15 to 17 to report to your nearest recruiting station.. may Allah guide your destiny..

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The British leader is not a relative however I find that he is a fine general and I trust the Danish will  soon find out the same  :alien: Rommel

So Don are you saying that the British are going to attack Denmank very soon? :ph34r:

Or are you just trying to buy yourself a little time. :thumbsup:


I see that there are what 3 ppl attacking you at this time and 2 are attacking France. :beer:

Can the great powers of Germany and that of France! :drunk:

Going to be able to hold off the 5? :cheers:

So when are the Irish and Icelanders coming to help? :blink:

Or is it to much for them to handle as well? :cheers:

These are the ? of the time, but I can't wait to see what the answers will be. :cheers:


Let's have fun out there. :thumbsup::D

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:) The group of five will die! It is just a matter of how and when. The German panzers are on the move as we speak. The Army is growing faster than we can train them and the tanks are rolling off the factory lines in so great of numbers that we can not keep the inventory up to date. The French only needed to show themselves to get the Swiss to return to their redoubts. Apparently 500 years of peace forms a pretty deepseated habit. The Austrians are only showing weak probing units apparently wanting to discover the German armies. I may show him one or two. As far as the Danes and the British. They are sizing themselves up along a front in northern Germany. If the Danes stay put we will just finish leveling his industries. I believe he lost over 800 CP's worth last turn. In time he will not be able to field an army. Come out come out wherever you are. The guns are waiting. Rommel
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Turkey and Syria are slugging it out in north central Syria. Suadi invaded Iraq (computer player) followed closely by UAE, Persia and Southern Russia. Big rumble going on down there between Saudi and Persia, with UAE recently attacking into Persia in a flanking attack....


Not Norbert

Have no fear, zhe Great Doc is here!


I've been offline for some time, apologies! I vas busy locating zhe Persian forces but zhey have finally roared zheir ugly head in Baghdad! (for 6 turns I have been camping zhere vatching the computer player build up und build up its forces beyond zhe point vhere it makes any sense wasting your precious armies on)


Und zhe Persians are accompanied by zhe Russian forces near by....




Vell I better keep zhem busy vhile zhe One Und Only Sheik (UAE) invades zhe Persian home country vhere he has yet to meet any resistance part from LDB forces.


Keep you all updated!


Zhe Doc!

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