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Vell I better keep zhem busy vhile zhe One Und Only Sheik (UAE) invades zhe Persian home country vhere he has yet to meet any resistance part from LDB forces.


Dear Dr. F.,


Apart from the occasional Peasant, UAE Forces in Persia did an amazing discovery. It's green stuff, growing out of the soil. Excited UAE scientists think it's some sort of sand, unlike anything they've seen before.

Further analysis is carried out as we speak.








Murphies Law on Combat:

If your attack is going well, you have walked into an ambush.

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UAE Forces in Persia did an amazing discovery. It's green stuff, growing out of the soil.

Don't smoke it. :rolleyes:

It will make your troops feel funny. :ph34r::blink:


It is a bad green plant and will make your troops eat 10 times more gen supplies and make them just lay around. :cheers:


It should be cut and put in a big hoe and covered up. :ph34r:


But do as you think is right. :unsure:

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Green sand?!?!??!?


Sheik, wake up, you are ztarting to act funny! Ve all know zhe whole world is made of yellow sand und zhe black fluid zhat is beneath it!


Come to think of it, can I store some more of zhe black stuff vith you? It's coming out of my ears at zhe moment, I don't know vhere to put it anymore!!

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Come to think of it, can I store some more of zhe black stuff vith you? It's coming out of my ears at zhe moment, I don't know vhere to put it anymore!!

With the recently conquered territories, I think we two cover most of this worlds PET supplies.

Unfortunately all UAE PET storages are full. Some have been set to fire, just to celebrate UAE victories in the recent past.


At the moment UAE scientists are developing a PET for FOOD program. The resulting test-hamburgers taste still too rubbery and are better used as squash balls.

I'll keep you posted on any new developments and will be happy to provide you with a tasty BigSHeikh in the near future..



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Unfortunately all UAE PET storages are full. Some have been set to fire, just to celebrate UAE victories in the recent past.


What a Great Idea!


Und we have more to celebrate! I have found an enormous supply of ARM points!!


Jawohl!! All we need to do is collect zhem. Right now zhey come in zhe form of INF39s, about 11 divisions of zhem belonging to zhe Persian ruler but bivakking in Iraq far away from you.


Zhe fun vith INFs is that you can encircle zhem with a single army of pantsers!


I vas getting bored but zhis brings back zhe fun eh?

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I'll keep you posted on any new developments and will be happy to provide you with a tasty BigSHeikh in the near future..

:lol: A bigsheikh well you may be able to sell that on most corners of the world. Good luck and spread the pet this way some day. I would like to set some on fire as well. :drunk::thumbsup:

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I'll keep you posted on any new developments and will be happy to provide you with a tasty BigSHeikh in the near future..

:lol: A bigsheikh well you may be able to sell that on most corners of the world. Good luck and spread the pet this way some day. I would like to set some on fire as well. :alien::drunk:

We norwegians have a better solution: Set the enemies oil on fire. If possible when it's in their tanks. :lol:


Soon, very soon we will try this new strategy. The plans for our grand counterattack are allmost ready. Our brave troops will drive the swedish and finnish invaders into the sea!



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Our brave troops will drive the invaders into the sea!


Zhat's zhe spirit! ZHE Sheik und myself intend to do zhe same zhing vith zhe Persian und Southern Russian forces. Of course zhat means driving zhem into zhe Baltic Sea....


News has just reached us zhat zhe sky over Badra in Iraq ist burning. Zhat vould be zhe 17 divisions of zhe Persian army zhat is limping around from Baghdad zu Tikrit und now in Badra.


I should correct zhat, less zhan 10 survived.




True, some fighter groups try zu keep us from bombing zhe living sh$%$t out of zhose forces but as long as zhe bombers shoot down more fighters zhan vice versa....





But vhat are zhey doing in Iraq anyway? Shouldn't zhey re-establish zhe oil supplies in zheir own country? Ach nein, es ist ZHE Sheik zhat is going beserk in Persia. No stopping him I can assure you, vell you need more zhan just LDBs!!



And finally zhe Southern Russian forces... Zhey tried a pityful attack to encircle zhe brave Saudi forces...





Anyvay, time zu draw up some orders und do some serious business. Saudi turn coming up!

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Can you say :thumbsup: Can you say :thumbsup: Can you say :taz:


You know who I am talking too don't you my little friend. :cheers:


Because I can say mine mine mine mine mine mine mine :cheers: Is going to be all mine. :ph34r:

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A small contingent of Libyan forces who were on holiday in Sicily came under attack from Italian Nationalist forces last week. Italian leaders claim that the Libyan forces had hostile intentions and that the attack was purely a defensive one. Libyan President Benali Stilam Ali believes the attack stemmed from a slight oversight regarding the immigration laws of Italy.


"Honestly, we didn't expect our VISA applications to be denied. We extend our most sincere apologies for the local defense batallions which were caught up in the crossfire of a simulated beach landing exercise, and we are certain we can work out our differences and return to a peaceful coexistence with the Italian nation.", the President was quoted as saying.


Details of the attack are still being examined, but it appears as though the Italians vulgar display of power did not have the desired effect. Representatives from the Italian government were quoted as saying, "a few isolated air groups took it upon themselves to attack, with no specific orders to do so. We simply sent a small ground force to question the Libyans. We didn't expect an air strike. In fact, some of our own men were nearly killed in the raid."


General Omar Kyari of the Libyan army is cancelling all leave priviledges and preparing his troops to defend against any further unprovoked attacks from the facist Italian army.

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Zhat's great, alvays nice to hear holiday stories from Arabic brozhers! Zhe Med-isles are popular resorts zhis summer, eh?



But, back to business, vhere are zhe Saudian results?!?!?! Just vhen you are engaged in a nice not-too-subtle-barfight vith 2 other nationalities in zhe country of yet another nationality results are coming a bit slow!


I know, I know, patience is a virtue...


zhe Doc!

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Finland has attacked Norway at xNarvik from Narvik on Saturday, August 7, 2004


General Mannerheim is the commander for Finland

Marshal Ruge is the commander for Norway


The attacker uses a city assault against a deliberate defense in a city at odds of 1.79 to 1 :ranting::ranting::ranting:B)


The attacker's combat bonuses are +18% The defender's combat bonuses are +20%

The attacker's morale bonuses are +4% The defender's morale bonuses are +5%

The attacker's modified combat rating is 10926 factors The defender's modified combat rating is 6092 factors

The attacker's force morale is 26% The defender's force morale is 44%

The attacker's munitions consumption is 208 units The defender's munitions consumption is 84 units

The attacker inflicts a base damage of 13% per round The defender inflicts a base damage of 6% per round

The attacker inflicts +3% damage per round due to tactics The defender inflicts +3% damage per round due to tactics

The defender's DSM multiplier due to fort bonuses is 0.80 and the defensive fire power bonus is 0.30


Attacker's Divisions

4th Army (15 divisions) :o

Division Name Experience % Effective Division Name Experience % Effective

4th Marine, MARINE 39 Green 95% / 68% 5th Marine, MARINE 39 Line 99% / 69%

6th Marine, MARINE 39 Green 99% / 66% 7th Marine, MARINE 39 Green 86% / 61%

10th Marine, MARINE 39 Line 99% / 69% 11th Marine, MARINE 39 Green 99% / 69%

12th Marine, MARINE 39 Veteran 99% / 69% 13th Marine, MARINE 39 Green 99% / 66%

14th Marine, MARINE 39 Line 99% / 69% 15th Marine, MARINE 39 Veteran 99% / 66%

16th Marine, MARINE 39 Green (*) 99% / 69% 17th Marine, MARINE 39 Line 99% / 69%

18th Marine, MARINE 39 Line 99% / 69% 19th Marine, MARINE 39 Green (*) 99% / 69%

21st Mech Inf, MECH 40 Line 99% / 69%


The attack was repulsed! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Defender's Divisions

III Corps (6 divisions)

Division Name Experience % Effective Division Name Experience % Effective

8th Mountain, MTN 39 Line 90% / 52% 9th Mountain, MTN 39 Green 90% / 48%

10th Mountain, MTN 39 Veteran 90% / 52% 12th Airborne, AIR 39 Green 90% / 52%

14th Infantry, INF 39 Line 90% / 48% 18th Infantry, INF 39 Line (*) 90% / 48%



Division Name Experience Firepower

Local Defense Bns. Green 631 / 240



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Getting rid of some frustrations eh?

100% correct. The norwegian summer offensive will begin in a few days. Watch the recent world events.


I just love this game. B)

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