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Isn't zhat a bit late for a summer offensive? Autumn almost setting in?

Autumn? You serious?? :oops:


Well I guess the enemy will just take some extra losses in the arctic. Out in the field, in the blizzard. While my troops are warm and comfy by the fireplace.



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Vell vhat can I say.


17 Persian little piggies came to play vith zhe Saudi army in Iraq 2 turns ago...


Und then zhere where only ??? left!



Zhe one who guesses right gets a free shipment of Saudian petrol!



Anyway, zhat 'problem' has been taken care of. Now vhere is zhat Southern Russian nono hiding????



zhe Doc!

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Zhe one who guesses right gets a free shipment of Saudian petrol!

Right now I need some panzer armies. Maybe 2*18 divisions? Just for three turns to drive the swedish and finnish invaders into the sea.


But some burnin' oil on xOslo and xHelsinki will also do fine.

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The Syrian Democratic Government is again asking their people to make the ultimate sacrifice, Mothers of the land are now ask to sent there 13 year old sons towards The Syrian Recruiting stations.


The Battle against the Turk is intensifying and the loss of life for freedom has been high... But also in these troubled time HEROES EMERGE... like the pilots of the 7th airgroup who carried out there orders in the face of tens of thousand of enemy troops..


After being shotdown they contacted the Syrian resistance and could inform The Syrian Government about the Large Turkish Build up of troops... they even sent in there ghost planes (with the support of Allah) for a final airstrike on those evil Turkish hordes..


We will remember there deeds for freedom and a statue will be placed at our beloved capital for all to see.


10 Tactical Recon, Hs-126B-1 went on for the glory of their motherland and did what was asked for them and more..................................



Battle report:


Ground level flak from an army force was encountered over xAleppo by the 7th Air Cmd., downing 10 of your aircraft



Syria has attacked Turkey at xAleppo with a tactical air strike



VII Wing

Air Group Name Experience Planes Air Group Name Experience Planes



17th Army



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But some burnin' oil on xOslo and xHelsinki will also do fine.

Vell you didn't guess right but since you are a TA I gave order to zhe troops to make it happen. Of course zhat means either extending zhe range of zhe bombers vith an insane amount or do some serious territory conquering until we are in range....


Nozhing is impossible I say!

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:P !7 divisions !! That should make them think about sending boys to do a mans job. Were these divisions trained or just massed hords? Rommel with the veteran 2nd panzer army. :thumbsup:



Actually we found out zhat it was a whole bunch of ugly ladies vith moustaches dressed up as men!


Und ja, zhey were almost all trained to line status. Zhe question is: trained in vhat????



7 is slightly closer to the answer than 0, allthough zhose last division might have evaporated by themselves by now.


So consider zhat a free shitload uhhh shipload of petrol coming up for zhe German armies. Can I deliver zhat to zhe coast of Southern France or do I have to bring it over zhe Ocean?

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Dateline Tripoli. News from the Palace:


President Benali Stilam Ali, leader of the Libyan Liberation Organization has decided to annex the island of Sicily. "It's not like anyone was using it, and having a duty station in a friendlier climate gives the troops a bit of a lift." The President officially cancelled his earlier recall of the troops and ordered them to occupy the entire island by whatever means are necessary.


Extended Forecast for Sicily: Warm and Sunny with a 20% chance of fighting. Currently under clear skies with no bombers in sight.


Mike Clark

LP Staff Writer

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Would it be possible, vielleicht, zhat I dump a pile of scrapyard of Persian und Russian metals overthere?


Once zhere was a Persian army, now zhere is only some metal.


Und guess what? We are paid a visit by zhe Russian army, 12 BT7s... oh no, 11 oh noooo... zhey are dropping like flies as well!


Sand is a very very bad thing if you don't know how to play in it. Loosing more zhan 12 divisions in less zhan 3 turns is NOT how to win a war, especially if zhere are no losses on zhe other side....


Wait a minute.... I hear a sound.... All Russian divisions hide in zhe sand, another 2 Tac Strikes coming up!

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From our reporter in Norway:


The norwegian autumn offensive is going well. Norwegian armies, together with peasants, workers, and mercenaries from Saudi Arabia and the UAE, have driven back the swedish invaders. The provinces of Oslo and Trondheim have been secured.


Meanwhile the defenders of xNarvik have made good use of the concrete that was brought in by sea. The extra fortifications will help defend against the upcoming finnish attack.


The swedish fleet and airforce are bombing xOslo. Seems they have given up the hope of conquering this city? Few lives have been lost but rail capacity (who needs it in a cut 0ff city) and some industries were destroyed.


What's next? Only the stubborn norwegian leader knows for sure. Rumours are that more mercanaries from Saudi Arabia, UAE and even Morocco will soon stage an amphibious assault in xStockholm.


Oslo, 3rd september.

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