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euhmmmmm you mean Syrian Stuka bombers........ :D




hmmmm searching.... looking ......



in our beloved Syria... a whole colony of them... Oh my $%^


hmmmmm thinking...... thinking... drinking... EUREKA


to be safe of Rommel We The Syrians have found the answer.....

hide behind an Egyption border patrol.... :P


but to be sure... as you never know what the future holds...

we just executed them... so we are now German free...

hmmmm can I get a certificate for that ?

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:alien: Rommel here. So there are Germans in Sweden? Eh I also wonder if there are colonies in Finland,Nortern Russia and Central Russia as well? It appears as they are all totally allied and are pressing west. I note the Swedes are occuping xOslo and the Fins are in xNarvik. Rommel :alien:
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Now vhat would you do if you vere the Central Russian leader and your southern neighbor is sending all his forces south and sees them destroyed by zhe Junker 88 nightmare....?


Of course you vould press west, zhat's more difficult und zhat is vhere zhe Don is...


But serious Don, xStalingrad is mine, get it? You can have xMoscow of course...

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News from the northern front.


In turn 15, 12 turns after the war broke out, swedish and finnish armies have finally succeeded in taking xOslo and xNarvik. The last norwegion stronghold xTrondheim has been fortified to withstand the expected attack.


We expect the last norwegian troops fight to the death.


Despite all the losses in human lives there is a positive side to all this.


12 TURNS TO TAKE TWO CITIES?!?! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Congrats! :alien:


Do I love this game... :alien:

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:alien: Rommel here. So there are Germans in Sweden? Eh I also wonder if there are colonies in Finland,Nortern Russia and Central Russia as well? It appears as they are all totally allied and are pressing west. I note the Swedes are occuping xOslo and the Fins are in xNarvik. Rommel :alien:

No worries mate.



The swedish and finnish advance has been slow and painfull. There is not much left for them since i scrapped all my factories and have mega levels of partisans. Scorched earth tactics. Don't expect Sweden and Finland to pose a threat in the near future. They did conquer my country but took too much time and too many losses.


Too bad. :alien::drunk::cheers::alien::cheers::drunk::thumbsup::cheers::drunk:

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Jawohl my little bunny rabbits, it is I, zhe Doc vith some earth shattering news!


Zhe Syrian ruler has reached a turning point in his life. From taking setback after setback loosing half his country to zhe invading Turkish und Russian hordes he has recovered from a almost certain death and did some serious damage to zhe enemy forces in his country.


Our sincere congratulations!


Und of course zhis proves once again not to linger und build up forces again but always keep zhe initiative und keep roling those pantsers...


Now shut up, I need to prepare zhe Junker-88 nightmare again...

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Vot's this?


Russian und Persian main forces retreating?!??!


(for you lurkers, zhat is 28 badly damaged divisions on zhe run)



Okay, I can understand from zhe Persian stand point, he better defend his industry in zhe core of his country vith xArdestan at the point of falling...



...but vhat's up vith the Southern Russian leader? Possibly having a hard time getting zhose AR und IR to zhe front? Jah jah... I spotted you again, you naughty boy, trying to get your pantsers back to a more decent level again eh?


Vell... you managed to evade my army forces... Grrrr...


But luckily zhe airforce took care of zhat...



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hhhhhhmmmmmm....... could be.


The countries I know (or think I know) that still have a human playing them are as follows:








Saudia Arabia




Southern Russia

United States










Great Britian




Well, my list comes to 24 and that is almost half so I guess your right. Anyone want to chime in with corrections?

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Now back to the war........


Friday 10/15/2004 Cairo, Egypt


Recently, the nation of Southern Russia had taken it upon themselves to clear the slums of Telaviv. The Egyptian government did not see a problem with these low economic areas as the current projects in place were helping to alleviate the problem. The Southern Russian government attempted to sweeten the deal by offering to make it a "no bid" process in which they would be the only people chosen to handle the deal. As tempting as this was to the bureaucratically process strapped Egyptian government, they decided to decline the offer once again. The Southern Russian government, never taking no for an answer, decided to clear the projects anyway.


The Egyptian government has called their methods of clearing "acts of barbarism". Kalid Sharid, Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Renewal, said, "Clearing low income areas with construction equipment and rebuilding them better is humanitarian. Using a fleet to bomb the city, striking random houses and businesses, is an act of terrorism."


The Southern Russian government could not be reached for comment. However, a Southern Russian Naval officer, speaking on condition of anonymity, said "We are only responsible for the clearing of the slums. Clean up and rebuilding is to be handled by the Egyptian government. That was always our position during the contract proposal and remains so now."


The Egyptian Department of Fish and Wildlife, the Department for Environmental Protection and the Joint Chiefs of Staff meet to discuss the issue. Apparently the ill constructed Russian Naval vessels are leaking and polluting the waters from Telaviv to the Suez Canal. Reports say that agreement has been reached on the best way to handle the situation. The solution was signed off on by the Pharaoh and implementation has begun.


Joint Chief of Staff Chairman, General Mubarak, in a press conference yesterday said "Elements of the Royal Egyptian Air force (REAF) and the Royal Navy have begun to put into effect the plans of changing Southern Russian ships into the much needed tidal breaks in the waters off Telaviv and Suez. These tidal breaks will help to slow the erosion of the shore lines as well as create new coral reefs. So far 20 some Southern Russian ships of varying sizes, from Battleships and Heavy Cruisers to Destroyers and Minesweepers, have already been relocated from their positions on the surface to their new positions under the sea as tidal breaks." The general stated that the project was on going but would take time as there are a lot of Southern Russian ships. "They don't want to relocate peacefully and that is making the process take longer."

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