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Game 72


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:alien: Chico I have to hand it to you. You are not like most other players that drop with one little lost battle. If you are hanging in there I might be convinced to declare war against your enemies and bomb targets. What do you think.I have a few hundred ju-88a-4's available. Rommel :alien:

I'm not just hanging in there. I'm planning to play this game right untill the last turn. How? I will transfer all my money to my allies. After that I will offer spy services (intel level 10) to my allies and other interested parties. Sure I will have no money, no country and no troops but I will have some serious fun watching the battle reports of my allies. :lol:


Let's get into the details.


If you have some Junker pilots looking for realistic training I suggest you send some of 'm to Sweden. There are some swedish fleets out there. One was/is near Trondheim. Be carefull though. xStockholm might have some fighter protection. You sure as hell don't want to send a fleet to CB xStockholm because there are some nasty planes patrolling the sea there: 5th Air Div. (25 Vindiccator groups). :ranting:


Sweden has American tech so that should not be too hard. I think Finland uses british or american. I saw Marines but no planes to identify his tech.


And last but not least. Both Sweden and Finland took way to much time to conquer some big cities. Most industries were scrapped/destroyed so they will not be able to offer serious resistance against a determined attack. :o


Kill 'm!


Please. :thumbsup::cheers: :lol:

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:) Chico- you have no troops and no country? Pretty hard to reestablish yourself with that base. Were you able to slip a few units out on your fleet? I can resupply you as an ally. Have your fleet come to a specfic sea zone and I will transfer supplies. e-mail the transfer point to me so it is not wide spread knowledge. Rommel :)
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zhis is a weird game of Vic... more countries zhan ever have completely been relocated outside zheir own borders....


Chico, you are more zhan welcome in my hospitable country und benefit from zhe same facilities as ZHE Sheik und zhe leader of Syria. I vill create an enclave next to theirs...



Vell, I think it is time to tell you who has a splitting headache... It's Red und it ain't fighting back anymore... He was lossing an average of 2 divisions each turn... That's over now... He just lost his remaining 10 in zhat army... Kuddos to Egypt for being the hammer, zhe Saudi forces are always willing to sneak behind enemy lines und play zhe anvil....


Turkey seems to have unexpected problems as well in a rather unexpected place. Not in Syria...


I guess Syria is turning into zheir Waterloo.


Tip for our non-communicado enemies: diplomacy is a good thing, just answer an email once in a while und anozher tip; never sit down und rest, alvays keep zhe initiative...


Now let's put zhe light out of zhat Persian army force...

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More news coming through.....


Now Turkish forces have been cut of from zheir homeland und supply lines by zhat vast raging army from our beloved Syrian ruler. Young men, old men, ugly women with moustaches, donkeys, rotten fruit... He's throwing anything he can get his hands on at his oppressor the Turk... It is not a lovely sight....


Reuniting zhe Russias... Now zhat is a nice idea!

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ah vell... I can't wait... yes my dear enemies you may know my turn has been processed...


and zhat zhe Turkish provinces are vithin striking distance... (oy! vhat does he mean, vasn't zhe Doc fighting in a completely different place???!??!?!!!)


and zhat we know zhere are no defenses....



ja ja ja... zhe Junkers have done zheir thing again... Another 2 pantsers gone.... Russian, Persian or Turkish???


Und you naughty Persian boy! A rail strike at zhe Doc to prevent THE sheik from getting his supplies!??!?!? You vill need to bomb about 20 provinces to shut off zhe rail (triple redundancy).... waste your bombers on something else...





now zhe waiting starts again...

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The famous Soviet Commander, Marshal Zhukov, was killled in that battle. He was commanding a lot of expensive Soviet Armor. A very sad day indeed for the Southern Russian people.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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This is my first time on the message board as i just purchased a computer. I had not realized my enemy had been so vocal about our war. I saw a lot of promises about what he and his allies were going to do to me but nothing ever came of them. All I can say is if the information my enemy has for sale is as good as the intel he's been passing to Germany about me then you better get a receipt so you can return the bad info at a later date. Chico just move on to game 73 your done here.

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This is my first time on the message board as i just purchased a computer. I had not realized my enemy had been so vocal about our war. I saw a lot of promises about what he and his allies were going to do to me but nothing ever came of them. All I can say is if the information my enemy has for sale is as good as the intel he's been passing to Germany about me then you better get a receipt so you can return the bad info at a later date. Chico just move on to game 73 your done here.

:lol: :lol: :lol:


What turn is this? If I remember correctly you took till now to conquer ONE country with the TWO of you... I rest my case.




And no, I will not quit and move on to game 73. I have allies to support. By the way. I did have fun fighting our little war. It was a lot of fun. Thanks and best of luck to you. No hard feelings. :drunk:

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