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Game 72


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Only reason our little war took so long is because American tech ground troops SUCKS. B) The B-18 is a crappy plane and did little damage to soften up the troops dug in the cities. Realistically if you had stayed dug in Oslo I probably would still be trying to take it.

I do not consider Germany my enemy and don't want to go to war with him and all his allies.

Don-what is the status with your war with the Danes. I saw early on you had him cut off with ceded territory to Great Britain as they had an alliance with each other. I can't see it taking him that long to break said alliance. Is the Danish player still active and if so why is he content to just sit there? Whenever I do an rna on him the I get a name. I wondered if maybe he was looking to attack the Swedes.

For now the Swedes are content with the repatriation of Norway. We sacrificed much of our own for this cause and our people will not support another bloody war at this point.

Our war is over the celebrations may begin. :drunk::cheers:

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Only reason our little war took so long is because American tech ground troops SUCKS. :drunk: The B-18 is a crappy plane



But have you ever looked at the russian army, airforce or navy? Only one good thing: T-34's. The rest is total crap!


But you gatta go with what you have. Enjoy the party in xOslo. By the way, did you notice the intelligence offices are empty? All intel personnel was evacuated to Saudi Arabia... B)

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I was just surfing the traffic in game 73 and saw you mention you can never get Italy. A little trick to getting the country you want: list only one nation on your list and enter the game as a group with 1 or 2 other players. This method has always worked for me. Iv'e never not been put in the game and we always get the country we want. B) good luck in Portugal.

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This is probably true though it worked for me the one time I attempted to play Italy, can't say that I remember which game that was. I see you and USA are playing together. I'm wondering when and where you guys will land. With all the islands being in cahoots that will make it hard for you. Good luck .

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I am most definately really totally allied to afore mentioned. They are my ta's and I stand behind them. I am not Germany's enemy, unless you make me an enemy. Heck even if I wanted to land in Germany I couldn't hold what I take against the armor you have. My ground forces are sorry at best. Besides your group has too many airforces that can be brought against me. You should be more worried about Greece and Bulgaria, they are steamrolling everything in their path right now. B) Rumor has it Poland may have dropped and his ta Baltic is dead.


I am curious to see if your ally France will be able to stop Portugal and Morocco as they come up through Spain. I expect that is where Ireland will come into play.


I gotta hand it to you being attacked by Lowlands, Denmark, and Austria is not an easy thing to overcome even with the help of allies. :drunk:


I can be reached at john_beierle@hotmail.com

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Only reason our little war took so long is because American tech ground troops SUCKS.  The B-18 is a crappy plane and did little damage to soften up the troops dug in the cities.


But have you ever looked at the russian army, airforce or navy? Only one good thing: T-34's. The rest is total crap!


Heck even if I wanted to land in Germany I couldn't hold what I take against the armor you have. My ground forces are sorry at best.


A tech is only as good as how you play it. American Tech may have the weakest ground forces to start the game but that does not mean that they can not beat other techs. Develop a strategy to use them better. The American B-18A is the best TAS in the game on Turn 1. Even with a shorter range it can carry more payload to a target at range of 5 than a British Hampden. The difference? They cost more. So build more air factories. Use your airpoints differently. Russian units have wonderful offensive and defensive firepower, only surpassed slightly by German tech. The Russian navy may be small but it does serve a purpose. It has many useful ships and is cheap to build.


German tech is not the last word in techs. I have, and continue, to beat this tech over and over again with non-German tech. I have said it once and I will say it again, it is all in how you use it. Devise a better strategy for your tech and you won't be disappointed.

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Well initially Finland and I did not build the b-18 in this game because we felt that 2 on 1 would be an easy and quick victory on the ground. However we didn't anticipate that Norway would just basically stay in his aic #1 cities and fortify them. In the meantime I was busy building up my fighter force. By the time we realized what was happening he was well fortified. :drunk: We started to build the bombers but we got such a late start we couldn't build enough to really make a difference at that point. I guess I was looking to far ahead in the game early on and it cost me a few turns getting into Oslo and Trondheim.


With american tech you must be patient because their tech doesn't get decent until midway through the game. No matter how you play it you will always be at a disvic is still a long game... and there are still plenty of nations left? why would it be short? war doesnt end until the game ends. advantage on the ground. They never do get a quality armor div. Last game I was in I had 3 full british armies and the t-34 drove right through them like they weren't even there. Of course I was fighting 2 countries with russian tech but you see my point!? B)

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vic is still a long game... and there are still plenty of nations left? why would it be short? war doesnt end until the game ends.


If you look around Sweden right now I only have to woory about a handful of countries.


2-Germany and his island buddies(Iceland,Ireland, & Great Britain)

3- Canada and U.S.(nap)


Poland -no threat -too many enemies

B. States-dead


Like I said a short list



Whoa to the country or countries that tries to land in Scandinavia :ranting::ranting:

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