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Game 72


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Message for Chico-

Your covert funding attempts continue to fail because nobody in Norway wants anything to do with a deposed dictator. :ranting:

Is that you spying on me and Finland? :ranting: for who??? It has to be a really short list!

:lol: I gotta find a use for those 30 orders. I start with Economic Assistance and then make up 29 other orders. Besides. I gotto let you guys know I'm still active. :lol:

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Just for the record of this thread a post was made on page 14 by LSSAH claiming to be Sweden.


Not cool if that was intentional. Hopefully he was posting in the wrong forum or maybe you are correct Predator, he was playing another country and has now been conquered.


Either case we don't hear from him anymore. :ranting:

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Just for the record of this thread a post was made on page 14 by LSSAH claiming to be Sweden.


Not cool if that was intentional. Hopefully he was posting in the wrong forum or maybe you are correct Predator, he was playing another country and has now been conquered.


Either case we don't hear from him anymore. :ranting:

Vell Herr Norbert did the same trick....


So I join you in declaring zhat 'uncool'!




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Well no plans to go anywhere outside of Scandinavia for awhile. I have alot of coastline I first have to make defensible. That won't happen overnight. With the three islands totlally allied and U.S. and Canada working together Norway's coastline is way to inviting. Iceland is my biggest worry as he is closest and being played by one of the Links and they are good players. :ranting: Don't know much about the North American players but I have nap's with them so that's a little security anyway. As far as my future plans I guess I'll just see how the game plays out on world events before making that decision. Maybe I'll sail down to Morocco and blow away Gibraltar since he sees fit to own territory in Norway err I mean Sweden. :cheers:


I'm also keeping my eye on the Danes. Germany doesn't seem to forthcoming with any information where they are concerned. I suspect that war isn't quite what it seems. I've seen fake wars before.......... :taz:


Commander Azuth you better slow your roll before the treads come off your tanks from too many miles traveled. It's a long way back home to the midas shop. :ranting:

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Maybe I'll sail down to Morocco and blow away Gibraltar since he sees fit to own territory in Norway err I mean Sweden. :D

Muhahahawahahahawaaaaahhhh :lol: :lol: :lol:


/ Serious mode on /


You better go someplace and not stay in Scandinavia. Other players conquer and become stronger so you get weaker. Dangerous situation.

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Commander Azuth you better slow your roll before the treads come off your tanks from too many miles traveled. It's a long way back home to the midas shop. 


No worries there, I brought plenty of lubricants with me (and spare treads). Besides, I started a business chain of Midas shops all over Europe, so there's always one nearby if I need it. :beer:


Now where are those ski treads. :lol:

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I had not realized that the Persian , Southern Russia , Turkey coalition was doing so badly. :thumbsup: So that must mean the African countries are working with Portugal. Italy and Switzerland are all but goners then. Perhaps then their allies Denmark and Austria have dropped, that would explain the inactivity by Denmark. I still count 6 active coalitions. :ranting: oh yeah and the deposed Norwegian.

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I still count 6 active coalitions. :drunk: oh yeah and the deposed Norwegian.



Norway has just decided to quit. Vic! 73 and (just started) 74 take too much time to continue playing. I would like to thank you all for a great game. Best of luck to you all and enjoy the slaughter! :thumbsup:



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:( I propose a drink :unsure: to the Norweigans and their great leader for a noble effort. May their memories live on in the tales of valor told around the campfires before the great battles yet to come. :thumbsup:




Now where did I hide that bottle of 15 year old Malt whisky??



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