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Game 72


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It's tech 20 and these guys are still working on Baltic States. I would hardly call that storming.


LOL! :lol: Good one, Predator.



It's tech 20 und zhe Doc hasn't conquered a single city above 20 pop yet...


ARM und AIR points scores coming out of my ears und Iraq looks very similar to zhe North of France in zhe Great War of 14-18 but at least ve see more action zhan we vould have ever expected...



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I am totally frustrated with the victory game in that in the last several games my total allies have been much less than they have advertised themselves. I know my ta in finland feels the same way as I have played for years with him. It seems no body wants to work with you until they need your help. Whatever happened to a ta being part of a GROUP and not just someone who looks out for himself until they want help or it is convenient for them! :cheers::beer::beer::drunk:

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  It seems no body wants to work with you until they need your help.  Whatever happened to a ta being part of a GROUP and not just someone who looks out for himself until they want help or it is convenient for them! :ranting:  :ranting:  :ranting:  :ranting:



I have no problem what so ever with people wanting to help... I got like 6 foreign nations all visiting my beloved Syria.. trying to help / kill us :P

So I truly can say eveyone wants to help... and I am glad.. although I secretly wish I was the one offering the helping hand... oh well as long as Capital city with all his harems is still ok I will be fine....

too bad I could not give the Norwegian fleet some refuge in my harbour as it seems that my own fleet is rotting out in the sea.. as some Turk decided he needed another checkpoint for his pleasure boats... oh well he will not live long enough to ever make use of it... whoehahahaha :)

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I am totally frustrated with the victory game in that in the last several games my total allies have been much less than they have advertised themselves.  I know my ta in finland feels the same way as I have played for years with  him.  It seems no body wants to work with you until they need your help.  Whatever happened to a ta being part of a GROUP and not just someone who looks out for himself until they want help or it is convenient for them! :)  :P  :ranting:  :ranting:



:ranting: Maybe you should expand your empire to the east. Plenty of growing space!!! Rommel :ranting:

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Whatever happened to a ta being part of a GROUP and not just someone who looks out for himself until they want help or it is convenient for them!


It's called zhe art of diplomacy... zhe North African Defense Syndicate is vhat you vish you had I guess, tight cooperation, intel sharing und so weiter...


Persia is broken, Southern Russia just got kicked out of Iraq und Turkey has welcomed Libyan forces on its home territory und wondering how to get his boys back currently on holiday in Syria...


But good to know Northern TAs don't mean much, zhat is velcome news to NADS!




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:) If you would want to observe group cooperation come visit Germany. 6 groups of Whitleys and 2 groups of Ju-88a-4s( maybe even a few Il-4s) will help welcome my guests and make sure they take home some souviners. Of course if you are coming by boat it might not be possible to actually SEE the Fatherland. Rommel
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If you would want to observe group cooperation come visit Germany


I think I'll pass on that experience. :) I am sure Greece and Bulgaria would love to buy tickets to your air show. If not them try Libya, Portugal or Morocco. You have enough enemies without inviting more. I'm taking you up on your offer. :P

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I am totally frustrated with the victory game in that in the last several games my total allies have been much less than they have advertised themselves.  I know my ta in finland feels the same way as I have played for years with  him.  It seems no body wants to work with you until they need your help.  Whatever happened to a ta being part of a GROUP and not just someone who looks out for himself until they want help or it is convenient for them! :P  :ranting:  :ranting:  :ranting:


Well if you need a TA who doesn't quit easily in a new game you can allways contact me. :)


Playing as a group and coordinating diplomacy/military plans is 90% of the fun of having TA's. The other 10% of the fun is reading the forum. :ranting:

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Why do you keep trying to soil the good name of Libya? We currently enjoy our peaceful relations with the German people and we were happy to lend a hand in hastening the egress of the former Italian dictator as well as his "friends". It seems to me that you are trying very desperately to draw the attention away from yourself. Why would that be? Surely you will not simply rest on your laurels and "build your coastal defenses" for the remainder of this game?


Libya is no threat to Germany. As you can see from the Recent World Events, we are liberating the Italian people and we are involved in the war in the middle east. I say pull back the curtain and look everybody for "Predator" is the man standing there with no enemies.




Benali Stilam Ali

President Libyan Liberation Organization

Member in Good Standing North African Defense Syndicate

All Around Nice Guy

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Libya is no threat to Germany


Geography says otherwise. Unless your group is with Germany's group which I doubt because Morocco and Algeria have to go north. Or are they a group unto themselves? Whatever the case that's three to many african nations in Europe already. If you don't have a political agreement with someone than they are considered the enemy because they can declare war on you anytime. So in that case you can say I have many enemies. You however definately have one more. :holiday:

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So you try to drag the good name of Libya through the mud, and when I call you on it, you threaten me? Do you conduct all of your diplomacy by way of the shotgun?


Are we to believe that you are immune to the very Geography that you claim forces Morocco and Algeria to the North? How long do you think anyone on this forum believes you will be sitting idly by and building your coastal defenses? Why is it not possible for Morocco and Algeria to build their coastal defenses instead of pressing North. If they MUST come North, then by your logic, you MUST go South.


Your attempts at misdirection are thinly veiled at best sir.


Benali Stilam Ali

President Libyan Liberation Organization

Member in Good Standing North African Defense Syndicate

All Around Nice Guy

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So you try to drag the good name of Libya through the mud


How have I dragged Libya's name through the mud? I simply put the fact out there you were in Europe and a threat to others there. As far as where I will go geography will not dictate that as much as you would think. Things are not always what they seem in this game. You know, like my ta's.


As the center of this discussion regarding advancing north or advancing south


No worries here dude. :holiday:

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