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Game 72


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As the center of this discussion regarding advancing north or advancing south I have  to admit I am a bit concerned. Where are the peacemakers?


zhe Peacemakers are here, herr Rommel, just a slight delay because of some ugly Turkish women. I take it you vouldn't stop zhe NADS forces from liberating zhe Predator from his miserable life?


From vhere we stand (just out of zhe desert almost entering zhe Southern Russian border) we can see zhe highway to xMoscow, want to bet who will be zhere first?



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:holiday: We have been liberating German peoples in central Europe into the greater Fatherland and intend to liberate the rest of Austria as it is peopled with pure blooded Germans. I don't think there is any Greek or Bulgarian blood in Austria and any movement toward Austria will upset me. :pirate2:



with elite SS army

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Confusion in the Libyan Defense Council last week as the morning reports proclaimed that continued hostilities in Turkey would be pointless and directed the council to surrender immediately. At first it was believed that Turkish spies had infiltrated the defense department, but upon further investigation the cause was traced back to Aktune Beybai, Minister of Information.


It seems as though the farsighted official inadvertantly inserted a propaganda campaign flyer into the daily briefing. General Al-Quadaffi, who spoke with us on the condition of anonymity, had this to say; "Everyone makes mistakes from time to time. We could have overlooked this if it had been the only goof that day. Unfortunately the Minister sent information on troop composition and location in Turkey to the printers and ...well...let's just say our own planes have literally dropped this information directly into the hands of our enemy"


Beybai's fopah has been directly linked to the death's of thousands of Libyan soldiers and the death toll could conitnue to rise as hordes of the scimitar weilding barbarians surround our soldiers. This could singlehandedly bring a premature end to the Turkish campaign. For this reason the vision-impaired Minister has been asked to step down, pending his execution early next year.

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For this reason the vision-impaired Minister has been asked to step down, pending his execution early next year.


Don't execute him send him to your campaign in Italy, maybe he can do better against the computer. :o


So it looks like U.S. and Canada have totally allied to Portugal. This likely eliminates Morocco and Spain as potential landing sites. That leaves Germany's island buddies, France, and myself as possibilities. With Portugal and Algeria moving closer to France's border every turn I think I am safe from the North Americans pushing their unwanted Democracy in Scanadinavia.

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I am glad you have taken an interest in my country boarders. Frankly its none of your business or concern. Since you and I do not know each other nor are we friends.


So one can only conclude that your interest in my boarder, is to be used as a pawn in chess. I take your intrusion in my location, an attempt to start a tempest between Central Europe and myself. I have no wish to fight a war between such great powers.


Don (Germany) and I worked together for a brief time. In that short time I gained some respect for him. Do to this respect for Don, I have not taken any of France's home territory that had been owned by Italy. I have had ample time, opportunity, and the ability to do so for many turns.


The Super Powers of Central Europe have an incredible grasp of world events.


So Predator your continual screeching and flamboyant outbursts about assorted territories, around the Central Europe Super Five! Will not divert there attention from your treacherous attempt to draw others into a large pitched battle far from your attended main attack point.


Yes, Predator your plan may look much like this.


You attempt start a war to the south against the Super Five. Putting me in the middle of it all. This would draw troops and resources from the north. (Oh look thats where you live to the north.) Then with a coordinated attack on north and east Germany with your TA's there would be very little response to keep you from building up your forces.


I see you landing on Denmark. One of your TA's landing in and around the port city of xStettin, and the others hit Germany from Poland. You will be able to build your forces up fast and move out of Denmark hitting the N. West part of Germany into Lowlands. Then into N. France to cut off all help and support to Germany. You hold your ground tell your TA's are able to back you up. So is Germany safe from you if you are going to help your TA's take his land? I think not.


I see you have insulted the great leader of Libya again. Before you talk trash about some ones skills in this game you should gain some yourself. Believe me Libya has great skill.


Don't you think you have plenty of potential enemies with out encouraging others to become one of the enemies you already have?


Thats my two cents.

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:cheers: You humble me with comments my dear Algerian friend. My hope is that we will stand side by side in the coming conflict. As I have said several times before we Germans are a peace loving people and want no conflict in any quarter. This said, once attacked we will gladly add to the Reichs territory.



Rommel with the Elite 1st ss army

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It appears Libya and Algeria have been somewhat offended by the peace loving people of Sweden. Perhaps we have miss read the situation as it is unfolding in Southern Europe. Or perhaps it is changing before our very eyes. In any case the 5th and 8th cargo fleets have sailed for Tripoli and Algiers loaded with silver and fine works of art captured from Norway to pay tribute to these great African Nations.


As for Canada the Norwegian seas will run red with your blood shall you attempt to feel our sand between your toes :blush:

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First you try to create war between peaceful nations and now you add feeble threats when told to mind your own business?


You sure know how to make friends hmm?


my dear scandinavian friend you seem to enjoy a prospect of war between other nations too much. War which would work very much to your benefit, perhaps you should stop interpreting others actions and instead show your own colours.


As for -your- sand?!?

The norwegian refugees that have sought and found assylum on Newfoundland most forcefully disagree with that statement.

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In any case the 5th and  8th cargo fleets have sailed for Tripoli and Algiers loaded with silver and fine works of art captured from Norway to pay tribute to these great African Nations.


zhe Doc is offended too!


Don't vorry about sending a tribute, I vill collect it myself, your oil vill do just fine...

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First you try to create war between peaceful nations and now you add feeble threats when told to mind your own business?




I don't consider African Nations on another continent to be peaceful. I wasn't trying to create war but trying to bring attention to these world events. Those in your group are the only ones that seem offended by it. I didn't cry about it when it was done back to me in Algeria's opinion of what my groups next move was. As far as Canada, you were only threatened when you in no uncertain terms said that I should not presume to be safe from a Canadian invasion.


Perhaps this can be settled on the battlefield at a later date?! :blush:

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