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Game 72


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Such hostility, you guys. This is not good. You shouldn't hold in all that anger, it could put you at war with someone. All this shooting off at the mouth is no good. Too much of that will get you as dead as this guy: :blush: And just as fast too. Nobody likes going out like Greedo. :D


So, this African Nations proposes peace to all parties. I will gladly accept your offerings of good cheer, Predator. You may not have sandy beaches but I hear you sure do have some hotties in bikinis. I'll take a dozen of them for my harem.



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:oops: Sort of looks like a pack of rats or vultures. Once they smell blood they all rush in. I am happy to report the Greek attacked and lost 1657 arms points against a secondary army. 60 % more than the Reich. Who wants to get bloodied next? Rommel ( We wll remember any friend who steps forward)
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( We wll remember any friend who steps forward)



Hello friend..... :thumbsup:


to start this friendship I will sent you my shopping list of goods I need...

seems I could use with a bit of replenishment for my overheated factories.


and Allah will praise you for the help you can sent to one of the true followers of the path... yes you can help us defeat the Evil Turk and get me a foothold in Europe... :oops:

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To Greece and her Allies, look to the sky my friends! With love from the Templar!


To Templar - Awww...such love. :ranting: Just remember though, what goes up, must come down.....please allow me to help. :blink:



Who wants to get bloodied next?


To don - How about yourself? :ninja:



To Grimor - Sorry, we have no vacancies at this time. I hear France has plenty of space though. :wacko:

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Cairo, Egypt (AP) - Today, all ten pilots of the 17th Air Group 45th Air Wing were awarded the Royal Egyptian Air Force's highest honor, the Flying Cross. These awards stem from their actions while on patrol with the 45th Air Wing on January 10th in the Aegean Sea. While under fire from 2 Turkish Scharnhorst class Battle Cruisers and 1 Turkish Bismark class Battle Ship, members of the 17th Air Group did not follow the rest of the 45th Air Wing by releasing their payloads early and heading for home. Instead, they maintained their attack run and delivered two devastating hits to the Bismark Class Battle Ship sinking it.


Nine of the ten members were on hand at the ceremony. The tenth, Major Kamuzu Husein was awarded the medal posthumously. He was shot down while making his attack run. Rescue personnel failed to locate him while searching the area of his last known coordinates. He is survived by his wife, Panya, and his three children who accepted his medal.





Aircraft of Egypt conducted a maritime strike at AEG3 against Turkey on Monday, January 10, 2005


General Mounir is the commander for Egypt Combat Bonuses for Egypt total + 8%

Combat Bonuses for Turkey total + 0%





Air Group Name Experience Planes Air Group Name Experience Planes

16th Sea Plane, Sunderland I Line 10 17th Sea Plane, Sunderland I Veteran 10

58th Sea Plane, Sunderland I Line 9 59th Sea Plane, Sunderland I Green 9

87th Sea Plane, Sunderland I Green 9 88th Sea Plane, Sunderland I Line 10




3rd Squadron

Ship Name Experience % Effective Ship Name Experience % Effective

Scharnhorst, BC-75 Green 96% Bismarck, BB-118 Green 91%

Scharnhorst, BC-119 Green 96%




0 planes were destroyed by anti-aircraft fire during the dive bombing attack wave


0 planes were destroyed by anti-aircraft fire during the torpedo attack wave


0 planes were destroyed by anti-aircraft fire during the strafing attack wave


3 planes were destroyed by anti-aircraft fire during the level bombing attack wave

9 planes from the 16th Sea Plane group (Sunderland I) attacked the BC-119 (Scharnhorst) resulting in 0 bomb hits.

9 planes from the 17th Sea Plane group (Sunderland I) attacked the BB-118 (Bismarck) resulting in 2 bomb hits.

One secondary explosion was seen

9 planes from the 58th Sea Plane group (Sunderland I) attacked the BC-119 (Scharnhorst) resulting in 0 bomb hits.

8 planes from the 59th Sea Plane group (Sunderland I) attacked the BB-118 (Bismarck) resulting in 0 bomb hits.

9 planes from the 87th Sea Plane group (Sunderland I) attacked the BC-75 (Scharnhorst) resulting in 0 bomb hits.

10 planes from the 88th Sea Plane group (Sunderland I) attacked the BC-75 (Scharnhorst) resulting in 0 bomb hits.






Air Group Name Experience Planes Air Group Name Experience Planes

16th Sea Plane, Sunderland I Line 9 17th Sea Plane, Sunderland I Veteran 9

58th Sea Plane, Sunderland I Line 9 59th Sea Plane, Sunderland I Green 8

87th Sea Plane, Sunderland I Green 9 88th Sea Plane, Sunderland I Line 10




3rd Squadron

Ship Name Experience % Effective Ship Name Experience % Effective

Scharnhorst, BC-75 Green 96% Bismarck, BB-118 Green 0%

Scharnhorst, BC-119 Green 96%


At least one ship suffered secondary explosions onboard

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Newsflash from Casablanca



After the old leader of Morocco chose to resign there has been a lot of uncertainty in the world. Some nations even thought of invading Morocco to take advantage of the situation. Naturally the mighty army of Morocco, guardians of democracy, had to intervene.


Today general ChicO seized power in Morocco. The army, navy, airforce, labor unions and Russ fully support this coup. All promised to support ChicO in his quest.


Our allies should not be afraid. The foreign policy of Morocco will remain peacefull. Our ambassadors have been instructed to open negotiations with any country that wishes to join our holy war.


We just have a small problem with Sweden and Finland... :alien2: Moroccon rangers have been dispatched to the far north to infiltrate the infidels.



End of message.

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Oh man... Seems zhere's no stopping some people!


I just managed zu break zhe TA vith Norway, vill you be doing zhe same trick again vith Morocco????


Anyvay, zhe Doc has a TA to spare, anybody interested?



Anything new on zhe Saudi fronts? As a matter of fact zhere is. Both Southern Russian und Persian forces have been chased from zhe Iraqi cities effectively shutting down all zheir resources from other countries.


Hail zu Egypt who is currently liberating Syria from zhe Turkish forces und giving back zhe land zu its rightful owner Grimor. Rumor has it he vill be in debt for zhe rest of his glorious life. He seems to have plans again to conquer Europe...


Persia has lost more zhan a third of his large cities but still seems able to build T34 after T34.


Anything else happening in Europe....???

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:P Chico it's great to have you back on board.

As I look at my daily reports from the field it occurs to me that the mighty Bulgarian leader who has ranged far to the north thru Rumania, Hungary, Poland,and Cech runs on the same day as me. Since he ran first this time I know where his units are. 18 divisions in Nachod. Interestingly the area he came thru is now vacant according to my recon planes. There is a 50% chance I will run before him next turn. If he didn't change his retreat location I can cut his retreat off.

I am in consultation with my chiefs of staff and my allies. Shall I attack and try to anniliate his lead army or shall I wait for my allies to get to the front and take the conservitive route? What do the leaders of the world think?

The Greeks seem to have lost the battle and retreated out of Austria with over 4000 arms points lost in 15 days. You should which your coast.

Would the Russians Like to work out a deal to cut Bulgaria off further south and make my decision easier? :beer:


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Good to have you back ChicO. This game needs more people with personality. Those nads guys are a riot! Anyway if Morocco is still ta'ed to Norway how about ceding tunnsjoen back to Norway so I don't have to DW on Morocco.


Now about that Sweden and Finland thing. How about an alliance?



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Running on the same day, sure make for a really interesting game. :beer:


Btw, you left out Germany from the list of nations (sure its one piece of territory but it counts). :beer:


Ooooh, the excitement of it all. Will I be attacked or not? Stay tuned folks, you don't want to miss this one. :P


Found 18 Divisions, that's good news for me. I was wondering where those guys where. :cheers:


You don't want to know what THIS world leader thinks. :drunk:


I think N. Russia may have other ideas since he's DW with you. :cheers:

Then again I may be wrong. Time will tell.


Me and C. Russia are :cheers: <<hoping he didn't slip anything into my drink>>


Welcome back ChicO...stay and enjoy the show. :beer:

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