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Game 72


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<_< My dear Doctor, The World War continues to your north with much blood shed and victorys and defeats. I am actively looking for allies to help in the fight with Bulgaria and Greece. Have you finished with Turkey? Rommel


Ahhhh.... Turkey is being wrapped up by our Egyptian brother who is nearing zhe Turkish border vith Syria.


THE Sheik is taking a holiday in zhe Persian capital xTehran. Vell deserved. After zhis he has to do some cleaning up of runaway Persian troops und get ready to cross zhe mountains marking zhe Southern Russian border.


Zhe Doc himself has effectively shut down all occupied Iraqi resources, all cities are liberated und zhe troops are ready to move again. Zhey have a lot of ground to cover...

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Zhings ain't vhat zhey used to be....


Instead of encountering dozens of T34s from our Turkish, Russian und Persian friends we now only spot INF39s once in a vhile.


But zhe size of zhese countries zhat you have to conquer!!!! Amazing....





Vas ist das???


A brand new army of T34s from Russia on vacation in Iraq?!?!?!


Work to do!

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:laugh: It's good to hear you are moving north dear Doctor. We hope you join the central Europe battles sooner than later. My hat is off to you Commander Azuth, it was a mighty second battle for Austria and I declare you and your two allies the victor in this battle, however I did note that my first army inflicted over 2500 arms points of damage on the two Bulgarian armies before I was forced to withdraw.

Hummmm that could leave the door open for the Russians to back stab the Bulgarians or the Greeks. I did notice that Northern Russia has NO agreements what so ever with the Bulgarians and you now have a frontier with each other. :laugh:

Rommel in the defense of the Fatherland

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It is good to hear from anyone these days. Everyone seems to be caught up plotting...or planning...or with their pants down. :D


Thank you Rommel for your acknowledgement. Yes the 2500 ARM points can be a bit of a setback, but not as bad as the 3600 ARM points I believe I inflicted on you. If I'm correct that puts us 1 for 1 for battles. I look forward to our next engagement. :drunk:


Now..now...stop instigating our North Russian neighbor into going places that could be hazardous to his health. Perhaps he'd prefer to visit the 17 Marine Divs that Great Britain landed in your territory. :oops:


You sneaky devil you. :cheers:

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What are those fires that can be seen burning in Germany's ports!? Oh that's right it's Great Britain and Icelands ships!  :cheers:


Well, well......look who's chiming in! Mr. "I won't fight unless I have at least a 3:1 country advantage over my adversaries". Well "predator" I'm glad that you "chose" the right side again! By my last count its 10 countries to 5.......are you sure you know what your doing? You don't have your 3:1 ratio......yet. :oops:


Your coastline is long and you have many ports to guard. We have alot of ships that are tired of LFE. Revenge is a dish best served cold and "predator" its pretty cold up there. :drunk:


Congrats on your pearl harbor! But everyone knows what ends up happening in the end. :D

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Sounds to me like someones grapes have gone sour. :P Everybody knows you can't last in this game by yourself. Finland and I took out Norway early but it was 2 on one not 3. At last check your group of Ireland, Iceland, Great Britain, Germany, and France is bigger than our group of four. And you can't tell me that one of those five countries hasn't been doing the spying I see going on in my country every turn. It was only a matter of time before one of you guys tried landing in Sweden.


All ships leaving Great Britain or Ireland should have a life preserver for all those unfortunate souls on board. :pirate2:


I'll leave the lights on so your guys can find the beach at night. :D

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No sour grapes here my dear predator, we look forward to yet another challenge in this game. Lets get the country count set right though, just for the record. :D


Good guys: Iceland, Ireland, Great Britain, France and Germany. :pirate2:


Bad Guys: Sweden, Finland, Northern Russia, Central Russia, Bulgaria, Greece,

United States, Canada, Portugal and Morocco. And lets not forget the

deceased active bad guys of Lowlands, Austria, Denmark, Italy and

Switzerland that was the first coalition to attack us.


Good luck and Happy gaming! We'll fight to the last. :P


The Templar

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I am looking forward to the challenge this game presents. You guys are formidable foes and will not be taken lightly. I had not realized that U.S., Canada, Morocco, and Portugal were your enemies. To my knowledge none of those countries have declared war on you guys yet. But of course I can't see everything that goes on behind the scenes.


I have not dw war on your group because everyone else has. For me it was simply a geographical problem. Plus it will be a good challenge and an interesting war. Iceland, France, and Germany are consistently one of the best group of players in this game and it will be a notch in my gun to help defeat you guys.








Sweden 72

Tunisia 75

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