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Game 72


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No sour grapes here my dear predator, we look forward to yet another challenge in this game.  Lets get the country count set right though, just for the record. :ninja:


Good guys:  Iceland, Ireland, Great Britain, France and Germany.    :blink:


Bad Guys:  Sweden, Finland, Northern Russia, Central Russia, Bulgaria, Greece,

                United States, Canada, Portugal and Morocco.  And lets not forget the

                deceased active bad guys of Lowlands, Austria, Denmark, Italy and

                Switzerland that was the first coalition to attack us. 


Good luck and Happy gaming!  We'll fight to the last.  :D


The Templar





Oy! You forgot zhe NADS countries!!!

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It appears that Iceland is probing the defenses. :ranting:  The Minister of  Defense asuures us that any Nordic barbarian that washes up on the Swedish coast will do so with their face in the water. :angry:


Starts out as a probe...............ends up an invasion! :)


But where? Your coast is vast, very difficult to protect. Tough to shift troops around with all those mountains. :oops:


We'll find a soft spot! And when the time is right............. :blink:


Templar of Iceland

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Cairo, Egypt - Reports of a Turkish attack on the port the Dread Pirate Roberts :oops: calls "home" were confirmed today. Originally dismissed as a fairy tale, the numerous eye witness accounts from people in the city and the survivors of the ill fated attack, soon substantiated the stories.


According to the accounts, early on the morning of March the 20th the 17th Turkish Task Force appeared on the horizon. As the fleet began to close the general alarm was sounded to man the coastal guns.


Ships of Turkey conducted a coastal bombardment at xSuez against Egypt on Sunday, March 20, 2005


Combat Bonuses for Turkey total + 0%




Task Force 17

Ship Name Experience % Effective Ship Name Experience % Effective

Roeder, DD-17 Line 100% Roeder, DD-18 Line 100%

Roeder, DD-19 Line 100% Roeder, DD-20 Veteran 100%

Roeder, DD-21 Line 100% Roeder, DD-22 Veteran 100%

Roeder, DD-23 Veteran 100% Koln, CL-47 Green 100%

Koln, CL-48 Line 100% Koln, CL-49 Green 100%

Koln, CL-50 Line 100% Graf Spee, CA-71 Line 100%

Graf Spee, CA-72 Line 100% Bismarck, BB-73 Line 100%

Bismarck, BB-74 Line 100% Scharnhorst, BC-75 Green 100%

Scharnhorst, BC-119 Green 100%



Excellent fortifications protect the coastal batteries


Division Name Experience Firepower Division Name Experience Firepower

Light Coastal Bns. Line 272 Heavy Coastal Bns. Line 278




Its was at this point, survivors say, the Dread Pirate Roberts appeared before the fleet. He was floating above the water and proclaimed in a load voice that could be heard on every ship the following: :angry:


"I am the Dread Pirate Roberts. There will be no survivors. My men are here, I am here, but soon you will not be here.... The Dread Pirate Roberts takes no survivors. All your worst nightmares are about to come true. The Dread Pirate Roberts is here for your souls!"


Before finishing, Roberts combusted into a flaming visage that struck terror throughout most of the ships crews. Some ships officers were able to keep their panic stricken crews in line. Others succumbed to their crew's panic and ordered their ships to flee the combat.


At this point the coastal guns opened fire and rained destruction down on the attacking fleet. Within minutes the sky was filled with thick black smoke and the sea ran slick with oil and blood.


"It was terrible. The shells kept coming. Not even the smoke from the burning ships seemed to impede their aim. It was like the demon hand of Roberts himself guided them." - Adem Berk, Pettie Officer RTS Himmel


"The air was filled with the sounds of the dieing. I could still here the Fleet Commander ordering all ships forward. His flag ship was to our starboard and we did our best to maintain course with her. Suddenly I caught this bright light out of the corner of my eye. Our ship rocked as we felt the shockwave and heard the roar of the explosion. When I could see and hear again, the radio was silent and nothing remained of the flagship except a black stain in the water." - Hasad Zeki, 1st Lt. RTS Constantinople




Task Force 17

Ship Name Experience % Effective Ship Name Experience % Effective

Roeder, DD-17 Line 0% Roeder, DD-18 Line 0%

Roeder, DD-19 Line 0% Roeder, DD-20 Veteran 45%

Roeder, DD-21 Line 0% Roeder, DD-22 Veteran 0%

Roeder, DD-23 Veteran 0% Koln, CL-47 Green 0%

Koln, CL-48 Line 0% Koln, CL-49 Green 0%

Koln, CL-50 Line 0% Graf Spee, CA-71 Line 0%

Graf Spee, CA-72 Line 0% Bismarck, BB-73 Line 0%

Bismarck, BB-74 Line 0% Scharnhorst, BC-75 Green 0%

Scharnhorst, BC-119 Green 0%


At least one ship suffered secondary explosions onboard




Division Name Experience Firepower Division Name Experience Firepower

Light Coastal Bns. Line 210 Heavy Coastal Bns. Line 271


The batteries successfully fought off the bombardment


Many in the city refute the claim that Roberts "floated" or "burst into flame". They say it is nonsense and the ravings of mad men. He is definitely no demon according to these people.



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You see what happened to the turkish fleet? The same fate awaits you my friend.......... :oops: The same goes for your buddy in Great Britain. His presence in Denmark so close to Sweden is not wanted even a wee bit. Perhaps it 's best if your alliance pulled out of the Danish cities and allowed the annexation of Sweden into Europe to begin. Otherwise I will have to :angry: you both.

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:angry2: Apparently everyone is letting the results on the battlefield speak for itself. Even while the eastern hordes are sweeping west over my dear fatherland I can take pride in the efforts of my panzers. In a battle with the Greeks ( they keep trying to take Austria) 6 Greek motor divisions took over 60 % losses while my Panzer army reported no casulities. -------Several medals were awarded. ------The Algerians then inflicted additional damage on the Greeks with a tactical air strike.

Speaking of airstrikes, the Bulgarians lost 95 Ju-88a-4's and 115 heavy fighters in a raid over Pollau at the cost of 64 brave German fighters. The target of the Bulgarians was unknown as they retuned home without dropping their bombs.

My armies await the advance of the Bulgarians. :woohoo:


Rommel with the well tried 1st Panzer Army

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Yessss... zhings do have been quiet lately....


zhe Doc is having a hard time locating zhe Russian main army... He's hiding und zhere are a lot of places to hide!


But fortunately he has been located again....




Anyvay, can we do a quick update on vhat's happening besides zhe German news und our never ending var in zhe south?


Has zhe US landed in Ireland, did I hear zhat correctly? Und vhat are zhe Nordics doing after having kicked Norway out of zhe game????

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The Nordics are putting it to the British Royal Navy with 25 cargo ships destroyed this turn alone. Iceland too has felt the cold bite of our determined pilots. The steady flow of traffic into German ports has gone unchecked for far too long. Do not leave port without a life preserver.


So has U.S. landed in Ireland? Sounds like Bulgaria and Greece have hit a wall in their advances finally.


What is really going on in Persia. I thought Nads had defeated my ally but now I see cities going back to Persia all of a sudden.

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What is really going on in Persia. I thought Nads had defeated my ally but now I see cities going back to Persia all of a sudden.


Have no fear, zhat is a short moment of convulsion.




He's back to Inf39s vhere THE Sheik used to fight T34s. He must be wondering how if ever he is going to rebuild zhe ARM factories.


But vhat's zhis, are you telling us he is your ally????



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