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But vhat's zhis, are you telling us he is your ally????


I thought Persia, S. Russia, C. Russia, Turkey,N. Russia all started the game together or formed up or whatever. I believe Finland and I joined that group early on. We ta'ed with the ones in our part of the world and allied with some of the others. Shoot, I thought you knew. :o:blink::huh:

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But vhat's zhis, are you telling us he is your ally????


I thought Persia, S. Russia, C. Russia, Turkey,N. Russia all started the game together or formed up or whatever. I believe Finland and I joined that group early on. We ta'ed with the ones in our part of the world and allied with some of the others. Shoot, I thought you knew. :cheers::D:blink:




I thought you TAed vith them...


No worries zhen...



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The Nordics are putting it to the British Royal Navy with 25 cargo ships destroyed this turn alone. Iceland too has felt the cold bite of our determined pilots. The steady flow of traffic into German ports has gone unchecked for far too long. Do not leave port without a life preserver.


So has U.S. landed in Ireland? Sounds like Bulgaria and Greece have hit a wall in their advances finally.


What is really going on in Persia. I thought Nads had defeated my ally but now I see cities going back to Persia all of a sudden.


- Horay for the Nordics! This one is on me --> :cheers:


- The U.S. in Ireland. Cool! :D


- A wall! Nah, we're just getting ready for some Spring cleaning. :)


- Always nice to see a good fight. Here's to you all. :cheers:

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The world can rest easy now that the rest of Great Britain's lci's have been sunk. :ninja: Another threat to the Nords has been eliminated. Now where are those landing parties that Iceland has been promising? Perhaps they've been diverted to Ireland to fight Canada and the U.S. Or perhaps they are hiding in the fog fearing the drone of our dive bombers.............. :jawdrop:

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* * * The Bulgarian Times * * *


Today in war-torn Austria, our mighty Bulgarian army defeated the 1st German Army, a testament to Bulgaria’s superior armed forces. Even though that army was repeatedly attacked by French and German bombers they stood their ground. The German army even attempted a breakthrough attack only to be pushed back and finally be defeated in the city they were holed up in. I only managed to get these few words from General Zaimov, the commander in charge of defeating this German army. “Our men are strong and brave; they have fought valiantly and tenaciously. I am proud to have commanded such a group.” said Zaimov. I asked, “What about reports of a French army moving in this direction.” Zaimov just smiled and said, “Let them come.”


In other news, after Bulgaria’s declaration of war against Algeria (in response to Algeria’s DW of Greece), the Bulgarian air force pelted Algeria’s amphibious fleet in the Ionian Sea. General Dobrev, the commander in charge of that mission had these few words to say. “This attack was just a warning to the Algerians NOT to come this way. However, if they continue, stronger measures will be taken.”


In local news, morale is high as the citizens of Sofia prepare the city in celebration of Bulgaria’s centennial division. The division is expected to parade near the capital with tens of thousands of citizens nearby cheering them on. Rumors have it that the much anticipated PZ IIIJ may be included in this parade.


Stay tuned for more news.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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Her Majesty of Luxembourg congratulates Commander Azuth on his victory over one of the German armies. Though the people of Luxembourg do not agree with the unprovoked Bulgarian aggression, we do appreciate witnessing a show of superior leadership on the battlefield. We only hope the Luxembourg Liberation Army can prove to be a more formidable opponent.


With the greatest of respect,


- Representative of the Grand Duchess Charlotte of Luxembourg

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Congradulations to Bulgaria on his victory over the world renown German army. The war in Europe is about to hit a level it has not previously seen. :wacko:


Wreckage from British ships continues to wash up on the shores of Norway. The beaches of oslo and arendal have been closed for two weeks now as volunteer crews continue to clean up wreckage and body parts.


With Ireland losing two major cities to Canada and U.S. I am writing him off as dead. I look for several more countries to join that list in the next ten turns. :o

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You should not start fire's that you can't put out. :wacko:


So when you send a flee to bite the dog of war. Just remember, that the dog's bite will hurt much more. :taz:


Be ready to bleed because I smell blood. That blood is yours. :thumbsup:


Bulgaria do you hear that? :huh: Do ya? :cheers: Thats the roarer of the fire you can't put out. :o

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You should not start fire's that you can't put out.  :o


So when you send a flee to bite the dog of war. Just remember, that the dog's bite will hurt much more. :taz:


Be ready to bleed because I smell blood. That blood is yours. :thumbsup:


Bulgaria do you hear that?  :huh:  Do ya?  :taz:  Thats the roarer of the fire you can't put out.  :huh:


Why send one flee when I can send a swarm. :thumbsup:


Actually, its Germany's blood you smell. :wacko:


Oh, that roar you hear...its not a fire...its the sound of many tank trends overloading your senses. :cheers:

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:wacko: One battle does not a war win, I noted 1990 arms casualities and 1116 air inflected last fortnight. Maybe we can inflict a little more while France,Algeria and Libya undercut the soft underbelly. :o

Rommel with the reformed 1st army

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I think a tech 30 role call is in order. There are several countries who could still be playing that have not been heard from in some time. There are even a couple of countries still playing who shouln't be(see Ireland). :thumbsup: Who can still answer the bell? <_<

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I think a tech 30 role call is in order. There are several countries who could still be playing that have not been heard from in some time. There are even a couple of countries still playing who shouln't be(see Ireland).  :D Who can still answer the bell? :)



Saudi Arabia, UAE and a Syria-risen-from-the-dead are all still very active...


In fact our enemies Turkey, Southern Russia und Persia are also... Zhis is turning into a logistics var...

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I think a tech 30 role call is in order. There are several countries who could still be playing that have not been heard from in some time. There are even a couple of countries still playing who shouln't be(see Ireland).  :jawdrop: Who can still answer the bell? :woohoo:



Commander Azuth still alive and kicking (or is it getting kicked). :cheers:


Rommel, you are quite right. One battle does not win the war, I look forward to many more battles....I just hope I can deal with them all...lol. Kudos, to you and your MANY allies. This is going to be some war, of that I"m sure. Good luck to all. :cheers:

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