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Game 72


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vroem vroem... we from the south are joining the party....






Ve are so sick und tired of zhat bloody desert!!!


Sand sand sand sand sand sand EVERYVHERE!!!!!!



Unfortunately to be replaced by mountains.... AAARRRRRGGGHHHHH....



Time for Russia to relocate his airbase again.....







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K sozhaleniyu eto bilo davno s tekh por ya mog pomoch' moyevo sotrudnik - Turkey. No seichas, ya tam and pomogu.


Syria. Welcome back from the brink of death. I had hoped that my friend the Turks had shown you the folly of joining a defunct alliance... well, I guess that is OK. I am glad to see you are back in action. Maybe we will meet over one of your cities. If so, I will salute you (with my formations) for hanging in there. That is the spirit of Victory (but really only possible when you have strong allies, I guess.)


I hope that I can be of some assistance to my friends. I am not sure that I am going to like, however, all of the Arab tanks that I will be seeing in the not too distant future.


I do offer my most sincere salute to all of my current and former enemies for conducting such effective defense, but my TA Sweden is right, unfortunately for most of you, Europe must be democratized. We, the Democratic Viking and Slavic League are going to have to liberate those countries who oppress their populations. Any freedom loving countries to the west should join in the 'crusade' (we also accept freedom loving Arab nations who have denounced authoritarianism, Wahhabism and mystic Sufism). Any takers?


Your Humble Servant

President Vsevolod Uskinov

Central Russian Republic


So to the populations of the enslaved Turkish cities I entreat (as the Bard said it best):


Over thy wounds now do I prophesy,-

Which, like dumb mouths, do ope their ruby lips, To beg the voice and utterance of my tongue-

A curse shall light upon the limbs of men; Domestic fury and fierce civil strife

Shall cumber all the parts of Italy ; Blood and destruction shall be so in use

And dreadful objects so familiar That mothers shall but smile when they behold

Their infants quarter'd with the hands of war; All pity choked with custom of fell deeds:

And Caesar's spirit, ranging for revenge, With Ate by his side come hot from hell,

Shall in these confines with a monarch's voice Cry 'Havoc,' and let slip the dogs of war;

That this foul deed shall smell above the earth With carrion men, groaning for burial.



That's not thunder you are hearing but the rumble of all the mechanized and armored divisions of the Northern Alliance. B)


vroem vroem... we from the south are joining the party....

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  • 2 weeks later...
The noise of the north will soon have his nose cut off by the sons of Rommel. Oh No Oh No! 


Now that the Danes have been dealt with behind their fortress at sea the Swedes can turn their full attention to seeing that this very thing that Rommel speaks of is a bunch of hot air.


And what has he done lately that would support this claim. I see France and Great Britain fighting with large armies in Germany, but no German armies to speak of. Certainly you can't count that army at Berlin, are they armed with pitchforks and swords?


One victory against a wounded N. Russian army does not defeat an alliance. If you guys are counting on Great Britain to stop the roll on your northern shores you are making a big mistake. He couldn't stop me last game when I was an underdog what makes you think he is up to the challenge when I am a world power. :cheers:


You boys better get them fighters up asap!!!!!!! :D

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What have we done to the Finish poeple to prevoke a response like this? Would you like an alliance? You could clean up the rements of your two Northern Allies an claim Victory! 


Turn on our brothers! :o Never! :alien: In game 69 the Links stormed from the north on tech 35 or so and put an end to world conquest of Bulgaria and Greece with their overwhelming t-34 armies. Such will not be the case in this game. This time the outcome will be different.


There will be no negotiations made or prisoners taken. :alien:


All of Europe will fall to the Northern Alliance before this game is complete, None can stand against us.

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All of Europe will fall to the Northern Alliance before this game is complete, None  can stand against us.


Of course, the other Northern Alliance had Spectre gunships and F-111 strikes to back up their armed forces... but I think that we will do just fine.


Your Humble Servant

President Uskinov

Northern Alliance

(Central Russian Republic)

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:alien: Maybe you are talking about 68. just finished. I was Finland and the other Two Links were Northern Russia and Hungary. Too bad about Greece and Bulgaria, but that was well fought to the very end. My hat is off to you and I look forward to this rematch. :alien:


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I do offer my most sincere salute to all of my current and former enemies for conducting such effective defense, but my TA Sweden is right, unfortunately for most of you, Europe must be democratized.  We, the Democratic Viking and Slavic League are going to have to liberate those countries who oppress their populations.  Any freedom loving countries to the west should join in the 'crusade' (we also accept freedom loving Arab nations who have denounced authoritarianism, Wahhabism and mystic Sufism).  Any takers?


Your Humble Servant

President Vsevolod Uskinov

Central Russian Republic


The only oppression being conducted in Europe is the burning of houses and the creation of slave labor camps as the Central Russian armies advance. If President Uskinov wanted people to be free, then why is he declaring war on his neighbors with out warning? I have seen no justification given for the declarations of war on the Baltic States, Poland, Germany, Bulgaria, Greece and Egypt. How have these nation’s leaders oppressed their people?


Clearly, greed has taken control and the Central Russian people have become deceived by their leaders. More appropriately stated, Dictator Uskinov wishes to conquer the peace loving people of Europe. Her Majesty assures the nations of the world that the people of Luxembourg do not believe in these belligerent democratic ways. Her Majesty calls upon all willing nations to join together to defend against the aggressors of the northern lands.


- Representative of the Grand Duchess Charlotte of Luxembourg


Spain 55, Finland 58, Syria 64, Hungary 68, France 72

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