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Game 72


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The only oppression being conducted in Europe is the burning of houses and the creation of slave labor camps as the Central Russian armies advance.  Clearly, greed has taken control and the Central Russian people have become deceived by their leaders. More appropriately stated, Dictator Uskinov wishes to conquer the peace loving people of Europe. Her Majesty assures the nations of the world that the people of Luxembourg do not believe in these belligerent democratic ways. Her Majesty calls upon all willing nations to join together to defend against the aggressors of the northern lands.


- Representative of the Grand Duchess Charlotte of Luxembourg


Spain 55, Finland 58, Syria 64, Hungary 68, France 72



Ahaaaaa! Jawohl meine kleine kaninchen, it is I, zhe Doc! Sorry to have you keep vaiting but I was on holiday in France, lovely country indeed.


Und was ein surprise! An active vic72 newsgroup!!


Confusing for zhe Doc, is zhere a French-German axis or not? It matters, we, zhe anti-agressor-people should szhtick together. It seems Central Russia has decided to join zhe war against NADS now zhat we have liberated Syria, Iraq und Persia. Vhat zhe Hell are Central Russian planes doing in Southern Turkey?!?!?


Anyvay, Don und Duchess, have faith, we all remember those Nordic trolls raping our vomen some centuries ago, nobody wants a bearded frozen monkey running his household, do we? If all goes vell zhe Saudi forces might enjoy a short R und R on zhe Black sea shores zhis end of tech 35...




(NB zhe Saudi army dudes are starting to nag about zhe cold weather...)

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Dr. Freud,


Germany, France, Iceland,Great Britain, and formerly Ireland are the powers that are working to hold Europe together. Algeria and Libya seem to be either working with them or against us or both. The Democratic and Slavic Viking League of Nations are currently involved in operations to depose these rogue nations and bring peace to Europe once and for all. All that have so far fallen under our rule are experiencing peace and prosperity.


NADS has defeated our brethren in the south and would push north into the regions currently controlled by C. Russia. This can not be allowed. Should you answer the call of help by the French you will be dealt with in due time. Our advice to Nads would be to stay in the desert where it is warm and safe. Only death awaits you guys in Europe!!!! :D Perhaps you should head for the Orient.

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NADS has defeated our brethren in the south and would push north into the regions currently controlled by C. Russia. This can not be allowed.


Ach so....


Vell as long as zhe Slavic und Nordic alliance is alive we NADS vill fight them vhere ever it may take us.


zhe Doc!


(who has left zhe desert und is currently struggling to cross some irritating mountains)



PS eh Sheik? Anyzhing to comment? You're kinda quiet lately...

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Her Majesty is glad to hear that Doctor Freud has enjoyed his vacation in France. The French people have come along way toward being civilized and good mannered. This is yet another testimony of the great works of improvement of life that was made possible due to the actions of the Luxembourg Liberation army.


As for Predator’s allegations against us, there appear to be contradictions in his words. The truth slipped out in his first statement.


Germany, France, Iceland,Great Britain, and formerly Ireland are the powers that are working to hold Europe together.


Yes the people of Luxembourg are holding the people of Europe together against all aggressive nations that wish to destroy Europe. We are a peaceful people and are glad you have recognized this to be the case.


The Democratic and Slavic Viking League of Nations are currently involved in operations to depose these rogue nations...


As for this statement about “rogue” nations, this is obviously a contradiction to your previous statement. This shows your true intentions of imposing your ideas of freedom and democracy upon all other nations of the world. Her Majesty stresses that there are direr consequences to the nations that elect leaders that declare war in defiance of the agreements of the international community. Her Majesty is delighted to receive word that the NADS are in agreement to stick together to fight against your aggressive operations.


- Representative of the Grand Duchess Charlotte of Luxembourg

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Getting ready to send off turn 36 and I still have not had an Air Marshal in this game! What are the odds on that!? :ninja:


A coupla little surprises awaiting the Germans when they run again. The marines at Koszalin look like they've been rode hard and put up wet. You can pass that on to your buddy there across the pond. :wub:

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Vell zhe Saudi results of turn 35 are just in und I am happy to say zhat zhe Saudi boys are enjoying zheir R&R at zhe Black Sea... Now zhat's zhe kind of progress zhe Doc wants to see!


But zhe stupids have gone to far! Zhey have overtaken zhe Russian airbase! Now zhey have to be recalled from zheir surf boards und get in zhrough zhe backdoor...


Vell... At least my headaches are not so big like zhe ones Turkey must be having when he receives his report....


Over to my NADS brothers!

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Getting ready to send off turn 36 and I still have not had an Air Marshal in this game! What are the odds on that!? :ninja:


A coupla little surprises awaiting the Germans when they run again. The marines at Koszalin look like they've been rode hard and put up wet. You can pass that on to your buddy there across the pond.  :wub:


:thumbsup: Too bad your marines lost at Koszalin. Your little surprise against the peace loving peoples of the Germanic League was indeed unpleasant. Perhaps I can return the favor. :cheers:


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Too bad your marines lost at Koszalin


What battle reports are you seeing. I was repulsed in both attacks but after the smoke cleared I was clearly the victor. Great Britains 4th army is decimated and his 9th army sits behind it already having suffered losses. Your 47th army is busy and besides the garrison at Berlin I am betting money you don't have another army anywhere closer than Austria.


Your little surprise against the peace loving peoples of the Germanic League was indeed unpleasant.


You can expect more of the same this next turn, only worse! :wub::ninja:

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Was ist das?


No confusion on zhe Turkish und Russian battlefield. 17 Turkish divisions trying to play zhe same hide und seek like zhe Russian stack, vell it didn't work!


Und hurrayyy!!


Zhe Russians are sending reinforments! Yeahhhh.... I was afraid zhe var was over....


Und zhe best news is zhat zhe Ruler of all Rulers, zhe Syrian Leader was zhe one who decided to take on zhe main Turkish army...... on his own!..... in his single pantser!!!!


Jawohlllll..... Give zhat man a siiiiiiiiiiigar!



More news...


Word has it zhat THE Sheik is performing a pincer movement of unheard size.... AROUND zhe Caspian sea!!!



Vell... Back to vork... Time for zhe Ju88 flyboys again...

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Und zhe best news is zhat zhe Ruler of all Rulers, zhe Syrian Leader was zhe one who decided to take on zhe main Turkish army......  on his own!.....  in his single pantser!!!!


Jawohlllll.....  Give zhat man a siiiiiiiiiiigar!


Vell... Back to vork... Time for zhe Ju88 flyboys again...


Hmmm this is not good .. not good at all... blabbing about mine little panzer.....

last time I did... my little panzer met some rather destructive flying machines ;(


the sigar has now been smoked... while I was riding back in my mech recon unit.... panzers... nooo no more panzers.. in Syria.... please forget we have mentioned that....


ju88... nice.. but my tech 1 stuka's still do there job very good :thumbsup::)


what a game.... what game .. I love it....


now the only thing left is to go north towards Moskou.....

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Dear Dr. Fraud,


I read with growing astonishmnet your latest propaganda. Anyone reading this forum would think you are rolling unopposed through southern Turkey!


(Cough, cough.... I'm sorry the smoke from all those burning Egyptian tanks is getting in my eyes...... )


Have you talked with your Egyptian compadres lately? Hmmm?


Chief Secret Weasel

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