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Game 72


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Dear Dr. Fraud,


  I read with growing astonishmnet your latest propaganda. Anyone reading this forum would think you are rolling unopposed through southern Turkey!


  (Cough, cough....  I'm sorry the smoke from all those burning Egyptian tanks is getting in my eyes...... )


  Have you talked with your Egyptian compadres lately? Hmmm?


Chief Secret Weasel




after all those months and years of absence....

woot welcome ..

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zhe communication is velcome...


but zhe dude has a point... Our Egyptian Brozher has an frightening industry vith almost unlimited supply going North... so I don't see this Egyptian smoke clearing up soon...


zhat is of course unless our enemies start bombing my Saudi hordes again... than zhey vill get Saudi smoke in their eyes....


Now I couldn't care less... My eyes are filled vith Turkish smoke und nobody seems to have any compassion vith me!


Now stop bothering me... I have to send out my orders soon! zhis is all too distracting!!

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(Cough, cough.... I'm sorry the smoke from all those burning Egyptian tanks is getting in my eyes...... )


Well it seems the Turkish ruler as become emboldened by his 1st victory after 25 turns of defeat at my hands.


I can assure you, Chief Secret Weasel, that the loss of my forces is a minor set back compared to the continued loss of yours.

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Wow! Apparently I've gotten somebodies attention! :cheers:


Well all I can say is now it's my turn again. I'm sure Great Britain was more than just a little surprised to see my Koszalin force back to full strenth. :drunk: Now his other force has passed me by and will no longer have a retreat location! :oops: I will wait a couple more days to run to let his marines all make a final call home to their loved ones and say goodbye. NOT!!!!!!!!!!


The Northern Alliance marches on.......................................

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Wow! Apparently I've gotten somebodies attention! :cheers:


Well all I can say is now it's my turn again. I'm sure Great Britain was more than just a little surprised to see my Koszalin force back to full strenth.  :drunk: Now his other force has passed me by and will no longer have a retreat location! :oops:  I will wait a couple more days to run to let his marines all make a final call home to their loved ones and say goodbye. NOT!!!!!!!!!!


The Northern Alliance marches on.......................................

:blink: Well I guess you noticed that you no longer have a navy outside of Amsterdam. Your ships will make a nice nesting ground for the fish. :alien:


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(Cough, cough.... I'm sorry the smoke from all those burning Egyptian tanks is getting in my eyes...... )


Well it seems the Turkish ruler as become emboldened by his 1st victory after 25 turns of defeat at my hands.


I can assure you, Chief Secret Weasel, that the loss of my forces is a minor set back compared to the continued loss of yours.


Your logic is as flawed as your tactics. Yes, you've pushed me back for many turns, but comparing a long, grinding retreat to a sudden catastrophic loss of 45 divisions in two turns is specious.......


(to be exact: of all the numbered Egyptian divisions, the highest being 49 that I've seen you've lost ALL of them except FOUR, those being numbers 11, 30, 40 and 42,)


If you have the "secret" Egyptian army waiting around in the wings, well my freind you certainly need to send them forward.......


You knuckleheads may very well end the game in xAnkara, but it won't be the cakewalk you seem to imply on the boards....


Cheif Secret Weasel

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You knuckleheads may very well end the game in xAnkara, but it won't be the cakewalk you seem to imply on the boards....


Cheif Secret Weasel


well well the true form of the Turkish horde has presented himself...

the long bottled up frustrations of a long war finally coming out... :drunk:


did we imply a cakewalk.. lol.. too many mountains for that.. will take us a while... but fortune is with us as we have enough fuel for the purpose.... so none of our destroyed ghost divisions will supposedly reach Ankara .. LOL


The ruler of The Syrian EMpire wishes you the best in the upcoming battles and refrains himself from calling any weird names over the fence...

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THE SHeikh is back from a long and relaxed holiday to the just acquired new parts of the United Arab Emirates.


He is glad to announce that the war against the evil Persian Ruler has ended. At the same time he is sad that the UAE peacemakers have to stay longer than anticipated, to protect the now armyless Persian people against attacks from other parties. It is not known for how long this army presence is needed.


THE SHeikh is happy that some of the nations that so sadly have choosen to do evil things are no longer hiding. He wants to welcome Evildoer Slicer of Central Russia and Peacehater Chief Secret Weasel to this forum of propaganda and he hopes to read and learn a lot more about the motivations of these countries. It is maybe the only way possible to solve our differences and do what is best for all: make peace!!


Having said that, I would like to congratulate all #72 players, friends and foes alike, for a year and a half of tremendous gaming fun. Without the cunning moves of our opponents it wouldn't have been the same.


:drunk: to an even better second part!


THE SHeikh

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was ist das!??!


Kissing ass?



Anyvay, I hear zhere is a lot of Peace needed in xStalingrad, so as soon as the Herr Luftballon from Syria is capable of manufacturing 3 armored division und keeping zhem intact for longer zhan 2 weeks behind zhe Turkish border, zhe Saudi forces vill be underway again.


zhe clever Saudi intel dudes tell me zhat it is anozher 20 provinces to xMoscow, so we better hurry, time flies vhen you are having spass!

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zhe clever Saudi intel dudes tell me zhat it is anozher 20 provinces to xMoscow, so we better hurry, time flies vhen you are having spazz!

To my bombastic opponent, Dorktor Fraud:

I entreat you to not be so hard upon thyself - you are nowhere near the spazz that you claim. Your forces are a bit, shall I say, "self-preservation enhanced" but give the Chief Secret Weasel's destruction of the Eyptian ground forces, it is eminently comprehensible why this might be.


Alas, your final 20 provinces to xMoscow exist merely on your planning maps. I can only greet your overwhelming optimism with an incredible sense of wonder - what makes you believe that you will succeed in coming NEAR to Central Russia? I think that probably the nearest you shall come is when you receive the bombs that were MADE in Central Russia by air mail express.


I am also a bit confused by something that the Shake called me, "Evildoer"???? Hmmm... all I want to do is bring democracy to long oppressed peoples and he considers this evil? Well, my dear milkshake, the oppressed that you have subjugated shall one day rise and throw off their yoke... you cannot suppress LIBERTY, FRATERNITY and Zil Limousines.


Sorry - but you will likely meet the same fate as your undiplomatic allies - ruin.


I remain forever,

Your Humble Servant and

Liberator of the Oppressed,

President Uskinov

Northern Alliance

(Central Russian Republic)

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Alas, your final 20 provinces to xMoscow exist merely on your planning maps.  I can only greet your overwhelming optimism with an incredible sense of wonder - what makes you believe that you will succeed in coming NEAR to Central Russia?  I think that probably the nearest you shall come is when you receive the bombs that were MADE in Central Russia by air mail express.




defying threat after threat to my humble life I managed to steal the plans of the Saudi highway construction department. As you ordered I like to add.


The situation is worse than we feared, they've lost all contact with reality. Hereby I enclose the stolen maps...


Now let me continue with my other missions,


Agent Dork :drunk:




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