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Game 72


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you are nowhere near the spazz that you claim



Au contraire mein freund!



Zhe construction of zhe highway is vell on schedule. A slight problem might be it is going in zhe wrong direction at zhe moment... Blame it on zhe flyboys, zhey turned some nice Turkish countryside in some ugly bomb craters, now zhe roadworkers have offered to repair most of zhe damage. You do understand zhey do not have zhe time to dig out all zhe Turkish pantsers burried in zhe sand.


Look at zhe bright side, you get a nice connection to zhe route du soleil!

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I am also a bit confused by something that the Shake called me, "Evildoer"????  Hmmm... all I want to do is bring democracy to long oppressed peoples and he considers this evil?  Well, my dear milkshake, the oppressed that you have subjugated shall one day rise and throw off their yoke... you cannot suppress LIBERTY, FRATERNITY and Zil Limousines.

Sorry - but you will likely meet the same fate as your undiplomatic allies - ruin.


Dear President Uskinov, a.k.a. Slicer,


Bringing democracy to long oppressed peoples is a noble task. The UAE people follow the same rule. The UAE are quite democratic themselves; the voters simply vote as they are told, just as they do everything else as they're told, by those who dispense their livelihood. THE SHeikh is a great believer in democracy. No other system is so perfectly controllable.


The Persian people were oppressed for sure. What else than a totally sadistic leadership starves its own people, and at the same time builds more GEN factories than those same poor folks can even man?! The friend of such an enemy is our enemy. Thats why you were called an evildoer.


Apologies accepted, but isn't ruin the fate for all of us in the end?!


Yours Truly,

THE SHeikh

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I would like to give props to Mike for lasting as long as he did in Persia. He gave the rest of the alliance valuable time to work together in Europe to gain a foothold without worry of being backdoored by the NADS alliance. Now that we have established ourselves C. Russia is able to help in the fight for Turkey. Turkey also has faced overwhelming odds and been able to sustain his country.


The Northern Alliance will be successful in our conquest of Germany and his allies and will at some point in this game control all or most of Europe. Nads can only be thankful that this game ends on tech 72 ending their frustrations and saving them from being conquered by the northern Alliance. All who come under our sword will fall! :drunk:


Who is the new Moroccon player? :cheers:

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The Swedish Government is hereby abondoning democratic rule and returning the throne to the rightful heir in Jean Baptiste Bernadotte III. Sweden will still honor all treaties it has with it's neighbors. Any nation that falls under the rule of Sweden will comply with our laws and be subject to the rule of our newly ordained King.


Germany has long been been an oppressor of the Nordic peoples and it is time to make things right and defeat the Germanic peoples and solidify our place in history.


Long live the King of Sweden............ :cheers::drunk::P

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Nads can only be thankful that this game ends on tech 72 ending their frustrations and saving them from being conquered by the northern Alliance.


Jawohl... he's nuts!


zhe only question is if zhe Saudi HighWay Construction brothers can work fast enough zu meet zhis infidel before peace breaks out....



Rumor has it zhat Shake, uhhh Sheik, uhhhh THE Sheik is working on a bypass highway to xMoscow. Let's double zhe effort!

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Your logic is as flawed as your tactics. Yes, you've pushed me back for many turns, but comparing a long, grinding retreat to a sudden catastrophic loss of 45 divisions in two turns is specious.......


(to be exact: of all the numbered Egyptian divisions, the highest being 49 that I've seen you've lost ALL of them except FOUR, those being numbers 11, 30, 40 and 42,)


I'm impressed. Not only did it take you 26 turns to figure out one of my tactics and use it on me (imitation is the highest form of flattery, so thanks) you can do math too. Now given that, I find it very strange that you think I should be scared because I lost 45 divisions in two turns. Do you honestly think I built a little more than 1 division a turn?


Do this math. 2 divisions every turn for 26 turns. That is the average you've lost trying to conquer a country 3 times smaller than you, 4 provinces deep, and 5 provinces wide. That would make ours losses about even in number.


Now, given that you still have forces wouldn't you think I do too? Before you point the finger of "flawed logic" you might want to double check your own.


As for my tactics, I achieved exactly what I set out too do. I pushed you out of Syria and kept him in the game. Yes, the northern territories see-saw back and fourth but Syria has never fallen. Come back down to earth. Your not winning.



If you have the "secret" Egyptian army waiting around in the wings, well my freind you certainly need to send them forward.......


:cheers: That's at you, not with you.



You knuckleheads may very well end the game in xAnkara, but it won't be the cakewalk you seem to imply on the boards....


Sorry to burst our bubble again Chief, but we never implied one on the boards. Speaking of cake walks, you might want to talk to your allies and let them remind you of your past thoughts on the Syrian Campaign.

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IThe Northern Alliance will be successful in our conquest of Germany and his allies and will at some point in this game control all or most of Europe.



:cheers: Looks like someone is bent on revenge for what happened to him in game 68. Well we will try to give you a good game. Lowlands attacked Germany --------and lost, Denmark attacked Germany--------and lost, Austria attacked Germany---------and lost, Greece attacked Germany --------- and lost, BUlgaria attacked Germany-------- and has retreated back to his homeland, Northern Russia attacked Germany-------and is in a bloody fight. Sweden has ------. Well you see the pattern. :drunk:


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Looks like someone is bent on revenge for what happened to him in game 68. Well we will try to give you a good game. Lowlands attacked Germany --------and lost, Denmark attacked Germany--------and lost, Austria attacked Germany---------and lost, Greece attacked Germany --------- and lost, BUlgaria attacked Germany-------- and has retreated back to his homeland, Northern Russia attacked Germany-------and is in a bloody fight. Sweden has ------. Well you see the pattern.


I will give you your props for defeating Lowlands ,Denmark, Austria, and Greece. I was impressed you held off so many early in the game, you certainly have my respect as a player. I believe it was C. Russia that drove off Bulgaria though. You may have held him off initially but at the time he had close to 100 divisions and C. Russia has been eating him up.


N. Russia is indeed in the middle of it but I warned you in the beginning Great Britain was not up to the challenge of stopping me. Your mercenaries have failed you as I just killed his main army with his marshal and his other army is at 25% and cut off with no hope of survival.


I don't think Great Britain has anything left on the continent to speak of. Maybe he does but I'm not real worried. So what do you do now that the northern front has collapsed? Do you stay and continue to fight N. Russia or are you going to try to stop my advance and leave N. Russia to France?



I think I see another fire burning in Amsterdam, now what could that be? :cheers:



Perhaps you would like to take a trip to Sweden and pay your respects to our new King.......... :drunk:

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defying threat after threat to my humble life I managed to steal the plans of the Saudi highway construction department. As you ordered I like to add.


The situation is worse than we feared, they've lost all contact with reality. Hereby I enclose the stolen maps...


Now let me continue with my other missions,


Agent Dork


Mr Agent Dork,





President Uskinov

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To the new Moroccan leader.......I know who you are and approve of what you did, and what you will continue to do to the "predator" of Sweden. :o


The "Link Entente" welcomes you and your people with open arms!


The Templar of Iceland


P.S. If you want or need info in regards to Sweden let anyone of us know.

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To the new Moroccan leader.......I know who you are and approve of what you did, and what you will continue to do to the "predator" of Sweden.


I know who you are and approve of what you did??????????? Clearly somebody in the Ministry of Defense of Sweden has missed something. :blink:


The "Link Entente" welcomes you and your people with open arms!



I'll bet you do, you guys are going to need all the help you can get if I can ever get past your English mercenaries. By the way whatever you paid the British I would ask for a refund. :ranting:


P.S. If you want or need info in regards to Sweden let anyone of us know.


I doubt you have any information that would be useful to Morocco. He is and will be a non-factor in our war. He can send all the ships north that he wants, I will be glad to sink them too.


I have a little surprise this turn for one of your allies. :o


So who is the Moron, er I mean Moroccon? Is it Chico back from the dead? Now that would be funny.


I know one thing, sooner or later the "Link Entente" will run out of countries to recruit to come to their aid. In the meantime I am rolling across Northern Germany, WHO is going to stop me??????????????? :cheers::cheers:


Long live the King of Sweden :drunk:

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