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He is and will be a non-factor in our war. He can send all the ships north that he wants, I will be glad to sink them too.


So who is the Moron, er I mean Moroccon? Is it Chico back from the dead? Now that would be funny.




Why do you think that I am not a factor in any war or battle. Your a bit full of yourself. You talk a little to much for your own good.


Thinking that you're even capable of taking on my Armies.


Moron well then we shall see. When I am cutting your throat in your own country. I will make sure that I stop by and pee on your family's grave. In your Capital city.


No this is not Chico. He could not live up to the task of making Morocco a viable country to fight with. But this King is very capable of doing so. I will see you on the battle field my young she-male.


Tell your Queen that I will be seeing her again soon.


The Almighty King

Adrian the Great

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Well it looks like you made another friend.


It looks like your Queen likes him as well.

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Yaddah, yaddah, yaddah...........


So all of a sudden I should fear Morocco in Sweden, whatever.


Even should he land 18 divisions in my country then what???????? oh yeah more ground kills for me.


I have assets in place on standby waiting for just that scenario to happen. As I recall Templar promised an invasion so long ago it is a myth told to the children.


Last time I checked I'm not just talking I'm backing it up.(see British forces in Europe) :o


Adrian the Great you have misqouted me. I did not say you would be a non-factor in ANY war, only in the war between Sweden and the Germanic League of Nations. If you want to jump on their ship by all means go ahead, everyone left is, just be warned it's going to sink! :ranting:


As for USMC Pointman I have a treat for you this turn :drunk:

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Say Predator....
vould any FastFreddy happen zu be a close friend of yours....???


I have seen the name in some postings but I do not know who it is. The only person I have as a close friend that plays victory is Ken Rozhon and he doesn't have much use for the forum. This is currently the only game I am playing in right now and as far as I know that fastfreddy guy isn't in it and never was. Why do you ask?

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I've got to give a role call to Great Britain.Hello, hello?


Marshal Rommel- Can you come out and play? It is suddenly lonely in Northern Germany. :oops:


The country of France has violated all rights of humanity by sinking our hospital ships at Bergen. :oops::wacko: They were clearly painted with red crosses so as not to be mistaken for ships of war. The Swedish people will not soon forget these cowardly acts against the wounded and unarmed.



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I've got to give a role call to Great Britain.Hello, hello?


Marshal Rommel- Can you come out and play? It is suddenly lonely in Northern Germany. :cheers:


The country of France has violated all rights of humanity by sinking our hospital ships at Bergen.  :(  :oops: They were clearly painted with red crosses so as not to be mistaken for ships of war. The Swedish people will not soon forget these cowardly acts against the wounded and unarmed.




:cheers: The Northern Alliance seems pretty confident and we wonder why? The 18 division Northern Russian army at Ceske mostly made up of T-34's is no longer confident, in fact it is no longer at all. The Northern Russian planes in Poland are no longer so confident, our records indicate over 5000 air points caught on the air fields. Where were the fighters?

Oh are the crews of those 4 Queen Marys (troop ships not hospital ships although you may have needed them for hospital ships) siting on the ocean floor at xBergen confident? We offer our condolences to the famlies of these soldiers, sailors and airmen. It is not their fault they were poorly led.


If you would like to visit Berlin I can prepare a reception for you and your friends, :blink:


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If you would like to visit Berlin I can prepare a reception for you and your friends, 


I already know what you have at xBerlin, I am not really interested in fighting the 2nd army of infantry and static behind fortifications. I am more interested in the 47th army that you have at Teplice.


The Northern Alliance seems pretty confident and we wonder why?


We are confident despite the losses by Northern Russia. You were okay as long as you could hold the Eastern front, but what happens when you can't fight side by side with France? :(


Oh are the crews of those 4 Queen Marys (troop ships not hospital ships although you may have needed them for hospital ships) siting on the ocean floor at xBergen confident? We offer our condolences to the famlies of these soldiers, sailors and airmen. It is not their fault they were poorly led.


You are right about one thing, that naval force was poorly led. It should have sailed the previous turn but the commander in charge of the port issued fuel to be released to the wrong naval force so they got stuck there an extra turn. Admiral Von Horn has since been relieved of command and is being court martialed for negligence in his duties. 5 marine divisions and the ships crews perished in the oversight. For this when we reach Paris we will burn it to the ground!! :oops:


This will be a bloody war yet and King Jean Baptiste Bernadotte III is grateful to the men of Sweden and the rest of the Northern Alliance that have given their lives for the furtherance of peace and prosperity in Europe. We will fight on and we will win........................... :cheers::blink::cheers:

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  • 2 weeks later...
It's awful quite on this forum lately. However it has not been as quite in the skies over Sweden. The enemy has penetrated our counter intelligence network and delivered a nasty blow to the honorable men of the Swedish Airforce.  :cheers:  :P  Retaliation is forthcoming.......................

:huh: Lost a few air transports did we?

You will have to give these airmen the same honors as the sailors, soldiers and airmen received the turn before.



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Despite the recent losses the people signing up for the Swedish armed forces reached record numbers for the month of September. We are filling out positions as fast as we can train the new service members.


Thanks to the 14th army Corp of engineers the runways have already been repaired and are again ready for use.


Germany's futile attempt to turn the tide of this war will be short lived as our forces continue to pour across the German plains. Victory for the Northern Alliance is at hand despite the desperate attempts by the enemies air force. A question that all our Generals on the ground are asking.....Where are the ground forces???? Oh Yeah, Hiding out at xDresden. Take cover boys......... :cheers:

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Thanks to the 14th army Corp of engineers the runways have already been repaired and are again ready for use.


:cheers: I forgot to mention the 17 plus transports that were also sunk last week. You will need to honor these sailors as well as those from the 4 Queen Marys sunk the fortnight before. Is it getting harder to supply your trapped army on the mainland? I meant to say your troops in the beachhead of Dunkirk, I mean Danzig. Too bad about the loss of a second Northern Russian army as well. Let us know when you are ready to discuss an armistice. :P


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Is it getting harder to supply your trapped army on the mainland? I meant to say your troops in the beachhead of Dunkirk, I mean Danzig. Too bad about the loss of a second Northern Russian army as well. Let us know when you are ready to discuss an armistice


Trapped army on the mainland? :cheers: Funny you think of it that way since that army just killed off two entire British armies and is advancing into your country at full strength with 11 vet and 6 line divisions. Furthermore it is not necessary to supply by sea when there is a dedicated rail line all the way north, I would of thought that to be obvious by now.


Anyway I am surprised that you have stuck your head out of your foxholes at xDresden long enough to post twice in a week. :cheers:


I had not been aware that N. Russia lost another army so since I saw no attacks by France that must mean you are referring to the army that was trapped at xKolin. I assume your reference to sunk transports are also the doing of France. His airforce is rather a pain in the #*^!# right now. It will just make our victory that much sweeter.


Well I gotta run...........my turn that is.............duck........INCOMING!!!! :huh:

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The French just seem to be such a disagreeable sort. I can't wait to get to Paris to tell them what I think. I don't believe I will take prisoners in their case. Their attacks against Sweden's commercial shipping is just ghastley. :)


The war against Germany proper by the Swede's has just begun. Now that the mercenary British have been defeated we will marshal all our assets to defeating the cancer of Europe. When Germany falls the Central alliance is doomed.


I see Britain has finally run a turn, I thought that whupping he took in Germany made him drop. Or is that a puppet regime run now by the Central alliance? :D

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